Sunday, December 4, 2011

And you didn't even notice...

I watched a great movie last night.  It was called "Our Idiot Brother."  Paul Rudd was the star and he was fantastic.  And though there were some parts that were hilariously inappropriate, this movie offers me and the rest of us some great reminders. 

We all get busier and busier in our lives.  I have put much effort into going the total opposite direction, and praise God that I am seeing some of the results.  Either way though, on the whole, commotion is the norm.  With that commotion comes a bit of focusing in on our own issues, and totally forgetting that we aren't the only person in this world.  Repeatedly in this movie, Rudd's character was "in the way" or "ruining my life", but truth was, he was seeing the WHOLE picture, while others' views were much smaller. 

I think as a parent that is tough sometimes.  I know I expect alot of my kids.  I see them for what they are capable of because of the things they have shown me.  But that is MY view of them.  MY view of what I want for their lives.  Although my intentions are good, I think sometimes these best intentions can bring negativity---for me AND them. 

Watching this movie reminded me that every little detail being perfect and how I would prefer it to be doesn't really matter.  It just doesn't.  If I am so busy focusing more on the rules and structure, then I am missing the joy and getting to know our kids for who they truly are.  Why would they want to be around me and open up if they are worried all the time about failing?  Don't get me wrong, things like respect, structure, rules, etc are a great thing.  A NEEDED thing for teaching.  A MUST have.  But the question for me---and you---is where is that line?

The thing I keep coming back to in my head is my relationship with Jesus.  It is not about rules.  It is not about keeping score. It is ALL about a relationship.  A relationship where God sees me for who I am. 

I once went to a church where the preacher was all about hell, fire, and brimstone.  Although he was dynamic and truthful, his message ended up on alot of deaf ears because everybody felt like dog crap by the time they heard the same thing every week.  How are you going to take that message to the streets and invite people to your church when all they are going to get is beaten down?  There is a place for everything, sure, but that makes no sense to me at all. 

Needless to say, I did not grow there.  I was surrounded by good people with good hearts and good intentions, but that wasn't enough.  Now, I worship at a church where you just come as you are.  You are accepted for who you are.  The sole focus is about growth in a relationship with Jesus.  That happens at different times and in different steps for different people.  But the same fundamentals have to be there.  It has to be about the bigger picture.  "Self" has no place.  Judgement has no place.  The only thing that matters is seeing people for who they are.  What's in their heart.  Taking them at their word.  And loving them---unconditionally. 

Joy is a beautiful thing.  In the eyes and hearts of our children, and also in the eyes and hearts of others.  I hope that I can be sure and keep the "self" out of my life so that I don't miss all of the beauty and opportunity to love and serve others that is passing right before me.

Just a little something to think about...  

Friday, November 25, 2011

Self-Awareness---I am Mike Maddox...

Ok, so I'm not literally Mike Maddox!  For those of you that don't know who Mike is, let me start by telling you about his brother, Greg. 

Greg Maddox is probably one of the top 15-20 pitchers to play baseball in some people's opinion.  He won all kinds of awards, was VERY highly regarded for his craft, and was feared by hitters not for his velocity, but for his ability to out-think hitters and also for his dominant command of his pitches.  He just naturally had a gift.  If people ask about the Maddox brothers, they will easily remember Greg first.

So you might be wondering why I am Mike and not Greg.  Well, that is easy.  Mike Maddox was also a major league pitcher. He bounced around on over ten different teams, and usually pitched in the middle or bottom of the rotation.  He is not someone remembered for all of his achievements on the field. 

But while Greg had his biggest baseball impact on the field himself, Mike is now having an impact and making a difference for MANY.  He is currently the Texas Rangers pitching coach.  He has led his staff to the past two World Series.  He came to Texas at the personal request of Nolan Ryan because of his work previously turning around another pitching staff in the National League. 

I see myself as Mike Maddox.  I have always been able to learn many things, and hold my own at them.  Yet, I was never the best.  And trust me, I am quite ok with that.  My calling is to encourage and help make an impact in others' lives.  I understand that.  THAT is something I am glad to know!  The question now is, what am I going to do with that knowledge?

I think we often try to be something we think WE ourselves want to be, and we lose sight of God's calling in that process.  When we do that, we are directing our lives out of selfish wants.  I used to want to climb the corporate ladder and manage others and make a huge salary.  Don't get me wrong, money is not a bad thing, but my motives were.  Life is about so much more than money.  It is about having an impact in our short time on this beautiful earth.  It is about finding what your passions are and pursuing them.  I have found that God has NEVER left me hungry or left me without a roof over my head.  My needs and those of my family have ALWAYS been provided for.   

Keep in mind that NEVER and ALWAYS are some pretty strong words...

Is there a division in your life when it comes to the path you are on vs. the desires God has naturally put in your heart?  Maybe there is a reason you feel like something is always missing.  I encourage you to think and pray about that, and if that is the case, remember that it is NOT too late to change your path!

I hope you all had a FANTASTIC Turkey Day!!    Now get out your stretchy pants and watch some football!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Date day...

Daddy/daughter date day that is!  I took just Edie to the movie today, and we saw "Dolphin Tale."  Her class had learned about dolphins, and it was a story she was atleast familiar with.  I can tell you right now before anything else that this movie is worth watching and owning!

I am big time into life lessons and finding opportunities to illustrate these easily to others.  Movies like Rudy, Cinderalla Man, Pursuit of Happyness, Facing the Giants, etc, all have all sorts of life lessons placed throughout the scripts.  This movie is no different.  Here are just a few things that went through my head or stood out to me while watching this:

-God puts people in the exact right spot at the exact right moment
-Sometimes there are bumps in the road, but the focus needs to be on the end result you are working towards, not the bump right in front of you.
-Follow and sell-out for what you are passionate about.  Don't let others steal your joy.  Only YOU control that.
-You might not fully understand the dreams and passions of another person, so be sure and STOP and SEE the bigger picture, not just from your eyes, but theirs.  LISTEN to them.
-Take every lesson you learn in life and carry it with you into everyday.  You never know when you will need to draw on something from a past experience that you learned to get you through something ahead of you.

I can honestly tell you that I could write for another thirty minutes on this film and the lessons you can take away from it.  I encourage you to go see it yourself if you haven't, and if you have, recall what you took from it then and apply it!

It doesn't surprise me at all that God put this movie into my week.  He is working on some fun and exciting things right now, and I don't know what all lies ahead, but I know my trust, hope, and faith are in him first and foremost!  NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! 

Remember that...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Influence and Process...

I am all about learning.  I live my life trying to apply a few basic groundrules everyday.  They are as follows:
-I am better than nobody
-I can learn anything from anyone at anytime
-Strive to be a little better everyday than I was the day before
-Goodness and kindness can go a LONG way in any kind of situation
-Control only what I can control
-Don't live in the past
-Failures aren't bad---they are nothing more than growing opportunities to apply along this journey
-Apply the Golden Rule often
-When someone says something can't be done, feel free to loudly ask, "why not?"

When I think of these things, which I do almost ALL of the time in some form or fashion, I get the opportunity to "self-analyze."  For me, that is just part of the process of becoming an influencer and leader in life.   Now, I could sit here and try to jibber jabber on and on about my thoughts, but I feel like it's best to let a true influencer and leader do the talking here for me tonight.  John Maxwell's book, "21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership", has back-to-back chapters on influence and process.  Here are a few lines that have managed to find themselves underlined in my copy:

(on influence)
-Titles don't have much value when it comes to leading.
-True leadership cannot be appointed, awarded, or assigned.  It only comes from influence.  It must be earned.
-Hard work is required to gain influence in any organization.  You have to earn the right to be a leader.
-Leadership is influence.  Nothing more, nothing less.

(on process)
-The secret of our success is found in our daily agenda.
-The ability to lead is really a collection of skills, nearly all of which can be learned and improved.
-Leadership is complicated.  It includes respect, experience, emotional strength, people skills, discipline, vision, momentum, timing, etc.
-It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from their followers. 
-The learning process is ongoing, a result of self-discipline and perseverance.
-People have no idea the opportunities they are passing up when they choose to NOT lead.
-To be conscious that you are ignorant of the facts is a great step to knowledge.
-When you recognize your lack of skill and begin the daily discipline of personal growth in leadership, exciting things start to happen.
-Champions don't become champions in the ring--they are merely recognized there.
-Leadership doesn't develop in a day.  It takes a lifetime.

So the first thing I noticed after I reviewed what all I had underlined was that the process and learning section had WHOLE LOT more underlined.  That is humbling.  See, honestly, I feel like I have the natural abilities to lead.  I KNOW I can influence.  I have seen it in action.  I have had verbal confirmation from leaders, friends, etc.  I am encouraged and thankful for those observations.  BUT....I lack sustained substance.  I need to be able to develop daily into the BEST leader that I can possibly be.  It is one thing to have the ability to lead.  It is a completely another thing to be an influencing and respected leader. 

I desire that.  In a sense, I feel called to that.  I look forward to seeing what all transpires and unfolds as I move daily towards reaching my capacity as a leader.  I am excited about putting hard work, study hours, prayer, thought, and great effort into daily managing my life to get the absolute most out of it!

So what about you?  Are you a leader?  Do you want to be?  What goes through your mind and heart as you read this?  Do you believe in yourself?  What kinds of people and things do you surround yourself with that are influencing you?  What kind of impact are you having on those that might be influenced by YOU? 

I just have such a belief that each and every person can achieve great and mighty things.  God put us on this earth not to just float through life, but to make a difference to those around us.  I challenge you, just as I feel challenged myself, to maximize that opportunity!  Read back through the solid statements that Maxwell's book provides us, and hold the ones that stick out near and dear to your heart each day! 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's more than just a dream...

There are just some movies that will always cause my brown eyes to well up.  One of those is "Rudy."  I find myself unable to turn the channel or not watch whenever it comes on the tv.  I find so many wonderful life lessons inside the script!

Now, most people have either seen or have heard enough about this movie, so I am going to keep it simple and just list the things that stand out to me:

-Rudy dreamed big dreams.  Not only did he dream them, but he finally acted on his own strength to pursue them and make them happen.

-Rudy was surrounded by a best friend that understood him and accepted him for who he was.  His best friend saw the good in Rudy, and helped him believe in his dreams.

-Rudy didn't care what others thought when it came to what was in his own heart.  He was ridiculed by his own father and brothers for sharing his dreams.  He didn't let other people's negativity get in the way of his heart and focus. 

-He faced giants!  In practice, he faced guys over twice his size, yet stood toe-to-toe with them and confidently went into battle!

-Being true to himself and pursuing his dreams brought others joy in the end.  His father, brother, the groundskeeper, and his best friend from college all rejoiced with Rudy and the rest of the team and fans as he played the final few seconds of the game and made his impact both on and off of the field.

You know, I think people focus so much on negativity that it keeps most people from pursuing what is in their heart.  I sit here writing this trying to sort out my own dreams, and then to put a plan together to pursue and achieve them.  Life is too short to not follow your heart!  I am thankful for Rudy, who showed us that no matter how big or small your dreams might be, it is all about allowing ourselves to follow and pursue them---and then to enjoy the fruit in our lives that comes from the results of using our strength and determination!

So whatever your dreams are---GO GET EM!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

State of the Cowboys...

I have been debating since Sunday night just where I stand with these Dallas Cowboys.  My verdict is in....and I am actually almost satisfied.

I think there are some very dumb things that they have done thus far in this 2011 season.  The loss to Detroit was bad.  Very bad.  But keep in mind, we are just a few inches from Witten catching that pass and the game being over.  And then Sunday against the Patriots, I can't be upset that our defense stopped Brady all day yet still gave up a TD when it counted.  We are the only team to hold the Pats under 30 points.  Do I like it---nope---but I think we will learn from it.  The season is a marathon, not a sprint!  I just want us to get healthy and peak at the right time!

Having said all of that, here are a few things I have noticed as a fan:

-Dez should be targeted more in the red zone.  Get him isolated.  Period.  He also should be held more accountable for his lack of production in this offense.


-I am impressed with the physicality and aggression of our defense.  It is obvious that guys buy into Rob Ryan's schemes and enjoy playing for him.

-I like Tony still, and hope they don't strip him of what has made him really good. 

-We will win the NFC East....This team will get better and better as the year goes on.

-Our O-line is going to be dominant by late this year or next year, and we should be good for awhile!

And finally-----GO RANGERS :))))))))

I hope you are all blessed out there, and that you take the opportunity to LOOK FOR and be thankful for even the smallest of wonderful things in your day and in your life.  God sure is good!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Life and baseball...

I LOVE baseball.  More than that, I LOVE getting to coach baseball. 

It really hit me Saturday as I coached for the last time this fall just how much baseball and life are closely related.  You see, in my opinion, to be good at both it's all about fundamentals and basics.  Think about that for a second.  In order to throw properly, hit properly, catch properly, etc, there are alot of mechanics you have to get down..  Not only that, but you have to be able to do them over and over the same way.

So now think about life.  It's all about attitude and choices.  But those attitudes and choices are learned first, and then practiced over and over.  When you stray from them, you have trouble.  Same as baseball.  If you don't watch the ball, you won't hit it. 

I think it is a pretty awesome comparison and such a great opportunity to teach kids about life through the most amazing game ever played!  I encourage you to take the opportunity to make that difference in a kid's life if presented the chance!

Man, I love baseball EVEN MORE now!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Current status of the mind...

Man, I am being blown away by Ephesians.  First of all, God CHOSE ME.  He chose me IN HIM!  And if that weren't enough, he chose me BEFORE HE CREATED THE WORLD!! AAAAANNNNNNDDD, on top of that, he chose me TO BE HOLY AND BLAMELESS IN HIS SIGHT!!!  All of that comes straight out of Ephesians 1:4.  The verse right before that, verse 3, tells us that he blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 


The other thing comes from some reading I was doing in relation to Tim's sermon on Sunday.  He started a series on "Transformational Church."  As we were in Acts talking about the church at Antioch, I was reading some notes in my Bible.  In regards to Acts 11:26, my notes say this:

Acts 11:26
The young church at Antioch was a curious mixture of Jews (who spoke Greek or Aramic) and Gentiles.  It is significant that this is the first place where the believers were called Christians (or "Christ-ones"), because all they had in common was Christ--not race, culture, or even language.  Christ can cross all boundaries and unify all people.

Now, I love strong words.  Did you see just how many times the word "all" was used there?  Another great thing to go back and re-read!

Another thought on this---how different and more appealing would our church's be if they were more Christ-centered, not politics-centered.  If they were focused SOLELY on what we all have in common, Jesus Christ, and we truly used that as the focal point for ministry and inviting others to know what and who we know? 

I get in conversations with people that comment that they aren't as strong in their faith as others, or they don't feel "christian" enough, or some other form of discouragement.  I've gotta tell you, I firmly believe that just having Christ is ALL you need to go to the throne confidently!  One's faith is one's own business, and something that only the Holy Spirit should be convicting you about, not others.  Go back to the Ephesians verses mentioned above.  Did Paul say you were chosen "if you go to church three times per week, memorize your Bible, perform CPR on someone, and save ten children from a burning house?"  NOT AT ALL.

That is why I again encourage you to go back and read not only the awesome depth of what Paul wrote in Ephesians, or what my Bible says regarding Acts 11:26---but also to stop and think of just how simple it all is, too.  It all goes through Jesus.  Everything does.  Christ is the center of it all.  So I ask---is he the center for you?

I hope so...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's the little things...

That statement makes me think of two different things:

1) A great Robert Earl Keen song


2) Relationships.  I came out of my volleyball game tonight and found a card and new bookmark that had been snuck into my car before I left the house.  It is not the first time that has happened.  In fact, when I had come home a few weeks back from having been gone for four days, I came home to 19 sticky notes, two cards, apartment vaccuumed, apartment dusted, laundry folded, dishes cleaned, fridge cleaned, and a love note written in lipstick on my bathroom mirror (that still resides there :) ).  Again, it's the little things.

How can I not want to wake up and want to do special little things for or constantly think about a person that loves me and thinks of me like that?  Did she HAVE to do ANY of that?  Heck no!  But she did anyway. 

Selflessness.  Thoughtfulness.  Generous.  Loving.  Caring.  Servant hearted.  Good communication.  Respect.  Friendship.  Trust.  Being a partner.  Investment in the bigger picture.  THOSE are the things that make relationships grow and strengthen.  I am very lucky that God has sent me someone that views relationships the same way that I do---and not only view them that way, but also acts on it daily!!!

So tonight, I ask you, are you doing YOUR part in your relationship?  Are you just expecting and not giving?  Are you giving all that you can?  How important is your relationship to you in the first place?

If things can be better, I hope you will consider ways that you can take the initiative to do more, and then following through by doing it!

I love you,'re a blessing...

Be a blessing out there everybody!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My current facebook status...

There are a few things in my life that I try my hardest to consistently live by that have brought me the greatest peace ever, and have made my relationships stronger and life quite fruitful:
1- God is bigger than everything, and can handle anything
2- Life is NOT all about me
3- Control ONLY what I can control
4- Attitude is everything....and I decide what mine is...nobody else does
5- Life is about constantly choosing one thing over another...alot can be told about us just by the things we    are choosing between

I hope that EVERYONE has the opportunity to live a peaceful and blessed life---and if yours isn't, then I encourage you to ponder these truths and open the Bible :)

The other thing I should have added is this: We assure others of failure in our eyes when we hold them to standards that are unfair and unattainable---so see the good in people no matter who they are, and don't judge them by their past, as everyone is capable of change, and there is only ONE judger, and it is not ANY of us! Set people up for success, and hope they take advantage!  But if they don't, that's a "them" problem, not a "you" problem...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Law of the Lid...

I started reading a new book on leadership today.  It is by John Maxwell, and the first chapter deals with the "Law of the Lid".  Basically, it says that you are only as effective as your leadership potential.  If your leadership ability is limited, so too will be your ceiling.  Pretty interesting and true stuff there!

On a different note, I got to meet some more of my future family this weekend, and THEY ROCK!  I had such a blast, and look forward to seeing them all again...

I am just one blessed dude!

Friday, September 23, 2011


What is your life about?  Is it about "self"?  If so, did Christ live life that way?

Just a little something to think about this weekend...

What changes can you make in your life NOW so that you have the best possible future?  Selfishness is NOT the path that leads to God's best...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A great find...

You never know if something you might have laying around that means nothing to you might just be a great treasure to to someone else.  Look around---are there things you have in a closet or in a cabinet that you don't need?  Why go through the hassle of a garage sale?  There have been a ton of wild fires, plus, there are just other people out there that might be in a bit of need. 

Just a REALLY easy way to impact someone else's life out of your giving heart...think about it!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A tip of the cap...

I just want to stop and tip my cap to all of the guys out there who are step-dads that are actively loving on their step-children.  I know that to this group of individuals this is just how it should be, and you take great joy in your role---but the truth is, all too often, most guys don't take this role seriously.

Keep up the great work dudes!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Buckle up and grab a snack...

...because this might be a long one!!!

The latest in what's going on in my mind and my world:

-I HAVE to start with my long week of inner turmoil.  That durn Tony Romo ripped my heart out AGAIN!  I was absolutely done with him after last week, but I think he still has alot to give for the year, and choose to have atleast the tiniest bit of faith.  But he BETTER get his crap together!!!

-I hope Texas goes to the ACC, Texas A&M to the SEC, and Oklahoma to the Pac-however-many-they-end-up-with.  I think A&M will not be as good as they think.  I like them, so don't take that as me drinking the UT kool-aid.  I just think that there is more to lose than to gain, and they will be going into the SEC with a new QB, and if things don't look good quickly, they could be in for a long road to get there.  Just my opinion.  I also think that as much as I love Texas, they are a little too big for their britches.  Greed and money is the whole thing behind all of this anyway, so it only stands to bring more bad than good!  I just can't stand Oklahoma, and I hope they go and do good and keep blowing it in BCS games on a national stage!

-I am getting married FOUR weeks from today.  I am SO lucky to have a woman that loves me and puts effort DAILY into our relationship and family.  God has blessed me beyond measure with Kelly.  I just don't have the words to fully describe how I feel about her.  I love you, and I can't wait for you to be my wife and get to wake up next to you each and every day!

-When we were in DFW last weekend, we went with Kelly's mom to see her first car and also get her late father's dog tags from his military days.  There ended up being a write-up in the Star Telegram about it, and the thing that stood most out to me of the whole thing was the heart and choice of a man named Emerico Perez.  He has had this car since the late 1970's and just recently decided to have it fixed up.  During this process, they found a rear fender that needed to be replaced, and found the dog tags upon cutting that fender out.  Well, what ensued from there was Emerico searching out this man's family to get the dog tags back to them.  Emerico said himself that he used to not give much thought to the military, etc, but now that he has his own son in the Marines and stationed in San Diego, he has a whole new appreciation for the dedication and sacrifice that our troops give, and he was intent on making sure those dog tags got back to where they needed to be.  Again, life is about attitude and choices.  His attitude and choice impacted a woman, her family, and everyone else that got to sit around and hear and be a part of a story that involved a car, a good man, and some dog tags of a former soldier.  It is good to know that there are still some really good people out there.

You're a good man, Emerico Perez.  I pray you and your family are blessed as you go on in life.

-I am getting a vasectomy next Friday.  That's about all I have to say about that right now. 

-Our Friday morning mens group is starting a study on Ephesians this week, and will continue in it for a long while I'm sure!  I am very excited to dig deeper into the Bible than I ever have, and can't wait to see what all God teaches me through this.

-I love meeting new people and learning about their hearts.  I had a roommate for my work meetings this week.  We had the chance to spend alot of time together and just sit and talk life, work, etc.  I loved hearing about the things he does to make a difference in people's lives in his community, and also learning that he has a heart to do so much more.  Again, it is just great to see that there are people out there that put self last and make a positive impact in the lives of those they come across. 

-I am STOKED about my new bike that I got from Landry Gibbs!  YOU ARE A BLESSING MY BROTHER!  I can't wait to get out and enjoy riding again!

Ok, I think that is enough for this morning.  All I know is that God is good, I am blessed, and I am thankful for a life that is more fulfilled and simpler than anything I have ever had the chance to live!!!

Have an AWESOME weekend out there!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Back from the dead...

Seems like forever since I last blogged!  Man, life has been hectic, but AWESOME!

This last weekend was a great one.  I got to meet my future mother-in-law in person, and I can definitely see where Kelly gets alot of her awesome qualities!  She is a sweet, generous, thoughtful, and classy lady. 

Now I am at meetings for work until Thursday sometime, so my free time is scarce!

Today is going to be a short one, but I wanted to stop in and mention a few things I will be writing on soon:
-Tony Romo and my Cowboys
-College football
-Texas Rangers and playoffs
-GOP challengers
-Emerico Perez and a reminder of how life is a game of inches sometimes
-Pursuing your dreams
-and ALOT more!!!

I thank God for giving me a mind that he puts thoughts in all of the time!  I love sharing the things I think and learn, and look forward to getting these out to you so that maybe they can impact your life, too!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Faithful again...

I love when I am sitting at my keyboard and thinking that I have nothing I think is blog-worthy.  It doesn't surprise me anymore when God then does something like remind me of a friend that I have been playing phone-tag with, who I then call, and we have a long talk that brings each of us encouragement and God some glory. 

God, you rock!

ALWAYS faithful is my God.  ALWAYS!

I loved catching up with Mike.  He is a guy I went to high school with and hung out with some.  Most of that consisted of having mutual friends and being in the same places at the same times.  Either way, our friendship didn't have God at the center of it then.  That is why it is so awesome to see God put us back in touch at this point of our lives where our conversations are built around what God is doing in our lives, or how we are working towards being even Godlier men in our relationships, and providing encouragement for each other in our individual endeavors, etc.  The kinds of things that I know brings a smile to the Lord's face. 

So Mike, I wish you success as God wants it for you, and know that God used you to provide me much encouragement and a great big smile tonight.  Keep plugging away growing as a man.  Keep focusing those eyes only on the Lord and seeking wisdom from above.  Keep being a Godly example for your children, both at home and the 8th graders that you impact.  Keep having your convictions and daily decisions challenged only to provide further growth.  You're a good man, Mike Farco.  A good and Godly man!

I look forward to more frequent visits brother!  You bless me!

Thanks again, God!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Winning while losing...

I'm in a battle I know I'm not gonna win!  The deck is stacked VERY MUCH against me!  Yet at the same time, I couldn't be more excited about what will come from it.

I guess you'd like an explanation after something like that---so here goes:

I am praying about some things and putting efforts into exploring that will be revolutionary for me and my life if they come to fruition.  They might not---and that is ok.  The battle is one of faith at this point.  Even as I type this, I know the human in me will lose.  I can't be reading the Word, reading books on stepping out on faith, have Hebrews 11:1 in my heart ALL the time, or be surrounded by a loving and believing support system and fiance and not expect God to be getting me ready for something.  Whatever it is, I'm looking forward to it!

My prayer for my life is that God will keep me selfless and let me focus on Him and my family first, then be available for whatever he wants me to do on top of that to always be making a difference in some form or fashion.  I want to live by faith first and foremost, and trust God with every detail of every day.  He has shown me over and over that my life has more peace and more joy when he is in the front taking the lead.

So today God, again, I give it to you.  I trust you.  I WANT you to do something amazing through me if that is your will.  I EXPECT awesome things from you.  I TRUST you fully.  ANYTHING is possible with you.  ANYTHING!!! 

Enjoy your holiday out there!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I'm a sponge...

What a great day!  I loved spending time with Kelly and all of our kids.  Not only that, but my parents came in and hung out for awhile, which is always a blast! 

The thing God most impressed on my heart today is that I never stop having opportunities to learn.  I am so lucky that I have the people and resources around me to help me always be in a state of growth.  I desire that because I want God's best for myself, my relationship, and my family. 

God NEVER stops teaching us.  He can and will use ANYTHING around us for his good purpose in our lives.  It is TOTALLY up to US to be receptive to instruction and receiving wisdom.

I hope your weekend is going great!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Current playlist...

Here is what I am listening to these days in my car.  It is always so hard to decide what goes on which cd, but God helps me make the final decision! 

I HIGHLY recommend you download these off of itunes if you don't have them.  They have given me an awesome week of worship in my car out on the road during my work week.  Thanks God.

Here it is:

All Of Creation - Mercy Me
Cry Out To Jesus - Third Day
Everything - Tim Hughes
From The Inside Out - Hillsong
Glorious Day - Casting Crowns
Healing Is in Your Hands - Christy Nockels (I turn this one up LOUD and REPEAT it OFTEN!)
Hold Us Together - Matt Maher
I Can Only Imagine - Mercy Me
If I Stand - Rich Mullins
It Is Well With My Soul - Jars Of Clay (Beatles style!)
Love Of God - Mercy Me
Mountain Of God - Third Day
None But Jesus - Hillsong
Promised Land - Fee
Rescued - Goesls Parade (Haven't checked for availability on itunes---MUST youtube it if it isn't there!)
Sweetly Broken - Jeremy Riddle
This Is The Life - Pocket Full Of Rocks

So again---check these out if you don't know them...I know there are a ton of great songs, but since this is MY blog, I figured I'd give you what God's been giving me!

Have an awesome holiday weekend! 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The wife of noble character...

I am SO blessed that I am marrying an AMAZING woman very soon.  As I read Proverbs 31 tonight, I am reminded by God that I am one lucky man to be marrying a woman of this sort of character!

A few verses that stick out: 11, 12, 17, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, and 31.

Take a look at those verses when you get the chance.  When you do so, remember that this is the Word of God we are speaking of, and these things MATTER in our lives.  HAVING a wife of this noble character is nothing to overlook in our lives.  Just the same, BEING a wife of noble character is something every bride should strive for, as the Bible tells us the outcome of her life and efforts.

All I know is that I can't wait to have Kelly as my bride....Thanks are SOOOO good!

Peace out!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Here's your sign...

On my way home from Paris today (Texas, that is), I saw a sign that read, "IS GOD SATISFIED WITH YOUR LIFE?".  I pondered a few things about that sign the rest of the way home.

First, it is pretty cool that someone went to the trouble in the first place to make that sign, and place it where people are ASSURED of seeing it traveling towards Texarkana from Paris on HWY 82.  When you see a sign like that, you have to answer it in some form or fashion.  It might be that you read it and ponder life, and it might be that you read it and think someone was really stupid for doing that.  It might also be any sort of thought that falls inbetween those two. makes you stop and acknowledge it.  You can't deny that.

Second, it makes my heart hurt knowing that some people will absolutely see that sign and laugh about the fact that they think my God and my Jesus are a joke.  I don't have to explain that---it just hurts me.

Finally, it made me think about what being satisfied means.  Does that mean that we are living sinless and perfect lives?  Does that mean that we are Bible-thumping extremists who are close minded and so far to one side that we can't even communicate with non-believers?  Personally, I think that question has alot to do with the word "striving".  I think if we put unecessary pressure on ourselves to be perfect---something we will NEVER achieve---we only set ourselves up for failure.  I think this sign should instead cause us to take a snapshot of today, then be motivated to move further along the path that leads to Godliness.  It might be baby steps.  It might take a looooooong time to get where you'd like.  Either way, it all gets chalked up towards growth and progress.  That is NEVER a bad thing.

So ask yourself that question.  What does it mean to you in your life?  How else do you see it?  I'd love to know and hear from you!

Make a difference out there this week!  Thanks a ton for stopping in...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Moves me...

Two times this weekend I was in a setting where a mass of people were just praising and worshipping.  I've gotta tell you, I was moved to tears a couple of times just standing in awe of how cool God is!

At the Mercy Me concert before the Ranger game Saturday, it amazed me to just sit and watch people, young and old, express their love and adoration for the Lord through music.  I think God showed me a deeper understanding of what it means to be free in Christ, and also gave me a better sense of freedom myself.

Then Sunday night, he only further solidified that in me, as I got to sit in our worship center at HBC and watch Kale and the crew ROCK the house in the name of the Lord! 

It literally just stopped everything else in my life for a few minutes.  I couldn't help but just sit and watch people singing, dancing, lifting their hands, shouting lyrics that set them free---and doing it there together inside a group of fellow believers.

Worship is SO powerful....BELIEVE IT!!!

Thanks are so very good to me...

Saturday, August 27, 2011


This morning, I wanted to bite the bullet and do my first "re-post".  So, here are a few that I find myself re-reading more than others:

Preparation, preparation, preparation...

What are we living for?  What are YOU living for?  Each day, what is your purpose?  What are you working towards?  I don't mean in your job.  Or with your finances.  I mean the bigger picture.  Life. 

The way I see it, we are suppossed to be living out the Great Commission first and foremost.  From there, it is about growing with God more and more everyday.  Everyday we should be prepared to face any opportunity, circumstance, or detail that comes our way. 

What if tragedy here on earth struck your life right now?  Are you prepared to deal with it and handle it?  What would you turn to?  What things in your life today would be pushed away and deemed non-important in the event of that?  Well, then I ask, why are they in your life today?  If they have nothing to do with truth, facts, and growing in your faith in God---becoming more and more Christ-like---then they should have no place, right?

I can't help but look at all of the negative in the world and think about how much people tend to focus on bad things.  People love tearing each other down.  They love picking fights, bickering, selfishness, pride, arrogance, money, etc, etc, etc.  I could go on and on.  We are all guilty of it atleast sometimes.  I just hope I am always quick to recognize it and even quicker to stomp on it and remove it from my life.

Those things send a negative witness out there.  What does that tell others about our Savior when we act that way?  Are you a blessing to others, or a curse?

Just some food for thought this week. 

I watched the Passion of the Christ last night.  Man....that hurts to see.  To see those soldiers and people treating MY Jesus that way.  Breaks my heart.

Lord, forgive me where I fail you.  Fill my heart with your Word, humility, love, forgiveness, joy, and thankfulness.  Your peace and strength carry me through my everyday, and I give you all the glory for anything I am that is good.

I love you Lord.

God's timing...

Well, here I sit at 6:30a.m., in my boxer briefs, watching Gus stab his horse in Lonesome Dove.  LOL.  I have been awake spending time with God since 4:23a.m.  Definitely God's timing, not mine.  And definitely some serious things to think about on my mind.

You know, I have gone through a divorce.  And as I stare some other relationship issues in the face, God has taken me to 1 Corinthians 13 this morning in pursuit of his truth and will for my life.  Not easy.  And if you are in a marriage or relationship this morning, then I hope you take the rest of this to heart.

Have you closely read that chapter?  Well, let's start further back.  Do you WANT God's best for your life?  Do you want a relationship and love to be ALL that HE wants it to be for you?  If the answer is yes, then think about these verses and what God means in them.  If the answer is no, then you might as well prepare for heartache and get on your own and move on!

God's word is clear.

In verse 2, towards the beginning of the "love" chapter, it states that "and if I have a faith that can move mountians, but have not love, then I am nothing".  Wow.  When you take God's word literally, as we are suppossed to, that hits home.  Who among us wants to be nothing?  God did not create us for that!

Verse 6 says that "Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth".  Powerful stuff.  Are we daily living in truth?  Facts are, we either choose God in a situation, or we don't.

Verse 8 says that "Love never fails".  Never is a STRONG word.  Don't most people say "never say never"?  God said never right there.  STRONG.

But the verse that speaks to me most this morning and convicts me is verse 7.  "It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres."  Always is another of those strong words.  Always is always.  I didn't do that in my marriage, but praise God that I have learned to give that my best now. 

What does it mean to "protect" love?  Think about that.  To me, it means that in EVERY instance, if you truly love someone, you think of them and honor both God and them by making the choices that respects that love.  You don't flirt, you don't leave yourself open to known temptations or past failures Satan has used against you, you proactively and selflessly put the other first, and most of all, you hold yourself accountable to seeking God with all you have to be in the best position possible to honor that love.  To me, that is TRUE, GODLY LOVE. 

That is where it is on us.  I suffer consequences in my life for not pursuing God first in my marriage.  My beautiful children suffer because of my actions.  That isn't easy to live with, but God is faithful and merciful and has worked in this.  I have accepted that, and have made the changes that I needed to make so that I can best avoid EVER having that happen again.  I want only God's best when it comes to love and a love relationship.  Any of us that say we want that have an INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTABILITY in our own lives that we HAVE to live to.  Period.  God wants and has called us to NO less.  Again, think about that.

So wherever you are today, whatever situation in a love relationship you are in, or not in, think about what God says about love.  Think not only of what it should look like, but even more about YOUR part in honoring God in love. 

Then think about when we say we love God.  Do we really show it?  Do we only think about human love relationships when we read that chapter in 1 Corinthians?  Or do we rightly hold our love relationship with God to the same standards?

Again, think about that...

There are three or four others that I often find myself going back to for encouragement.  I will leave those for another "re-post" day, seeing as how that was alot of reading right there already! 

I pray your weekend is filled with great joy, and that you ask God to show you the many ways that he blesses you....then just listen....he is so very faithful!!!

Now, off to the Ranger game!!!


I am SO excited about heading to Dallas with Kelly and our boys to hit the Ranger game vs the Angels!  Great win tonight, so should be a good one!  And MERCY ME is playing a concert before the game!!!!!

Tonight was one of the greatest ever in my life, and I am super-excited to go through the rest of this weekend!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Once again...

Random Thoughts by Tommy...

-My Rangers need to get their crap together.  If the playoffs had started this week, we would've been playing Boston with home-field advantage...well...Boston came in here and beat the stinkin doo out of us!!!  Gotta right this ship boys!  Especially while I'm there Saturday night hearing Mercy Me and taking in a game vs the Halo's!!!

-GOP nomination will be interesting this year.  I haven't started listening to each candidate's specific platforms yet, but I am excited to do so soon.  I'd love to see a debate between Chris Christie, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachman, and Sarah THAT would be some TV!

-Jeb Bush is showing up alot on Fox News....hmmm...I'm just saying....I think he makes a run at some point in the future.  Not this year, but down the road.  I have told many people that my own personal opinion is that W's book "Decision Points" coupled with Obama being the village idiot would greatly open that door for the Bush dynasty to put another notch in the belt...

-The Miami Hurricanes BETTER get the death penalty from the NCAA.  This sure ain't their first rodeo!!!

-I love coaching kids.  I love seeing the look that they get in their eye and the confidence they gain when they know without a shadow of a doubt that you believe in them.  Nothing like it.  As MJ said, "I believe the children are our future......"  Encourage a child this week.  You WILL make a difference in their life!!

-Three shows I find myself most watching these days:  Billy the Exterminator, Hillbilly Hand Fishin, and Storage Wars

-I hope you see everyone else as more important than yourself.  Life is so much better when we take the "us" out of it.  Make it about someone else.  Focus on not expecting anything back, but rather only on showing kindness to others.  Watch what happens....

-I'm excited and ready for bounceback seasons from my Cowboys and my Horns!!!  WOOOHOOO!!!

Have an awesome Friday!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I wanna kick a shout out to Chad for providing some timely words today...thanks brother!

Hebrews 10:22
let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water

Matthew 6:14-15
For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Some great words right there.  The verse in Hebrews is such a sweet one that offers a reminder of God's forgiveness to us via the blood of Jesus.  Then the passage in Matthew is a great reminder from Christ himself to us in how we should act towards others.  The thing that most stuck out to me in that is that sometimes it seems that we hold things against people that weren't actually even done to us in the first place!  I guess that we see clearly how that verse matters, since if we can't or won't forgive, we end up harboring the anger or frustration inside of ourselves as long as we can stand it.  Then, since we obviously don't wanna take it to God at that point and wanna act like we can hide it from him although we all know better, we go to someone else with our frustration and start the gossip and not-my-business train. WHOOT WHOOT, ALL ABOARD!!

I pray I get better at handling these things the right way all of the time.  Lord, draw me closer to you, and keep your words and commands close to my heart, that I might live my life bringing you as much glory as possible.  Thanks for Jesus, our example.  Make me more like him, Lord.

Have a great Wednesday out there! 

Monday, August 22, 2011

To and fro...

It is amazing what God allows us to see when we want to see more.  Tonight I had the opportunity to just hang out with a guy I think alot of and just chill.  Some talking, some nachos, some baseball---just good ole fellowshippin!  What started out as us setting a chance to just get together, God turned into an opportunity to bless and teach both of us.  We are both at different places and going through different things in our lives, yet God used one common encounter to show us each many different things individually.  It's amazing what God can do with an open mind, a willingness to learn, a willingness to share, and a desire for growth.   

That is just some pretty awesome stuff.  Thanks God.

Like Forrest Gump says, "that's all I've got to say about that."

Remember, we are all either running from something or working towards something.  The difference in those two things is attitude and outlook.  Think about that...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

None But Jesus...

I try to always give all I have to our praise and worship time at church Sunday mornings, but sometimes God uses certain songs or moments to really speak to me moreso than others.  This morning, he used "None But Jesus" by Hillsong to do just that. 

I can't even tell you the words of the song right now.  What I CAN tell you is that you should look it up and listen to it!

I was standing there listening to it during church, and as the song went on, all I could do was think of all the miracles that are in the Bible, and also was picturing myself living in the days of Jesus.  I pictured myself as one of the sinners that had the opportunity to have a literal and physical encounter with him, and what it might have been like to walk away from that, living a life that was forever changed!  Telling people daily every chance I got how great Christ is, and that my life was never the same after I came to know him!  What a journey we are all on as his children...

I thank God for moments like that.  I thank him for miracles that we can read about, and know that they are TRUE and FACTUAL, just as his word is.  I thank God that he STILL performs miracles today. 

My faith is in you, Lord.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Just in awe...

I find it amazing that God reveals things to us.  I had an instance of that today.  I have more peace and direction in my life than I feel like I have ever had.  God today decided to use this period to stop me and reveal some lessons that I have had the pleasure of learning.  The biggest takeaways from this for me are that the Bible is SO real and true, and also that each and every choice we make each and every day leads to a certain outcome---it is just a matter of which road that outcome is on.  For example, when I eat a blizzard, I know what path that is leading me down.  When I refrain and make a healthier choice more often, I go down a better road personally and physically.  It's about knowing and desiring the best for our own lives, and trusting the Spirit to lead us down THAT path and towards THOSE outcomes.

Anyway, I just wanted to give God glory for how awesome and powerful he is tonight! 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Four points...

Four things that I put a "*" next to in the chapter on kindness and goodness from one of the books I am reading, "The Practice of Godliness", by Jerry Bridges:

-If we feel our particular job does not allow us to genuinely meet the needs of people, we ought to prayerfully consider a change

-Good deeds should begin at home

-Remember that we are responsible not for doing all of the good that needs to be done in the world, but rather just what God has planned for us

-We always have time to do what God wants us to do

Think about those four statements for a second.  If we take them and apply them to our lives, we will not only change our outlook and attitude to one of more positivity than wherever we might be today, but we will also GREATLY impact and SHOW those around us and in our circle of influence a wonderful example of what a joyous, peaceful, and happy life looks like!

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Are you just drifting along through life?  Do you know which way you are going?  Do you care???

If you are seeking answers and direction, then I encourage you TODAY to write down goals and things that you think about or want to accomplish.  Then look that list over and think about the things that are currently in your life that are getting in the way---AND KICK THEM THE CRAP OUT OF YOUR LIFE IMMEDIATELY!!!  I find that once I take the thought from in my head and actually put it on paper, it becomes so much more real, and I can then start thinking about the "how to", not just the "what is it"!!!  It gives me a greater sense of direction and focus.  I love that feeling!!!

Just a little somethin somethin to ponder on :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Just some of many...

Here are just some of the many things that occurred in my day to make it fantastic:

-A nurse called needing samples of my drug because her doctors are using them all up
-I got to see one of my best friends, his wife, his daughter, and his granddaughter today
-I got to see Cheffrey and eat one of his burgers
-I had lunch with a new buddy that I am becoming fast friends with, and God is going to use that
-My bills are paid
-I have cleaned out alot of my apartment's closets and have things to take to sell or give away
-My quiet time was fantastic
-I learned how to pray specifically for a few people
-A friend's son had a successful procedure that will make that child's life SO much better
-I didn't get to see my girl or her boys, but I know they are having a blast together on vacation
-I found out she bought me something today
-I bought her a tiny little something today
-I fell more in love today
-I got to cook with my kids
-I played Yahtzee with my kids
-I got to do baths and showers with my kids
-I got to clean and do work around my apartment with my kids
-I got to snuggle with my kids and kiss them goodnight on their sweet little faces
-I bought groceries....some people can't
-I got to swim with my kids
-I got to hear my mom's voice
-I get to watch my Rangers

I could go on and on....but I just wanted to share the things I LOOK FOR in my day.  The blessings are there because I choose to see them as such, and I thank God so very much for all of the simple and small things in my life.  God, you are SO good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be a blessing and make a difference out there! 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Continuously evolving...

I am so thankful that as we walk with the Holy Spirit, we continue to be molded and shaped differently than we ever were before.  I know I constantly have to try to stay on top of where I am in proximity with what the Spirit is telling me, because it is WAY to easy to get off of the right track and back on our own.  We are human, and should expect nothing less than that! 

As I posted a few weeks ago, I am continuing on a journey towards simplicity.  It is easy for me to stay "busy" and "involved" because that is my heart, and I sincerely love people and want the best for them.  I have learned that even our best qualities can be used the wrong way if we don't put all reliance of how to use them on the Lord.  I am trying to work towards a more "quiet" life, as we are called to have.  What specifically that means to each of us, I am learning, and not quite sure of yet.  What it means for ME is that I have to continue to check friendships and their importance.  Not that people aren't important, but about whether the amount of effort, etc, going into it is what God wants.  I have to continually be watching where my time and efforts are spent, and then ask if that is the best use of those things.  As God reveals the path ahead of me, I want to be doing my best to be available to give the things he blesses me with ALL of the attention and care that they require and deserve!  After all, they are gifts from him!

I have pulled out a "God's Little Instruction Book For Men" paperback book and put it here by my bed on my nightstand.  I LOVE things like this!  They are incredibly SIMPLE and filled with just alot of meat that we can apply immediately and boldly to our lives.  These kinds of books provide great truths and simple facts that we can quickly memorize, stand firmly on, and share as we allow God to mold us.  I want to list a few that stood out to me tonight:

-Seek God first and the things you want will seek YOU
-If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself
-Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records
-Conquer yourself rather than the world
-A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down

The following three were my absolute favorites:

-Experience is not what happens to a man, it's what a man does with what happens to him
-Courage is contagious.  When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are stiffened
-A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd

Think about those.  Can you use any of those to inspire positive change that you are desiring in your life?

I thank God with my whole heart for forgiveness and cleansing of my sins.  My heart's desire is to wake up everyday and do my best to listen to God, let the Spirit guide me, be a better man than the day before, and be thankful for what I have as oppossed to upset about what I don't.  I just wanna do my part.  I trust the Lord with the rest!!!

God, you are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!  Thanks for blessing me with amazing things in my life, and for showing me that a future with those blessings from you is what I want to spend everyday investing in!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A simple fella...

I struggle with things just like everyone else.  Heck, we all have things that we need to work on, right?  Well, today, one of my issues in life is how much to care or not care about our government and economy.  One one hand, I do care alot.  It matters to me, to my kids, for the greater good, etc.  It has had great days, and shouldn't be in the state it is in currently.  One the other hand though, what do we expect to happen when we have self-serving people in our government as elected leaders, who are out for their own agenda, and DO NOT actually make decisions based on the greater good?

I'm just a simple fella.  I will admit quickly that I don't understand everything.  Most people are probably way more intelligent than I am.  What I do know though is that everything in life comes down to good or bad, of God of not of God, and all is dictated by our attitudes and choices. 

Proverbs 14:22
Do not those who plot evil go astray?  But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.

Most people hear or see the word "evil" and think crazy demonic devil-worshipping.  I see evil simply as the opposite of good.  Again, attitude is everything.  So when it comes to our elected leaders (yes, a reminder that this IS actually OUR own fault), I get frustrated that many get elected and someone is already in their back pocket for helping and their whole agenda is of self-promotion and ultimately self-serving.  Can good things come from that?  Sure.  But is that necessarily acting on what is BEST for people?  NO!

Three key words from each half of that verse to take quick note of:
-the first half---plot, evil, astray
-the second half---good, love, faithfulness

Seeing as how I could get fired up over this topic, I am going to wrap it up with two quick things.  The first is how this verse applies to your own life.  What is your agenda?  Is it yours, or is it God's?  The second is asking you to join me in praying for our elected leaders, both current and future.  We have important obligations as citizens to elect the right people for the right reasons.  We also have a voice we can use to let these public officials know what we think, and what we will and won't stand for.  USE IT!  But first, pray with me today and going forward that God will reveal to us the best people for these jobs.  God is good, and our faith and trust have to be in him first.  Seems to me that we would be better off if we elected HIM in our hearts and lives FIRST, then follow his lead and see how everything plays out.

Again though, I'm just a simple fella...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Money ain't a thang...

Proverbs 13:8
A man's riches may ransom his life, but a poor man hears no threat.

Think people have been FREAKING out over dinero this week????  I called Kelly one day and said, "It sure is nice to just have nothing, so that this crap doesn't even phase me!"

I think this verse has made alot of sense to me this week, as we have seen SUCH a strong focus on the economy.  Not only how it fares overall, but also what it does minute-to-minute.  Honestly, I couldn't care less.  Proverbs 30 reminds me that I ONLY want my daily bread, and if I have more or less, I might focus too much on that, and lose sight of what matters most.

The thing that I feel MOST reminded of from God this week in regards to all of this is the fact that he is bigger than everything.  You hear that?  EVERYTHING!!!  So our money is his money.  Our time is his time.  Our life is in his control.  So why in the crap worry about this?  He has, is, and will always be over everything.  He will always provide for us, no matter what!  As his children, he has promised us that.  So WHY doubt God???

I'm just sayin....think about it!

I wanna say a Happy Birthday to my grandpa Tommy Wilson today.  He died when my mom was 17, so I never got the chance to know him.  Also, today marks the one-year anniversary of the passing of my Mema.  I miss you Betty Wilson! 

Friday, August 12, 2011

I'm VERY excited...

I am so excited that this Sunday morning I will be going to hear Pete Chiofalo preach over in Keller.  He was mentioned in a blog of mine a few days ago, and I haven't actually seen him in years. 

I can't wait! 

I am thankful that God impressed in my heart that I should go, as there aren't many opportunities to enjoy things like this.  It's the little things in life that sure do matter :)

How often do you MAKE the time to do something out of your routine??? 

Have an awesome weekend!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A special day...

I want to wish my folks a very Happy Anniversary today!  They have been married 39 years this year...I think!

Either way, I wanted to just stop and list a few things that I love and appreciate about them on their special day:

-they have ALWAYS taken wonderful care of me
-they have taught me and given me everything they possibly can to make sure I can live my best life
-they adore their grandchildren
-they have always worked hard
-they are very caring
-I find myself more and more like them as I get older
-they care about the things that matter, and put their time and effort into that
-even when we don't see eye to eye, we are committed to what's best and working together no matter what
-they always acted out of what's best for me and my sister, not selfish gain
-they spend time trying to understand me and what matters to me
-they taught us to be appreciative of what we have, not focused on what we don't

Mom and Dad, I love you, and I thank God for you.  I love getting closer and closer with you both---not only as a son, but also as a friend---as I get older.

Thanks for being who you are, and have an awesome anniversary!

Monday, August 8, 2011

The sound of music...

There is nothing to me like music.  There is a song for every circumstance, emotion, feeling, stage of life, etc.  I have been fortunate enough to be a part of music from a performance or live aspect since junior high up until just a few years ago.  That is one of the things I hope that I get to change sooner than later---God giving me an opportunity to get back to singing somewhere.  I sure miss it. 

I thank God for giving so many people musical talent that the rest of us can enjoy.  I know so many different songs have provided me encouragement and spoken to me at different stages of my life.

Thanks for creating music, Lord :) 

Difference makers...

I know I try to encourage each of us at the end of most of my posts to make a difference out there.  Tonight, I want to just point out a few people that have made a huge impact in my life.

First, I want to clarify this.  I have many friends and relatives that are an ongoing part of the growth in my life.  These people probably won't be mentioned here.  What I am speaking of tonight and focusing on are those that made a difference at a point, yet it was YEARS later before I ever understood just how much of a difference they made.

So, here we go...

There was a family I was close to growing up that was like a second family to me.  It was the Jarrett's.  John Jarrett was one of my closest friends throughout my school years, and his parents, David and Jane, were a HUGE influence on me.  In fact, the more I go through life, them more I actually still think about them and who they are, and what I saw from them.  They were a God-fearing couple that kept each other first, yet had such big and loving hearts that everyone they came in contact with felt like they were the most important people in the world!  I know they prayed for me, loved me, taught me, and accepted me---for who I was---yet still always desired more for me and saw what my potential could be as a person.  I saw how they taught their children, expressed their love openly for their children, yet still disciplined them and held them accountable.  When I accepted Christ, Jane Jarrett was the first person I thought of.  I think God was opening my eyes to how he had been surrounding me with wonderful people all along my path, and letting me see how he had been working all the time!  I can honestly sit here and say that if there were two people I wish I saw more and had more consistent contact and communication with, there is NO doubt it would be David and Jane Jarrett.  If you two ever happen to read this, I hope you know I love you with my whole heart!

I am a big believer in Young Life.  For me, it is ideal.  I see why most people are very turned off by "church" and want nothing to do with it.  I have said here before that if I didn't know Jesus already and went to most churches today, I'd want nothing to do with him.  Young Life is different.  It is geared at high school students, and most times does not actually meet at a church.  It is more about relationship building and influencing students at a very important time in their lives, where many decisions will be made, habits formed, and paths laid out.  Pete Chiofalo was our YL leader at Trinity High School.  I can't say alot about Pete, but I can tell you that he had a huge impact on my life.  After I was saved, as I have grown in my walk, God has laid Pete on my heart as an example.  He was a guy who was married and had a young child, yet just opened his home, heart, and life up for kids he didn't even know.  He made himself available.  See, I am a HUGE believer that if you want to give something to someone that actually matters, give them your TIME.  It's easy to write a check and give money.  We can always find, make, or get more of that.  But time is measured.  We don't get more than we have, yet we MAKE time for the things we find important.  So therefore, Pete gave ALOT in my eyes!  I had very limited interaction with Pete then, and have had only one encounter since then, but I can tell you that God was all over EVERY bit of all of them, and I know Pete is still blessing and impacting lives as he pastors a church over in Keller, TX.  If you are close by, find him and go see him!

While enjoying the five-year plan at SFA, I was saved.  It was probably right at the midway point.  After that, I got involved singing and attending at Oak Grove Baptist Church.  Jim Carter was the pastor, and his wife Marcy and all of their awesome children became a huge part of my life.  While I love them all, and they all loved me unconditionally, there was one of them that really stood out.  It was their son, JC.  The main reason is that he was probably one of the greatest all-around guys I had met to that point, and that still holds true today.  He really encouraged me and hammered life-lessons in every chance he got.  He didn't judge me or act like he was better than me.  All this while being a young man going through the same things in life that I was---the difference was the integrity he showed every step of the way.  His convictions are what guided him, and it was VERY clear to me that those convictions came from reading the Bible, trusting God, knowing Jesus, and walking daily with the Holy Spirit.  JC doesn't lead with words, he leads by example.  I could go on and on about him.  I am fortunate to know him, and thankful God put him in my life.  I love you J.

Going through a divorce was one of the toughest things I have ever had to deal with, and I am the one that wanted it!  Either way, I was living at the time where most of the people in my life were all related to my church.  My circle was mostly maintained inside those walls as far as my relationships and my friendships.  So when this happened, I stopped going there, and according to others, was on a path straight to hell.  There was really only one person that unconditionally loved me and showed me Jesus through that, and that is one of my closest friends Chris Williams.  We are still very tight today, and I am sure glad.  I had the chance while we were at church together to watch him grow and change as he grew closer to God.  I also know my failures hurt him as a person.  That is why it is even more impressive to me and encouraging to me to know that although his human view of my actions and my life were frustrating and he didn't personally agree with, he still NEVER quit on me.  That is the kind of thing that makes a HUGE difference in someone's life.  Now, I know he probably wanted to at times, and I know he felt pressure from others too bail on me, but he didn't.  That to me is an AMAZING example of going out on faith and trusting God.  How many of us would stand up to that kind of peer pressure?  To know that the people we fellowship with don't agree with what we are doing, yet we stand up for what we believe NO MATTER WHAT, because we are passionnately seeking to follow the Lord and be Jesus in someone else's life.  I am forever indebted to Chris for the example he has been to me and in my life.  He has taught me so much through his humility, his heart, and his actions.  Chris, thank you, and I love you brother.  I'd lay down my life for you.

So who are these people in your life?  Have you ever thought about that?  More importantly, are you living to try to be available to be this in someone else's life?

Get out there and change the world this week!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

My time of the month...

Proverbs 6:23 says:
"For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life"

That is one simple yet profound statement---and my life, like many others out there, is an example of that.   Makes this a bit of a bittersweet verse.
The "bitter" part of that for me is that like anyone else, I have made mistakes in my past.  Whether in relationships, finances, friendships, etc...I think we all can stop and find many times that we were playing the game of life nowhere near where we should have been.  We have all hurt people at some time or another.  That is a hard thing to think about, as most times we stop and think of all of the missed opportunities, or how things could be different now "if I had only...".  Sin is present everywhere in our lives, whether we look at the past, present, or future.  That is something we will NEVER be able to avoid! 

Enough bitter crap though---let's get to the good stuff.  The "sweet".  God is GOOD!  As his child, the Word tells me that I am a new creature.  A new being.  My old is washed away, my sins both past and future are forgiven, and I have a best friend and companion in the Holy Spirit that walks with me EVERY second!  The last part of the verse in Proverbs talk about correction being the way to life.  I WANT THE BEST LIFE GOD CAN GIVE ME!  So therefore, I am so very thankful for his discipline and for him teaching me, humbling me, molding me, cleansing me, and showing me the path that he wants me to be on.  Am I perfect?  Not a chance...but I know that daily, I am listening for what God is trying to tell me.  I am daily trying to just see his purpose for me in my life, and I have peace and security in who I am, since I am his child before I am anything.  THAT is priceless.  THAT is good. 

I don't know what you are dealing with today.  I don't know if you have a relationship with Jesus.  What I DO know is that we all sin.  We all have to deal with that, and if we don't, Satan will hold that in front of us, and we will never be able to fully focus on what God is trying to do in and through us. 

What I hope you get out of this is that although personal failures aren't good, and hurt us and others, they still can be used for good as we move forward, because God can use ANYTHING for good and for his glory.  We should never settle or let our past hold us down in bondage.  Every single day brings a new day, where we can make new choices, and live as new creatures, focused on making a difference and changing the world---by being as authentic as possible.


Friday, August 5, 2011

REALLY think about this...

When was the last time you undeniably saw the Spirit at work in or around you?

That question comes from "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan.  I like to underline important things that stick out to me as I read.  I can tell you that probably 35-40% of the first chapter of this book is underlined.  It is a very challenging book to read, as it really challenges who we are, and where our faith truly stands.  How much do we rely on the Spirit?  Does our life reflect true faith?  Do we show in our day that we are different as believers? 

Honestly, there are some things in here that slap me right in the face.  I have had to stop and look at my life in order to make sure I am going the right direction. 

I highly encourage you to pick this book up, as it will cause you to stop and look at things from a view that you probably haven't stopped to look at life from.

Time to hit the sack...gotta be ready and refreshed for Laces of Grace in the morning!

Doing good...

Galatians 6:10
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially those who belong to the family of believers.

What a great verse.  Our men's group is has been reading on kindness and goodness this week, and their roles in our lives.  This is the first verse mentioned in the chapter, and it really stuck out to me.  Anyone that has followed my warped mind knows that I am a lover of "key words" and what they should call us to do or think.  So having said that, I am going to type that verse out again, but throw some emphasis in a few areas that jumped out at me:

THEREFORE, as we have OPPORTUNITY, let us DO GOOD to ALL PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY those who BELONG to the family of believers.

Therefore- is emphasized here because any time we see that word in the Bible, it tells us to read ahead, because we have been given instruction and reasoning leading up to where we see it.

Opportunity- opportunity is both given and made.  Sometimes it falls in our laps, and that is great.  But alot of times it is up to us to create and faithfully pursue opportunity.  When it comes to doing good, we should be of the mindset and disposition to be able to react to anything in kindness and goodness, as well as proactively show others kindness and goodness.

Do good- What does that look like?  It's the little things in life that make the biggest differences....think about that.

All people- This is pretty self-explanatory.  All people is ALL people.  The nice ones, the terds, and all of those that fall inbetween!

Especially- One of those key words.  So we should be doing this to all people anyway, as we see leading up to this in the verse.  But God doesn't stop there.  Just for extra emphasis, he clearly reminds us how we should be towards those that believe as we do.  How would you say you are doing at that in your life day-to-day?  What can you do to better live this out as God wants you to?

Belong- It only takes one thing to belong to this family.  Anyone who has accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior is a  member, and we are clearly shown how we should treat this family that we are members of.  Will talked this morning that our human families are sometimes the ones that we naturally show our worst to, and take for granted.  He is right about that, and it takes effort of walking and growing with God daily to be sure we are giving our best to not only our human families that God has given us, but also our family of believers.  God wouldn't lay this verse out if that family wasn't extremely important to him, and we need to be very aware of that fact!

I know it is easy to just get caught up in reading verses, and sometimes we don't see what all can really be taken from just one, but this is one that in the course of this book, really stood out to me.  It seems our world has less and less patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, helpfulness, faithfulness, love, etc.  That is sad, seeing as how NOW is probably when we need these things the MOST!  It is on us as people to cover ourselves in these things, and be a light as we walk out there and live each and every day, offering all of these traits and more to a hurting world.

God's Word is SO very good....I am so VERY thankful for it, and for the direction and wisdom it provides!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Almost broke the tv...

Glad I didn't though, because it wasn't mine!!!

I was watching The Bachelorette last night with my lady, and was reminded MANY times just how ridiculous and unrealistic that show is!  I think it hurt more when she chose the dude that she did, because I definitely had a mancrush on Ben!  LOL!!

I watch that show while remembering and thinking about my life values, morals, goals, etc.  So my first lesson was one I already know---I can only control me and my life, and others choices aren't my business, and usually have absolutely zero effect on my future.  The girl choosing has her own things she is looking for, and it is not for me too judge right or wrong.  All I can do is take other things I see or hear and hold them against what I believe to further strengthen or modify my belief set. 

Another thing I have a really hard time with is her "loving" one guy, while at the same time she is still tonguing-down with other dudes!  How do you have those suppossedly true feelings for a person, but still be able to live with yourself giving all that to another?  Baffles me...just baffles me.  Of course, these ARE people that apparently suck at relationships to this point in their lives, so I guess we should expect anything!!

And do you think that real people build real-life relationships living in the slums of FIJI???????  REALLY???????  "Hey, let's take a trip in a helicopter today, then fly in a plane to some island for dinner"....uh....yeah...whatever!  I looked over at Kelly and reminded her that I can barely afford to take her to eat at Fuji's, so FORGET Fiji!!!!!

Finally, the last thing (of many!) that I want to mention is being blessed and content in my own life.  As I watched the events unfold, and watched the choice come down, I was so glad to feel myself feeling lucky as a person for all of the blessings that God allows into my life daily.  As a cup-half-full kind of dude, I thank God for bs like these unrealistic shows, because they always make me stop and thank him for simplicity, peace, and joy.  That the reality of pursuing him and his ways will ALWAYS ultimately lead to him and his blessings.  I enjoy poking at the show, and don't mind knowing that it is on tv and not a true picture of real life----but the picture of Christ on the cross IS a picture of that---it is the picture of the sacrifice that results in us having the opportunity for the BEST life! 

I will take that all day take your rose and shove it Bachelorette!

Hope your week ROCKS!!! 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Know your role...

As I was driving down the interstate this morning headed to meet my boss, I was listening to ESPN Radio, and they were recapping the Angels/Tigers game from yesterday.  For those of you that don't know what happened in that game, Tigers pithcer Justin Verlander had a no-hitter going through seven innings, and then Erick Aybar of the Angels came up and tried to get on base by bunting.  He ended up on second in a 3-0 game that the Tigers were leading after Verlander fielded the bunt and errantly threw to first.  After the game, Verlander was pretty ugly about the fact that Aybar was trying to get on base by bunting during his potential historic game.

Justin Verlander---SERIOUSLY??????

Does he not understand that Aybar is paid by the Angels organization to help his team win baseball games?  His job is NOT to help Mr. Verlander protect his potential no-hitter!!!!  I could go on and on about this, but I will stop there.

After hearing this, I got to thinking about life (I do that alot).  I got to wondering how often I get confused as to my role in certain things, just as Verlander was confused as to Aybar's. 

I think it is very easy for any of us to think of ourselves as more than we are.  I am just as guilty as any other in this, and I think it is very natural.  As we strive for growth in our lives individually, we feel better about who we are and how much we can be used in different areas, etc.  That is where we need to remember checks and balances, and knowing our roles.  Doing this will keep us in healthier situations and conversations.  Not an easy thing to do, but definitely necessary!

I hope your Monday was fantastic, and that you are ready for a GREAT rest of the week out there!  And remember, no matter what you are going through, God is bigger than EVERYTHING, and he can be the thing that makes the difference in your life, so that you can make a difference in another's!  LET HIM!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sometime's you just gotta do whatcha gotta do...

I loved church this morning.  Terry preached on freedom through forgiveness.  Our whole worship set was designed around this, and there were some powerful words about the healing hands of God, and what forgiveness and freedom we have as children of him through the blood of Jesus.  Two things stuck out to me during the worship service.  The first is that I LOVE just closing my eyes and listening to the voices of the whole church singing together.  It just moves me.  Very powerful.

The second involves healing.  Listening to the songs, and hearing the words, it reminded me that I am in a much better place than I was in my past.  Does that mean that my past was terrible?  No, not at all.  What it does mean is that I recognize that I have a much better life today as I grow with Christ than I did before.  I find that powerful, too.  Powerful in the sense that it would be very easy to sit and reflect on negative, or failures, or wrongs I have done.  Yet instead, Jesus died for me and for my sin.  God never intended for me to be bogged down in failures, but rather be bathed in hope and a future.  A wonderful future. 

So there lies the next step in my life.  I sat there this morning thinking about how I got from one place to another.  The answer was through self-checking.  That process involves me and God.  So today I am sitting and asking the Lord to reveal to me and show me areas where I can get better, and more Christ-like, in my life.  We all always have areas we can work on.  Do you do that?  Have you done that?  If you haven't, I want to share with you the process I go through---the whole process:

-First, I have to have a heart that recognizes I am a sinner.  I desire to be my best, but will NEVER be perfect.  That is hard for any of us to have to grasp--especially those of us who strive to better ourselves all of the time.  In working to be better, we have to have a point that we are working towards, which is perfection.  Compared to perfection, we are mere dirt.  The other hard part about bettering oursleves is recognizing the fact that life happens in peaks and valleys.  There will always be times that we are further away from where we want to be.

-So before I write down the things I hear, I try to focus in as I think on the things that matter most to me.  I want to be thinking about those things, as they are the priorities that I want my life focused around. 

-Here is the list of things today that I have written down and dated so I can go back and check in on how I feel like I am progressing:
       -I want to detach more from things and people that don't serve as a positive in my life
       -I want to check relationships and set boundaries in them that better honor God and my loved ones
       -I need to adjust my routine and analyze my free time and how I spend it
       -I desire to keep pressing on towards more and more simplicity, and a quiet and honorable life
       -I want to fill my time with focusing on only my responsibilities, productive things, and my loved ones

-From here, I will visit this list often.  I want to be focused on moving forward in my life with the good things God has already given me, and allow him to help me see results in these other areas.  Doing that will help me be a better man, a better mate, a better dad, a better friend, a better christian, a better servant, more forgiving, more encouraging, more loving, a better witness, and continue to press towards being more Christ-like.

I definitely am blessed.  I know that.  I don't deserve the things and love I have, but I also understand that God is bigger than everything, and he desires for me to live a full, blessed, and productive life.  So I want to be sure and do my best in honoring him and growing more like Jesus all of the time.  I just want to be my best...

Lord, you are the giver of life.  You are good.  I know that I am a sinner, and without you, I am nothing.  I fail you daily.  I know, too, that you are my maker, and my life has purpose.   I ask you to forgive me for where I have failed you, and cleanse me of those sins.  Allow the Holy Spirit to better lead my life, specifically in the areas that you have laid on my heart today in our time together.  Let others see you in me, and see the good in me.  You have filled my life with SO many wonderful things, and I want to honor them, knowing that in doing that, I honor you.  Thank you God for changing my life, and for providing me a hope and a future.  I give you all of the glory---for everything.  Thank you also for Jesus and his blood.  I love you, Lord.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

It's that time again...

Every once in a while, I think it is important to share my heart and vision for this blog.  I know new people start reading or following all of the time, and I don't expect them to go hunt down a post somewhere that might explain this for them!

This blog is part of my ministry.  Ministry is one of those words that I think people all see in a different way.  Ministry to me is something you proactively do to try to make a difference in someone's life.  It doesn't mean that you yourself are perfect, it doesnt mean that it is directly involved with a church, and it doesn't mean you think you are better than others.  It is just giving of one's self in an area where God has given you a burden.  Make sense?

Having said that, this started out as something for me that was geared more towards guys maybe.  But as time has gone on, I am excited that both men and women follow this, and the content is such that it directly can be used by each and every one of us.  I had thought of changing the name, but don't see why I would need to!

I know some people have tried to comment and couldn't before. I asked the blog-god's, and they told me that there was some kind of bug, and I reset something so that now ANYONE AND EVERYONE can comment freely.  I ask that you do.  If you have even one thing that comes to mind when you read this, please share.  It is my firm belief that when we accept that none of us is perfect, that we all struggle, and we just try to be as authentic as possible, that is where true growth can happen.  That is where walls are broken down and we can be in a better position to be used as well as grow ourselves.  God's power is perfected in our weakness!!!   But it all starts with our individual willingness to be a part and get involved!

So please tell others.  Save this website somewhere that you can easily access it.  I try to write about five times per week, so chances are that there will be something new when you stop in!

Lastly, thank you.  Thank you for the encouragement, the prayers, support, and for taking a minute out of your busy and hectic day to read the things that I think and write about.  It means more to me that you know!!

Make a difference out there today.  Every day brings new opportunity to change someone's life, or to even make a change in your own life!  Just decide that you want to see and take part in that!  You'll never regret it!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Be mindful of what you're doing with your tongue...

You know, I really wish this article was about french kissing---but it isn't!  Rather, it is about the words we say.

I want to mention two ways that this creeps up on us and can cause us harm.  One is just in saying evil and harmful things towards others.  Proverbs, among many other places, tells us OFTEN about the negative that comes from evil tongues and words.  It also speaks to the harm that will come to those who choose to go this route.

The second way is one that we might not pay as much attention to.  It is where we say things that we know are true and right, but we aren't careful or put needed thought into how we say it.  This can be worse than the first way!  The reason is because we know we are speaking with a right heart and good intentions, yet the person hearing on the other end might not be, or is just hearing what we aren't saying!  Then people pass it along to others with how they heard it, or just walk away and build up bitterness at something that was never meant to be that way.

Our communication with others is SO important.  You CANNOT have enough good communication with the most important people in your life.  Actually, this pertains to everyone you come across!  When we look at failed marriages, a lack of communication is usually a major factor in them.  Friendships break up over missunderstandings.  It is probably in our best interest to keep our mouths shut and hold our tongues as often as possible!!!  I talk alot.  ALOT.  So this is something I am trying to be more mindful of in my life and conversations. 

Think about that as you talk to people this week.  Is what your saying being spoken clearly?  Are you accurately articulating your thoughts or position?  Could what you are saying be taken wrong, and possibly hurt someone else or make you look bad?  Do you need to approach someone and apologize to them for something that you said or could have been taken out of context? 

Just ponder that...

I hope your Thursday ROCKED!!!