Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A special day...

I want to wish my folks a very Happy Anniversary today!  They have been married 39 years this year...I think!

Either way, I wanted to just stop and list a few things that I love and appreciate about them on their special day:

-they have ALWAYS taken wonderful care of me
-they have taught me and given me everything they possibly can to make sure I can live my best life
-they adore their grandchildren
-they have always worked hard
-they are very caring
-I find myself more and more like them as I get older
-they care about the things that matter, and put their time and effort into that
-even when we don't see eye to eye, we are committed to what's best and working together no matter what
-they always acted out of what's best for me and my sister, not selfish gain
-they spend time trying to understand me and what matters to me
-they taught us to be appreciative of what we have, not focused on what we don't

Mom and Dad, I love you, and I thank God for you.  I love getting closer and closer with you both---not only as a son, but also as a friend---as I get older.

Thanks for being who you are, and have an awesome anniversary!

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