Monday, August 15, 2011

Continuously evolving...

I am so thankful that as we walk with the Holy Spirit, we continue to be molded and shaped differently than we ever were before.  I know I constantly have to try to stay on top of where I am in proximity with what the Spirit is telling me, because it is WAY to easy to get off of the right track and back on our own.  We are human, and should expect nothing less than that! 

As I posted a few weeks ago, I am continuing on a journey towards simplicity.  It is easy for me to stay "busy" and "involved" because that is my heart, and I sincerely love people and want the best for them.  I have learned that even our best qualities can be used the wrong way if we don't put all reliance of how to use them on the Lord.  I am trying to work towards a more "quiet" life, as we are called to have.  What specifically that means to each of us, I am learning, and not quite sure of yet.  What it means for ME is that I have to continue to check friendships and their importance.  Not that people aren't important, but about whether the amount of effort, etc, going into it is what God wants.  I have to continually be watching where my time and efforts are spent, and then ask if that is the best use of those things.  As God reveals the path ahead of me, I want to be doing my best to be available to give the things he blesses me with ALL of the attention and care that they require and deserve!  After all, they are gifts from him!

I have pulled out a "God's Little Instruction Book For Men" paperback book and put it here by my bed on my nightstand.  I LOVE things like this!  They are incredibly SIMPLE and filled with just alot of meat that we can apply immediately and boldly to our lives.  These kinds of books provide great truths and simple facts that we can quickly memorize, stand firmly on, and share as we allow God to mold us.  I want to list a few that stood out to me tonight:

-Seek God first and the things you want will seek YOU
-If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself
-Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records
-Conquer yourself rather than the world
-A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down

The following three were my absolute favorites:

-Experience is not what happens to a man, it's what a man does with what happens to him
-Courage is contagious.  When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are stiffened
-A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd

Think about those.  Can you use any of those to inspire positive change that you are desiring in your life?

I thank God with my whole heart for forgiveness and cleansing of my sins.  My heart's desire is to wake up everyday and do my best to listen to God, let the Spirit guide me, be a better man than the day before, and be thankful for what I have as oppossed to upset about what I don't.  I just wanna do my part.  I trust the Lord with the rest!!!

God, you are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!  Thanks for blessing me with amazing things in my life, and for showing me that a future with those blessings from you is what I want to spend everyday investing in!

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