Saturday, August 6, 2011

My time of the month...

Proverbs 6:23 says:
"For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life"

That is one simple yet profound statement---and my life, like many others out there, is an example of that.   Makes this a bit of a bittersweet verse.
The "bitter" part of that for me is that like anyone else, I have made mistakes in my past.  Whether in relationships, finances, friendships, etc...I think we all can stop and find many times that we were playing the game of life nowhere near where we should have been.  We have all hurt people at some time or another.  That is a hard thing to think about, as most times we stop and think of all of the missed opportunities, or how things could be different now "if I had only...".  Sin is present everywhere in our lives, whether we look at the past, present, or future.  That is something we will NEVER be able to avoid! 

Enough bitter crap though---let's get to the good stuff.  The "sweet".  God is GOOD!  As his child, the Word tells me that I am a new creature.  A new being.  My old is washed away, my sins both past and future are forgiven, and I have a best friend and companion in the Holy Spirit that walks with me EVERY second!  The last part of the verse in Proverbs talk about correction being the way to life.  I WANT THE BEST LIFE GOD CAN GIVE ME!  So therefore, I am so very thankful for his discipline and for him teaching me, humbling me, molding me, cleansing me, and showing me the path that he wants me to be on.  Am I perfect?  Not a chance...but I know that daily, I am listening for what God is trying to tell me.  I am daily trying to just see his purpose for me in my life, and I have peace and security in who I am, since I am his child before I am anything.  THAT is priceless.  THAT is good. 

I don't know what you are dealing with today.  I don't know if you have a relationship with Jesus.  What I DO know is that we all sin.  We all have to deal with that, and if we don't, Satan will hold that in front of us, and we will never be able to fully focus on what God is trying to do in and through us. 

What I hope you get out of this is that although personal failures aren't good, and hurt us and others, they still can be used for good as we move forward, because God can use ANYTHING for good and for his glory.  We should never settle or let our past hold us down in bondage.  Every single day brings a new day, where we can make new choices, and live as new creatures, focused on making a difference and changing the world---by being as authentic as possible.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Corinthians 5:21 NKJV)

How awesome are those words! Proverbs will strike close to home every time for everyone. Don't think so, go back an read the proverbs about pride, you might just find your verse.

Thanks for sharing TEN. I for one am glad I don't get what I deserve. AMAZING GRACE!!!