Every once in a while, I think it is important to share my heart and vision for this blog. I know new people start reading or following all of the time, and I don't expect them to go hunt down a post somewhere that might explain this for them!
This blog is part of my ministry. Ministry is one of those words that I think people all see in a different way. Ministry to me is something you proactively do to try to make a difference in someone's life. It doesn't mean that you yourself are perfect, it doesnt mean that it is directly involved with a church, and it doesn't mean you think you are better than others. It is just giving of one's self in an area where God has given you a burden. Make sense?
Having said that, this started out as something for me that was geared more towards guys maybe. But as time has gone on, I am excited that both men and women follow this, and the content is such that it directly can be used by each and every one of us. I had thought of changing the name, but don't see why I would need to!
I know some people have tried to comment and couldn't before. I asked the blog-god's, and they told me that there was some kind of bug, and I reset something so that now ANYONE AND EVERYONE can comment freely. I ask that you do. If you have even one thing that comes to mind when you read this, please share. It is my firm belief that when we accept that none of us is perfect, that we all struggle, and we just try to be as authentic as possible, that is where true growth can happen. That is where walls are broken down and we can be in a better position to be used as well as grow ourselves. God's power is perfected in our weakness!!! But it all starts with our individual willingness to be a part and get involved!
So please tell others. Save this website somewhere that you can easily access it. I try to write about five times per week, so chances are that there will be something new when you stop in!
Lastly, thank you. Thank you for the encouragement, the prayers, support, and for taking a minute out of your busy and hectic day to read the things that I think and write about. It means more to me that you know!!
Make a difference out there today. Every day brings new opportunity to change someone's life, or to even make a change in your own life! Just decide that you want to see and take part in that! You'll never regret it!!!
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