Ole Rodney was on to something there. Especially as it concerns christians, churches, and togetherness. We might as well be the LAPD and Rodney!!! Have you ever stopped and looked around and wondered why our churches don't work more together? It's something that has long bothered me, and I assure you as I sit here writing about it, I'm holding myself to a new standard when it comes to reaching out across church lines more for the good of God's Kingdom. After all, doesn't the prayer say "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done", not "my own church's will be done and who really gives a crap about the rest of them"?
You'll have to forgive me, but I'm a bit of a Kingdom minded fella. See, I like looking at what we have in common and using that for the greater good, as oppossed to seeing where we are different and wasting our time defending our own selfishness. I just can't get into that. What happens then is that people leave churches for other churches, so there is church growth all over the place depending on who has the "hot" church. But where is there ANY kind of growth in heaven in that logic? If we don't find a way to take our faith to the streets or simply introduce our faith into relationships it hasn't been in yet, we are missing the mark. Again, just my opinion, and I'm speaking to myself first!
I'm gonna share what God has put in my heart recently. A TRUE area mens gathering. I don't think it should be called a "conference" or anything, but just a gathering. Just guys that have these things in common: they care about their families, their faiths, and understand that there is something bigger than self. That the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ actually means something to them, and they understand that without it, we are nothing. Seems pretty simple to me. I think it will be a while before that can happen around here, but I am committing myself to planting seeds and praying for that very event. I hope to speak with church and community leaders that agree with the concept that it is always a great thing to grow in fellowship and character in our communities. I hope people read this and proactively pray for the same thing and reach out to have a hand in bettering our world for ourselves, for our kids, and ultimately for the growth of His Kingdom.
I try to figure out where the disconnect is between churches. I know for a fact that it is noticed. Are churches jealous and worried that growing churches might actually take their members? Is it a business decision that causes them to be stand-offish towards each other? I don't know what it is, but I prayerfully hope it changes. I just envision a day where we can unite as a group of believers, celebrate Jesus, and live the Great Commission together-----can you even imagine the impact that would have????? Imagine how much more attractive Jesus and Christianity would be to people if we worked together instead of judging each other and tearing each other down. I have to believe our time would be better spent and more productive trying it another way.
Again, I am calling myself to action first---I always do and will. But I hope you will take time and pray for unity amongst Christians in our community. For growth as believers so that we can do the work God actually put us on this earth to do. Don't you think it's worth it?
Anyway, I hope God uses this to atleast provoke thought in all of us to check where we are with this and seek what He wants in our lives going forward.
Let's make Rodney proud!
Stay strong brothers
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