Friday, March 18, 2011

The eye of the beholder...

Usually people put "beauty is in" in front of those words.  But as I was walking with my dad this morning, for the first time ever, I got to thinking about why each of us got out of bed at 6:30am to be there on that trail.  For me, it is generally about keeping weight off to look and feel better.  For him, it is more about keeping weight off to prolong life and feel better.  Funny huh---two guys, same walking trail, same place and time, same activity---but completely different motivations.

That got me thinking about the rest of our lives.  What is our motivation in our everyday activities and as we deal with others?  I know even this week I have noticed myself growing impatient with others and focusing on me instead of God and what He wants of me in that moment or situation.  I think we are human and that is the easy and natural thing to do.  No doubts.  But we still have the opportunity to seek God in it and keep His purpose first.  I guess it just takes an extra step or two to get back to that sometimes!  I am always trying to be better at that.

On a different and more humerous note, I got a pretty good laugh today.  As we were headed to the zoo together (me, the kids, my parents, and sister), my mom decided yet again to try to be a passenger-seat driver!  She wanted to go one way, but my dad went another.  This reminded me of when I was younger and they both went completely different ways home ALL OF THE TIME!  We talked about how my sister and her fiance do the same thing sometimes!  We chalked it up to men being men and women being women.  Either way and whatever it is, I got a pretty good laugh out of it.

Finally, I had NO idea the Fort Worth Zoo was as popular as it is.  I have never seen so many people there seeing those stinky animals.  They were still coming in masses at 2pm in the heat of the day.  Just amazed me.  Between the 3-mile walk this morning and the atleast 3-4 miles I got in at the zoo, it was a pretty good exercise day!

I look forward to getting home tomorrow and being at church Sunday morning!

God is good, and I'm thankful I'm His!!!

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