No, it is not a bomb. It's one of the most important things we have on many levels---our hearts!
This verse keeps sticking out to me lately:
1 Samuel 16:7b
The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart
What does that mean to you? When I read it, I am forced to stop and think of every person I come in contact with, no matter if their importance seems big or small. I have to try to see the intent of their hearts and actions, not my selfish interpretations of them.
I had breakfast with one of my favorite people to ever sit under the teaching of. A man I have great respect for. A man who I know was probably content to ride work out into the sunset of retirement---but God has a funny way of executing His will in our lives instead of our own! I was blessed to get to see and hear about how the Lord is moving and working in his life and those around him. Be looking to hear about a new church with a heartbeat of making a difference! I have no doubts that it will positively impact our area for God!
Do you know that 60-65% of people in this area don't go to church? Maybe they have and quit at some point, or maybe they never have. I don't know the answer. When I think of what our country was founded upon, and when I think of how we even got to this earth in the first place, that statistic breaks my heart. It also breaks my heart because I know when I look back to before I was saved at age 20, I can clearly see that there was no true joy in my life. Nothing strong enough to sustain---everything was surface and temporary. Knowing in my life the difference a relationship with Jesus has made, I desire for others to know that same peace and joy. To know that you aren't alone. To know that it doesn't matter where you've been, what you've done, or what you are doing today---you can choose a path that offers more blessing than I can put into words.
It all starts with heart and attitude. Everything.
I hope you'll join me in praying for our community. For our leaders, our schools, the children, the parents, the churches, for friendships, for opportunities to impact, for healing, forgiveness, to see each other for what we are and the things we have in common that we can build on, etc...
That verse mentioned earlier is in reference to David. My absolute favorite person in the Bible. If I could sit and eat with three people, I'd pick David, Johnny Cash, and Daniel. Daniel for the way his faith inspires me and the miracles he was a part of, David and Johnny because like me, they have great big hearts that desire to serve and please, but they are also plenty flawed. When they messed up, they did it in a big way. I guess sometimes I feel that way, but that's a whole nother blog entry!
Read about David sometime. The simplicity, authenticity, God's protection, the way he is referred to in scriptures....but look mostly at his heart. He was "the man after God's own heart." There's something to be said for that.
I hope you all enjoy the sunshine today...remember, it's a marathon out there, not a sprint!! Stay strong!
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