Galatians 6:10
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially those who belong to the family of believers.
What a great verse. Our men's group is has been reading on kindness and goodness this week, and their roles in our lives. This is the first verse mentioned in the chapter, and it really stuck out to me. Anyone that has followed my warped mind knows that I am a lover of "key words" and what they should call us to do or think. So having said that, I am going to type that verse out again, but throw some emphasis in a few areas that jumped out at me:
THEREFORE, as we have OPPORTUNITY, let us DO GOOD to ALL PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY those who BELONG to the family of believers.
Therefore- is emphasized here because any time we see that word in the Bible, it tells us to read ahead, because we have been given instruction and reasoning leading up to where we see it.
Opportunity- opportunity is both given and made. Sometimes it falls in our laps, and that is great. But alot of times it is up to us to create and faithfully pursue opportunity. When it comes to doing good, we should be of the mindset and disposition to be able to react to anything in kindness and goodness, as well as proactively show others kindness and goodness.
Do good- What does that look like? It's the little things in life that make the biggest differences....think about that.
All people- This is pretty self-explanatory. All people is ALL people. The nice ones, the terds, and all of those that fall inbetween!
Especially- One of those key words. So we should be doing this to all people anyway, as we see leading up to this in the verse. But God doesn't stop there. Just for extra emphasis, he clearly reminds us how we should be towards those that believe as we do. How would you say you are doing at that in your life day-to-day? What can you do to better live this out as God wants you to?
Belong- It only takes one thing to belong to this family. Anyone who has accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior is a member, and we are clearly shown how we should treat this family that we are members of. Will talked this morning that our human families are sometimes the ones that we naturally show our worst to, and take for granted. He is right about that, and it takes effort of walking and growing with God daily to be sure we are giving our best to not only our human families that God has given us, but also our family of believers. God wouldn't lay this verse out if that family wasn't extremely important to him, and we need to be very aware of that fact!
I know it is easy to just get caught up in reading verses, and sometimes we don't see what all can really be taken from just one, but this is one that in the course of this book, really stood out to me. It seems our world has less and less patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, helpfulness, faithfulness, love, etc. That is sad, seeing as how NOW is probably when we need these things the MOST! It is on us as people to cover ourselves in these things, and be a light as we walk out there and live each and every day, offering all of these traits and more to a hurting world.
God's Word is SO very good....I am so VERY thankful for it, and for the direction and wisdom it provides!
I love this post because I think this type of thinking and way of life could change the world. I believe there are two main reasons people don't stop and show kindness. 1. They are so busy and wrapped up in their own lives they don't see anything past their own circumstances. 2. Many don't believe they have anything to offer. They feel so beat down and depleted themselves that they feel there is no way they could help another. Maybe you can address how to over come these situations in your next blog. ;). Jamie
If you want to do something good today, you can bring me lunch...
Marc...haha! Funny guy!
Jamie...thanks for the thoughts. As far as how to overcome those situations, I think it is quite simple--it is all about attitude, and taking the selfishness out of how we live. Our eyes are a major problem for many of us. If they are fixed on God, as believers, we know that our life always runs smoother. If they are fixed on ourselves or things of the world, then we know there will seem to be hell to pay down the road ahead of us!
God is our peace, joy, love, hope, rock, teacher, shoulder to lean on, ear to hear us, and lighter of our path. If we feel we are unfulfilled in any way in our lives, then I think our best bet for reversing that is to open the Word and TRULY and with a RIGHT HEART seek God and his plan for us! There is ONLY good in that! We see then that even the things that seem bad are still a purposeful part of his plan for our lives. We can't go wrong that way!
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