Friday, June 17, 2011

Opportunity is knocking...

I ask you tonight to go and check out

It was started by a friend of mine, Matt Graves, and is a fantastic ministry.  You can read more there, but basically it is for the purpose of providing those in need with new shoes, while also sharing Christ with them. 

You can read more about how it got started there on the site itself, but it is a growing ministry that God is definitely blessing---and doesn't take much at all to be a part and pass a blessing along yourself!

I give Matt alot of credit for being available and obedient to what the Holy Spirit was telling him.  I know we all have times in our lives that we feel a tug on our hearts in a certain direction, but we just don't know what to think about it or do with it.  GOD DOES!  Even the smallest ideas God gives us might blow up into something larger if we will allow God to move and take the "self" out of it.  It is our job only to be faithful and trust him, and he will handle the rest and guide our way.  But we first have to be walking where we can listen to him and hear him.  That is really hard to do sometimes, and definitely takes effort daily on our part.  So again, praise God, and he gets all the glory, but thank you also to Matt for following God's lead!  You inspire us all!

I hope you enjoy checking out Laces of Grace, and pray about being a part of making a difference in a young person's life.

Be a blessing, and have a great Father's Day weekend!

1 comment:

MattandCorey said...

Tommy, thanks for the kind words. It definitely was a process getting up and running with Laces of Grace. It was AMAZING watching God do his thing throughout our fundraising efforts. We raised $25,000 in 6 weeks. We will need more support this year b/c we anticipate more kids showing up and we are buying socks to give away as well, which we didn't last year. But I've stopped wondering how God is going to do it, and just start expecting it to be done and look forward to seeing how He will do it!

I sincerely hope that what we have done can be a strong encouragement for others to act on what they feel God is leading them to do. No matter how big or how small. If a high school football coach and a dental hygienist with 3 kids can do what we did, then ANYBODY can follow God's calling and do SOMETHING! And trust me, I tried to ignore God for a long time; hoping the feeling I had would pass. But, like you said, when you are in the word and listening to God, you can't ignore his plan and purpose.

So thank you again. Hopefully some will get on board and catch our vision and partner with us to help us reach out to the needy right here in our backyard.