Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A simple statement today...

Proverbs 22:4
Humility and the fear of the Lord bring wealth and honor and life.

Who among us doesn't want wealth, honor, and life?????????

It tells us right there the simple things that bring those to us.  Seems like it should be simple, don't you think?

Well, in reality, humility in all we do is tough.  Think of all of the different people, situations, circumstances, etc, that your day and life involves.  EVERY situation.  Tough stuff.

It is the "fear of the Lord" part that is toughest for me.  If I am to fear the Lord, then I have to agree that God is who God is, and I am who I am, and that his Word is literal and true.  If that is the case, in fearing him, I should be living every bit of that Word that I can.  In order to do that, I must know it.  I must meditate on it.  I must share it.  I must be constantly in it to do those things.  If that is the case, then the selfish things I want can't matter or be there to get in the way.  My thoughts aren't mine then, and my life isn't mine.  I could go on and on.  It's a long road, all leading to the fact that God IS who he is, and I AM who I am. 

Just think about all of that as you walk through your day.  Who is in control?  You?  Or God?  Do you want wealth, honor, and life?  It says right there how to have it!  GO GET IT!

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