Wednesday, June 1, 2011

And there He goes again...

Is it not amazing how when we are at our weakest and ask God to restore us, he so faithfully does?  Through much prayer, reading the Word, and seeking wise counsel from true Christ-followers, I went to bed and woke up with more boldness and confidence in Jeremiah 29:11-13 than I have ever had.  I am continuing to see God work in me to grow my faith.  I give him ALL glory for it.  He is just being faithful to his word!  It doesn't come without tough moments, but they are easily swept aside as God has my eyes going forward, and not in the rearview mirror. 

Where are your eyes?  Are you focused on past things that can only bind you down and hold you back?  Or are your eyes fixed on the truth of the Bible and all of God's promises for you?  Do you trust that he CAN change your life?  We have a CHOICE in every action we take.  We CHOOSE our ATTITUDE.  If you feel like you are apart from God or not hearing him right now, then all you have to do is literally stop, humble yourself, and ask him to speak to you.  Then listen.  He is faithful!  You either choose God, or you don't.

A few more scriptures that have been speaking to me:

Isaiah 26:3-4 (AWESOME!)
Psalm 119

If I can say one more thing tonight (which I can, since it's MY blog! HA!), I just want to speak to the blessing of Christian accountability.  Brotherhood.  Authenticity.  I have never been alone the last few days facing some trials, because God has richly blessed me with a group of God-fearing men, his word, his music, and the Holy Spirit.  Now, part of that is on me to SEEK him with my whole heart.  But he makes it so easy to do because of the love and blessing he showers me with---even in the face of struggle.  My life has more peace in it because God is more a part of everything I do.

People will tell you that I am usually pretty good explaining myself and with words, but I can't even begin to describe how good God has been to me in my life.  To the world, I look like nothing.  I have nothing.  But in my Father's eyes, I am a beautiful creation, fearfully and wonderfully made, made to love and serve him.  In God and his love I am richer than the richest man of the world. 

Now, there's something worth smiling about :)

Let the Lord be your peace, and make a difference for him in someone's life!

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