Sunday, June 26, 2011

Some great movies we can learn from...

I was thinking about life and about what matters most.  To me, one of the biggest things is happiness.  As we look at our journey in life towards this, I think it is important that we keep in mind that our road will have bumps in it.  Probably many bumps.  Yet the end result is more than worth the trials and tribulations we face along the way.  It is on us to give all we have and be willing to sacrifice whatever necessary, as well as operate our lives with no selfishness and total humility, being nothing but grateful and confident in the person God created us to be.

There are two movies that popped into my mind as I pondered on this topic.  The first is "Cinderella Man".  Russell Crowe plays a boxer who was on top, but then life gave him many challenges.  The story of the sacrifice, determination, and his own personal journey is nothing less than inspirational.  It will change how you look at life, as well as make you greater appreciate the little blessings you have in your day and life.

The second movie is "The Pursuit of Happyness" starring Will Smith.  He plays a character that faces a failed marriage, single parenthood, and poverty.  Not only does he deal with these, but he does it while he is pursuing a job opportunity that can change his life.  This film is moving to me.  To watch him as he stays laser-focused on his opportunity, yet having to still live in a way that most of us could not even fathom, is something that brings tears to my eyes. 

Each of these is a story of pursuit.  Our lives are the same way.  We should have our goals in our sights everyday.  We will have to deal with life and all of its problems along the way, no doubts about that, but we shouldn't lose our focus as we deal with those problems.  We should focus more on ridding our lives of the things that get in the way of our own goal-pursuit.  There is nothing out there worth allowing to get in the way of our joy and happiness.  Keep that in mind as you walk through your days and weeks.  And remember also that true joy is contagious.  People notice when others have an authenticity in their happiness. 

Have an awesome week!

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