Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The triangle...

One of the things I feel like I think on, study, and talk about with others is the love relationship.  This one being the one between a husband and wife. 

The best and simplest way I know to illustrate what that is suppossed to look like is by taking all of the roles and assigning them a part of a triangle. 

The horizontal line at the bottom of the triangle represents the most basic foundation shared between the couple.  It is the minimum they have holding their relationship together. 

Each diagonal side of the triangle makes up each individual in the relationship, with the very top where they come together being where they are one---with God. 

So that makes each of those diagonal sides EXTREMELY important in the whole relationship process.  It shows us that each person should have a place they are striving to be.  It shows us that even while we are in a relationship, we have ALOT of responsibility to control positively what we can control, and it shows us exactly what we get when we invest into that---a oneness with our mate and God.  Is there ANYTHING better than that when it comes to these marriage relationships? 

Have you ever thought of all of this in this way?  Does it make sense to you? 

This illustration really helps me put it all into perspective.  It shows me the big picture, yet allows me space to figure out myself what I need to do to do my part.  It promotes communication between the two, so they can be sure they are moving towards the same things, and check in on exactly how they are doing it.

If you read this and are having relationship issues, or know someone that is, try putting this into place or sharing it with someone else.  I hope God can use it to speak to someone else as he has used it for me!

Be blessed out there, and enjoy your Wednesday!

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