Sunday, July 10, 2011


Do you ever think about how you hope you are remembered when you are gone from this earth?  I don't know that I think about that alot, but it is something that from time to time crosses my mind. 

When I stop and think about that, it brings to mind the good as well as bad I have encountered thus far as I have walked through my life.  I feel like I am at a much better place these days, especially compared to where I feel like I have been.  I DO think we have to stop and remember just a couple of things as we ponder this topic.

The first thing is that we can always change our future.  Every person that doesn't like where they feel they are headed is just ONE CHOICE away from righting their course.  It just takes one turn to get off the wrong road and onto the right one.  That's it. 

Next, we must remember that our parents and our kids will both be a part of how we are remembered.  It might be that we were just like our folks, or that we broke away from their ways, but it will still be that they are a part of our legacy.  And for our kids, how we raised them and how people saw us as parents will be a large part of how we are remembered. 

Lastly, there are one of three ways that we will be remembered---good, bad, or indifferent.  Think about that.  That is a very true statement.  Is it worth walking this earth and living each day to not even be remembered?  Or to leave a negative lagacy behind you?  NO!!!  It isn't!!!

We should all want to leave our mark positively on this world.  God didn't breathe life into us for us to live a wasted one.  So think about where you stand on this as you read this today.  Are you happy with how you feel you would be remembered if your time was up right this moment?  If not, how do you want it to be different? 

I hope your weekend was fantastic, and I pray we all seek the opportunities to impact lives and better our own legacies as we walk through this upcoming week!

Be a blessing and change another's life!

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