I love learning about people. I love asking questions, giving them the opportunity to share, and just taking it all in. For the most part, I think we all know that people have opinions and love to talk---especially about themselves or what is important to them.
Did you catch the "for the most part" part?
One of the specific ways to get out info to the masses is via Facebook. I often enjoy posting what my sister calls "survey" questions on there. Today I posted one about Nintendo. The actual question was asking what your favorite old school Nintendo game was. I'll bet that over 35 people answered---so far. The thing that is most interesting is that for that or other mainstream type questions, people come out of the woodwork to answer. Yet when me or others I know post a question about God, Jesus, or faith---it's quiet. Barely a response to be found. I was pondering that and why that might be today as I was driving.
The conclusion I came to was there is no right or wrong absolute answer as to why that happens. It's all a best guess. My own best guess is that one's faith or belief system is a pretty personal and intimate thing, and many like to keep it just that way. My only problem with that is that according to the Bible, in Matthew 28, we are called to "go and make disciples among the nations". See that word there---"GO"??? That's a proactive word. We are to make effort. So that totally wipes out the "quiet because my faith is a personal and intimate theory", right?
Another issue could be that people care what others might think. That could be for a huge different number of reasons. It could be because they live two different ways, because they don't like people to ridicule them, or that they are scared to be accountable for where God might take them if they are more proactive in their faith. All valid things. Yet still, God is our ONLY judge, nobody is perfect and we shouldn't create unattainable expectations for others, and we should also have faith and live Jeremiah 29:11-13.
I could go on and on with thought after thought about this. I probably will at a later time after I have thought and prayed about it more. But either way, what this all shows me is that we have to be gentle and sensitive to the world, yet still more than confident in who WE are and not be afraid to live it and talk about it. That is the only way that change will happen---is when we first make changes in ourself. And I don't mean an apologetic type of sensitivity to the world, but rather sensitive to the fact that the world doesn't see things as we do. We have to be able to be selfless and see through eyes other than our own.
Give all of this some thought. I'd be very curious to know what some of you think about this. I certainly don't even know if my thoughts are accurate---they are just my thoughts!!!
I pray you all have an awesome weekend, and be thankful for every second you have and every blessing God gives!
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