Friday, July 22, 2011


I know that some of you try to comment sometimes and it won't take it.  For those of you that are followers and have a google account already---I have no freaking idea what to tell you as far as why it won't take your comments sometimes!  Maybe it wants you to re-think some of the things you wanna say!  Ha!!!

For the rest of you, that don't have a google account created already, that should be your first step.  It doesn't take but a minute to do, and then you can both follow and comment on the blog as often as you like!  I hope that ends up being ALOT!  I know signing up and stuff like that can seem like a drag, and I totally get that.  But when you consider that it takes just one minute---and there are 1,440 per day---it really isn't that big of a deal!  You'll waste MUCH more time than that throughout your day!

Feel free to email me anytime with your own thoughts, comments, or suggestions at  And as always, thank you SO much for taking time to stop in and read!


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