I loved church this morning. Terry preached on freedom through forgiveness. Our whole worship set was designed around this, and there were some powerful words about the healing hands of God, and what forgiveness and freedom we have as children of him through the blood of Jesus. Two things stuck out to me during the worship service. The first is that I LOVE just closing my eyes and listening to the voices of the whole church singing together. It just moves me. Very powerful.
The second involves healing. Listening to the songs, and hearing the words, it reminded me that I am in a much better place than I was in my past. Does that mean that my past was terrible? No, not at all. What it does mean is that I recognize that I have a much better life today as I grow with Christ than I did before. I find that powerful, too. Powerful in the sense that it would be very easy to sit and reflect on negative, or failures, or wrongs I have done. Yet instead, Jesus died for me and for my sin. God never intended for me to be bogged down in failures, but rather be bathed in hope and a future. A wonderful future.
So there lies the next step in my life. I sat there this morning thinking about how I got from one place to another. The answer was through self-checking. That process involves me and God. So today I am sitting and asking the Lord to reveal to me and show me areas where I can get better, and more Christ-like, in my life. We all always have areas we can work on. Do you do that? Have you done that? If you haven't, I want to share with you the process I go through---the whole process:
-First, I have to have a heart that recognizes I am a sinner. I desire to be my best, but will NEVER be perfect. That is hard for any of us to have to grasp--especially those of us who strive to better ourselves all of the time. In working to be better, we have to have a point that we are working towards, which is perfection. Compared to perfection, we are mere dirt. The other hard part about bettering oursleves is recognizing the fact that life happens in peaks and valleys. There will always be times that we are further away from where we want to be.
-So before I write down the things I hear, I try to focus in as I think on the things that matter most to me. I want to be thinking about those things, as they are the priorities that I want my life focused around.
-Here is the list of things today that I have written down and dated so I can go back and check in on how I feel like I am progressing:
-I want to detach more from things and people that don't serve as a positive in my life
-I want to check relationships and set boundaries in them that better honor God and my loved ones
-I need to adjust my routine and analyze my free time and how I spend it
-I desire to keep pressing on towards more and more simplicity, and a quiet and honorable life
-I want to fill my time with focusing on only my responsibilities, productive things, and my loved ones
-From here, I will visit this list often. I want to be focused on moving forward in my life with the good things God has already given me, and allow him to help me see results in these other areas. Doing that will help me be a better man, a better mate, a better dad, a better friend, a better christian, a better servant, more forgiving, more encouraging, more loving, a better witness, and continue to press towards being more Christ-like.
I definitely am blessed. I know that. I don't deserve the things and love I have, but I also understand that God is bigger than everything, and he desires for me to live a full, blessed, and productive life. So I want to be sure and do my best in honoring him and growing more like Jesus all of the time. I just want to be my best...
Lord, you are the giver of life. You are good. I know that I am a sinner, and without you, I am nothing. I fail you daily. I know, too, that you are my maker, and my life has purpose. I ask you to forgive me for where I have failed you, and cleanse me of those sins. Allow the Holy Spirit to better lead my life, specifically in the areas that you have laid on my heart today in our time together. Let others see you in me, and see the good in me. You have filled my life with SO many wonderful things, and I want to honor them, knowing that in doing that, I honor you. Thank you God for changing my life, and for providing me a hope and a future. I give you all of the glory---for everything. Thank you also for Jesus and his blood. I love you, Lord.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
It's that time again...
Every once in a while, I think it is important to share my heart and vision for this blog. I know new people start reading or following all of the time, and I don't expect them to go hunt down a post somewhere that might explain this for them!
This blog is part of my ministry. Ministry is one of those words that I think people all see in a different way. Ministry to me is something you proactively do to try to make a difference in someone's life. It doesn't mean that you yourself are perfect, it doesnt mean that it is directly involved with a church, and it doesn't mean you think you are better than others. It is just giving of one's self in an area where God has given you a burden. Make sense?
Having said that, this started out as something for me that was geared more towards guys maybe. But as time has gone on, I am excited that both men and women follow this, and the content is such that it directly can be used by each and every one of us. I had thought of changing the name, but don't see why I would need to!
I know some people have tried to comment and couldn't before. I asked the blog-god's, and they told me that there was some kind of bug, and I reset something so that now ANYONE AND EVERYONE can comment freely. I ask that you do. If you have even one thing that comes to mind when you read this, please share. It is my firm belief that when we accept that none of us is perfect, that we all struggle, and we just try to be as authentic as possible, that is where true growth can happen. That is where walls are broken down and we can be in a better position to be used as well as grow ourselves. God's power is perfected in our weakness!!! But it all starts with our individual willingness to be a part and get involved!
So please tell others. Save this website somewhere that you can easily access it. I try to write about five times per week, so chances are that there will be something new when you stop in!
Lastly, thank you. Thank you for the encouragement, the prayers, support, and for taking a minute out of your busy and hectic day to read the things that I think and write about. It means more to me that you know!!
Make a difference out there today. Every day brings new opportunity to change someone's life, or to even make a change in your own life! Just decide that you want to see and take part in that! You'll never regret it!!!
This blog is part of my ministry. Ministry is one of those words that I think people all see in a different way. Ministry to me is something you proactively do to try to make a difference in someone's life. It doesn't mean that you yourself are perfect, it doesnt mean that it is directly involved with a church, and it doesn't mean you think you are better than others. It is just giving of one's self in an area where God has given you a burden. Make sense?
Having said that, this started out as something for me that was geared more towards guys maybe. But as time has gone on, I am excited that both men and women follow this, and the content is such that it directly can be used by each and every one of us. I had thought of changing the name, but don't see why I would need to!
I know some people have tried to comment and couldn't before. I asked the blog-god's, and they told me that there was some kind of bug, and I reset something so that now ANYONE AND EVERYONE can comment freely. I ask that you do. If you have even one thing that comes to mind when you read this, please share. It is my firm belief that when we accept that none of us is perfect, that we all struggle, and we just try to be as authentic as possible, that is where true growth can happen. That is where walls are broken down and we can be in a better position to be used as well as grow ourselves. God's power is perfected in our weakness!!! But it all starts with our individual willingness to be a part and get involved!
So please tell others. Save this website somewhere that you can easily access it. I try to write about five times per week, so chances are that there will be something new when you stop in!
Lastly, thank you. Thank you for the encouragement, the prayers, support, and for taking a minute out of your busy and hectic day to read the things that I think and write about. It means more to me that you know!!
Make a difference out there today. Every day brings new opportunity to change someone's life, or to even make a change in your own life! Just decide that you want to see and take part in that! You'll never regret it!!!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Be mindful of what you're doing with your tongue...
You know, I really wish this article was about french kissing---but it isn't! Rather, it is about the words we say.
I want to mention two ways that this creeps up on us and can cause us harm. One is just in saying evil and harmful things towards others. Proverbs, among many other places, tells us OFTEN about the negative that comes from evil tongues and words. It also speaks to the harm that will come to those who choose to go this route.
The second way is one that we might not pay as much attention to. It is where we say things that we know are true and right, but we aren't careful or put needed thought into how we say it. This can be worse than the first way! The reason is because we know we are speaking with a right heart and good intentions, yet the person hearing on the other end might not be, or is just hearing what we aren't saying! Then people pass it along to others with how they heard it, or just walk away and build up bitterness at something that was never meant to be that way.
Our communication with others is SO important. You CANNOT have enough good communication with the most important people in your life. Actually, this pertains to everyone you come across! When we look at failed marriages, a lack of communication is usually a major factor in them. Friendships break up over missunderstandings. It is probably in our best interest to keep our mouths shut and hold our tongues as often as possible!!! I talk alot. ALOT. So this is something I am trying to be more mindful of in my life and conversations.
Think about that as you talk to people this week. Is what your saying being spoken clearly? Are you accurately articulating your thoughts or position? Could what you are saying be taken wrong, and possibly hurt someone else or make you look bad? Do you need to approach someone and apologize to them for something that you said or could have been taken out of context?
Just ponder that...
I hope your Thursday ROCKED!!!
I want to mention two ways that this creeps up on us and can cause us harm. One is just in saying evil and harmful things towards others. Proverbs, among many other places, tells us OFTEN about the negative that comes from evil tongues and words. It also speaks to the harm that will come to those who choose to go this route.
The second way is one that we might not pay as much attention to. It is where we say things that we know are true and right, but we aren't careful or put needed thought into how we say it. This can be worse than the first way! The reason is because we know we are speaking with a right heart and good intentions, yet the person hearing on the other end might not be, or is just hearing what we aren't saying! Then people pass it along to others with how they heard it, or just walk away and build up bitterness at something that was never meant to be that way.
Our communication with others is SO important. You CANNOT have enough good communication with the most important people in your life. Actually, this pertains to everyone you come across! When we look at failed marriages, a lack of communication is usually a major factor in them. Friendships break up over missunderstandings. It is probably in our best interest to keep our mouths shut and hold our tongues as often as possible!!! I talk alot. ALOT. So this is something I am trying to be more mindful of in my life and conversations.
Think about that as you talk to people this week. Is what your saying being spoken clearly? Are you accurately articulating your thoughts or position? Could what you are saying be taken wrong, and possibly hurt someone else or make you look bad? Do you need to approach someone and apologize to them for something that you said or could have been taken out of context?
Just ponder that...
I hope your Thursday ROCKED!!!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Robbing others of a blessing...
How do you handle it when others want to do something kind or nice for you? Sometimes that may be as simple as putting your plate in the trash, or it could also be as big as paying alot of money for you to go on a trip.
This is something that I tend to struggle with. I am one of those people that would prefer to not feel like I depend on others for anything.
At the end of the day though, if I wanted to do something nice for someone else, and they didn't let me, I would feel like I was robbed an opportunity to bless another. I find that when I want to reject something that someone is wanting to do for me, it is nothing but pride or selfishness on my part---especially when there is no justifiable reason for me to not accept it! Truth is, I should thank God for everything, and take the me out of it!
Do you do that? Do you rob others of opportunities to be a blessing? Next time you are about to reject something that someone is trying to do for you or give to you, stop first and think about it from their perspective. What if you were in their shoes? How would you feel if the roles were reversed?
God works in many different ways. He blesses us in many different ways. Sometimes, it just isn't for us to understand! Just be thankful, and accept the blessings that he wants to pass along your way!
I am BEYOND blessed.....THANKS GOD!!!
This is something that I tend to struggle with. I am one of those people that would prefer to not feel like I depend on others for anything.
At the end of the day though, if I wanted to do something nice for someone else, and they didn't let me, I would feel like I was robbed an opportunity to bless another. I find that when I want to reject something that someone is wanting to do for me, it is nothing but pride or selfishness on my part---especially when there is no justifiable reason for me to not accept it! Truth is, I should thank God for everything, and take the me out of it!
Do you do that? Do you rob others of opportunities to be a blessing? Next time you are about to reject something that someone is trying to do for you or give to you, stop first and think about it from their perspective. What if you were in their shoes? How would you feel if the roles were reversed?
God works in many different ways. He blesses us in many different ways. Sometimes, it just isn't for us to understand! Just be thankful, and accept the blessings that he wants to pass along your way!
I am BEYOND blessed.....THANKS GOD!!!
Let's try this again...
Ok...ANYONE should be able to comment now on the blog! So if you have tried and haven't been able to, then try again!!!
Thanks again for taking the time to come and check this thing out...you bless me more than you know!!!
Thanks again for taking the time to come and check this thing out...you bless me more than you know!!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
The first Christian's...
I started reading a book by Frances Chan called "Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect Of The Holy Spirit" today. I am only into the first chapter, but already between it and the introduction, there are some pretty great questions posed for us.
As you can probably figure based off of the title, the book is about a very important part of the Trinity---the Holy Spirit. Specifically, it is about our neglect of it as individuals and as a church.
The question I pose tonight is from the introduction of the book. In that introduction, Chan asks what the first Christians would think of church today? He speaks of how they acted based off of the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit, and looks at how we as a body of believers have very much gotten away from that.
So what does that look like in your life? When is the last time you FELT the presence of the Holy Spirit guiding you and leading you? Or do you act more off of what you think and believe as a human individual?
The Holy Spirit is all kinds of important in our day-to-day lives as believers. God is so powerful and awesome! One of the other statements I LOVED early on in the book is that without the Holy Spirit, people operate in their own strength and only accomplish human-sized results. That is a very powerful statement. A true statement.
All I know in my life is that I believe with my WHOLE heart that God is supernatural, does the supernatural, and will continue to do the supernatural. I have seen him work in my life over and over. Have you? Do you believe he CAN? Do you believe he WILL?
He wants to use the Holy Spirit to come and work in your life, too. Please let him!!!
As you can probably figure based off of the title, the book is about a very important part of the Trinity---the Holy Spirit. Specifically, it is about our neglect of it as individuals and as a church.
The question I pose tonight is from the introduction of the book. In that introduction, Chan asks what the first Christians would think of church today? He speaks of how they acted based off of the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit, and looks at how we as a body of believers have very much gotten away from that.
So what does that look like in your life? When is the last time you FELT the presence of the Holy Spirit guiding you and leading you? Or do you act more off of what you think and believe as a human individual?
The Holy Spirit is all kinds of important in our day-to-day lives as believers. God is so powerful and awesome! One of the other statements I LOVED early on in the book is that without the Holy Spirit, people operate in their own strength and only accomplish human-sized results. That is a very powerful statement. A true statement.
All I know in my life is that I believe with my WHOLE heart that God is supernatural, does the supernatural, and will continue to do the supernatural. I have seen him work in my life over and over. Have you? Do you believe he CAN? Do you believe he WILL?
He wants to use the Holy Spirit to come and work in your life, too. Please let him!!!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Two quick thoughts...
I loved hearing our new Executive Pastor preach for the first time at church this morning. He brought a great word from Mark 2:1-12 that was centered around fellowship. I encourage you to read that passage. The four friends there are something the main guy in the story had, and I am blessed with what I feel like are the same kinds of friends in my life. What a blessing!
There are two main things that have stuck with me all day from that sermon. Let me say right here though that Terry presented many true and practical thoughts that can help to make a better life for everyone.
The first thing is that I need to spend more time really digging through my Bible. I read it, and read it more than ever. But when I hear a message like today, I realize that there are still so many things and life lessons I have yet to receive from God's Word. I just know I want to do all I can to make sure I am in the best position to gain all of the wisdom possible!
The second thing is more about our everyday lives. Think about your worst habits, sin, etc. Now, who knows about it? Who are the people that know about it, and don't judge you for it, but rather desire to love you unconditionally and help you overcome it (keeping in mind that Jesus is where you need to first turn to for that!)? I am blessed to have people in my life that are those kind of friends. I CAN'T imagine at all my life without them. God uses them in amazing ways. The sad thing to me is that most people worry to much about how others will judge them, and keep their struggles inside and play the "happy game" as they fake through life. I don't actually blame them, because the ways of the world SUCK. Heck, most people in most churches SUCK. Yup---I said it.
I encourage these people that bottle it in to seek someone trustworthy to talk to. We can be used in mighty ways by God if we are at peace and free from the devil attacking our minds with our sin---OUR SIN THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN FORGIVEN!!! If God is our only judge according to the Word, then why in the crap do we care what others think of us? Seek out, listen to, and trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your life.
I pray we will all gain a confidence in the Lord that frees us from bondage. That we will break those shackles so that we can be better used to carry out the Great Commission!!! Changing lives and sharing Christ is our main purpose here on Earth!!!
Be a blessing this week!!!
There are two main things that have stuck with me all day from that sermon. Let me say right here though that Terry presented many true and practical thoughts that can help to make a better life for everyone.
The first thing is that I need to spend more time really digging through my Bible. I read it, and read it more than ever. But when I hear a message like today, I realize that there are still so many things and life lessons I have yet to receive from God's Word. I just know I want to do all I can to make sure I am in the best position to gain all of the wisdom possible!
The second thing is more about our everyday lives. Think about your worst habits, sin, etc. Now, who knows about it? Who are the people that know about it, and don't judge you for it, but rather desire to love you unconditionally and help you overcome it (keeping in mind that Jesus is where you need to first turn to for that!)? I am blessed to have people in my life that are those kind of friends. I CAN'T imagine at all my life without them. God uses them in amazing ways. The sad thing to me is that most people worry to much about how others will judge them, and keep their struggles inside and play the "happy game" as they fake through life. I don't actually blame them, because the ways of the world SUCK. Heck, most people in most churches SUCK. Yup---I said it.
I encourage these people that bottle it in to seek someone trustworthy to talk to. We can be used in mighty ways by God if we are at peace and free from the devil attacking our minds with our sin---OUR SIN THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN FORGIVEN!!! If God is our only judge according to the Word, then why in the crap do we care what others think of us? Seek out, listen to, and trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your life.
I pray we will all gain a confidence in the Lord that frees us from bondage. That we will break those shackles so that we can be better used to carry out the Great Commission!!! Changing lives and sharing Christ is our main purpose here on Earth!!!
Be a blessing this week!!!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Saturday morning blessings...
I have already had an AWESOME Saturday, and it is not even noon yet! In fact, this day will only get SO much better!
I had breakfast with a guy I really admire and relate to, Matt Graves. Matt is a coach, dad, christian, father, husband, friend, mentor, leader, and one of the founders of Laces of Grace. We had a three hour breakfast today and just got to know each other more, talk life, talk God, talk ministry, etc. Just a great time. In fact, time flew by, and I lost count of the number of cups of coffee I had!
During the course of our breakfast, we discussed MANY different things, and I just wanted to note a couple that really stood out to me, and just ask you to think about these, what you think about these, and how any of them relate to you and what they look like in your life.
Here they are:
-Most of us have a lack of faith more often than we realize in our lives. Knowing that we have actually SEEN what God does when we have the kind of faith that he calls us to have, why in the world do we continually miss the mark in this specific area???
-As humans, we are all very guilty of judgement of others, which leads to nothing but holding both ourselves and others back from living a more fulfilled Godly life, focusing instead on the things that truly matter and serve the purpose we are suppossed to be living for.
-God is VERY faithful to his word!
-There is nothing like being surrounded by other like-minded believers that help carry us through our lives. They provide encouragement, correction, love, support, and so many other things that we need to survive each day moving forward towards what God has called us to. I thank God for that group of people in my life!
-We make our faith alot more complicated than it needs to be.
-Matt said this, and it is a thought-provoking statement/thought: If you were around when Jesus walked the Earth, and didn't see, but only HEARD of the miracles he performed and who he claimed to be, would you have believed it? Stop and think about that...
-Husbands and wives are blessed to have one another. We are both blessed to have a woman in our lives that is an ideal help-mate and supporter of who we are as individuals and as men. Relationships aren't selfish or about us, but rather about waking up and serving one another---about sacrificing---just as Christ served and sacrificed for us!
-And finally, we both agreed that this morning was a blessing on so many different levels. We also looked at the fact that it happened because we both wanted to meet, we proactively set an appointed time to do so, we listened, shared, tried to grow, and saw God within it. We carried a Christ-like attitude towards this time. So if we do this with other friends and believers, why don't we all set more appointments like this in our lives with God? That is TOTALLY on us to do, to proactively grow and develop our faith and our relationship with Jesus.
I hope your day is awesome, and that if your life seems to just not be where you want it, or things could be going better for you, then remember that we are all just ONE RIGHT CHOICE from being back on the right road! Have faith and make that right choice TODAY and experience all of the peace, love, and joy that God desires for your life!
I had breakfast with a guy I really admire and relate to, Matt Graves. Matt is a coach, dad, christian, father, husband, friend, mentor, leader, and one of the founders of Laces of Grace. We had a three hour breakfast today and just got to know each other more, talk life, talk God, talk ministry, etc. Just a great time. In fact, time flew by, and I lost count of the number of cups of coffee I had!
During the course of our breakfast, we discussed MANY different things, and I just wanted to note a couple that really stood out to me, and just ask you to think about these, what you think about these, and how any of them relate to you and what they look like in your life.
Here they are:
-Most of us have a lack of faith more often than we realize in our lives. Knowing that we have actually SEEN what God does when we have the kind of faith that he calls us to have, why in the world do we continually miss the mark in this specific area???
-As humans, we are all very guilty of judgement of others, which leads to nothing but holding both ourselves and others back from living a more fulfilled Godly life, focusing instead on the things that truly matter and serve the purpose we are suppossed to be living for.
-God is VERY faithful to his word!
-There is nothing like being surrounded by other like-minded believers that help carry us through our lives. They provide encouragement, correction, love, support, and so many other things that we need to survive each day moving forward towards what God has called us to. I thank God for that group of people in my life!
-We make our faith alot more complicated than it needs to be.
-Matt said this, and it is a thought-provoking statement/thought: If you were around when Jesus walked the Earth, and didn't see, but only HEARD of the miracles he performed and who he claimed to be, would you have believed it? Stop and think about that...
-Husbands and wives are blessed to have one another. We are both blessed to have a woman in our lives that is an ideal help-mate and supporter of who we are as individuals and as men. Relationships aren't selfish or about us, but rather about waking up and serving one another---about sacrificing---just as Christ served and sacrificed for us!
-And finally, we both agreed that this morning was a blessing on so many different levels. We also looked at the fact that it happened because we both wanted to meet, we proactively set an appointed time to do so, we listened, shared, tried to grow, and saw God within it. We carried a Christ-like attitude towards this time. So if we do this with other friends and believers, why don't we all set more appointments like this in our lives with God? That is TOTALLY on us to do, to proactively grow and develop our faith and our relationship with Jesus.
I hope your day is awesome, and that if your life seems to just not be where you want it, or things could be going better for you, then remember that we are all just ONE RIGHT CHOICE from being back on the right road! Have faith and make that right choice TODAY and experience all of the peace, love, and joy that God desires for your life!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Could be alot of different things...
I love learning about people. I love asking questions, giving them the opportunity to share, and just taking it all in. For the most part, I think we all know that people have opinions and love to talk---especially about themselves or what is important to them.
Did you catch the "for the most part" part?
One of the specific ways to get out info to the masses is via Facebook. I often enjoy posting what my sister calls "survey" questions on there. Today I posted one about Nintendo. The actual question was asking what your favorite old school Nintendo game was. I'll bet that over 35 people answered---so far. The thing that is most interesting is that for that or other mainstream type questions, people come out of the woodwork to answer. Yet when me or others I know post a question about God, Jesus, or faith---it's quiet. Barely a response to be found. I was pondering that and why that might be today as I was driving.
The conclusion I came to was there is no right or wrong absolute answer as to why that happens. It's all a best guess. My own best guess is that one's faith or belief system is a pretty personal and intimate thing, and many like to keep it just that way. My only problem with that is that according to the Bible, in Matthew 28, we are called to "go and make disciples among the nations". See that word there---"GO"??? That's a proactive word. We are to make effort. So that totally wipes out the "quiet because my faith is a personal and intimate theory", right?
Another issue could be that people care what others might think. That could be for a huge different number of reasons. It could be because they live two different ways, because they don't like people to ridicule them, or that they are scared to be accountable for where God might take them if they are more proactive in their faith. All valid things. Yet still, God is our ONLY judge, nobody is perfect and we shouldn't create unattainable expectations for others, and we should also have faith and live Jeremiah 29:11-13.
I could go on and on with thought after thought about this. I probably will at a later time after I have thought and prayed about it more. But either way, what this all shows me is that we have to be gentle and sensitive to the world, yet still more than confident in who WE are and not be afraid to live it and talk about it. That is the only way that change will happen---is when we first make changes in ourself. And I don't mean an apologetic type of sensitivity to the world, but rather sensitive to the fact that the world doesn't see things as we do. We have to be able to be selfless and see through eyes other than our own.
Give all of this some thought. I'd be very curious to know what some of you think about this. I certainly don't even know if my thoughts are accurate---they are just my thoughts!!!
I pray you all have an awesome weekend, and be thankful for every second you have and every blessing God gives!
Did you catch the "for the most part" part?
One of the specific ways to get out info to the masses is via Facebook. I often enjoy posting what my sister calls "survey" questions on there. Today I posted one about Nintendo. The actual question was asking what your favorite old school Nintendo game was. I'll bet that over 35 people answered---so far. The thing that is most interesting is that for that or other mainstream type questions, people come out of the woodwork to answer. Yet when me or others I know post a question about God, Jesus, or faith---it's quiet. Barely a response to be found. I was pondering that and why that might be today as I was driving.
The conclusion I came to was there is no right or wrong absolute answer as to why that happens. It's all a best guess. My own best guess is that one's faith or belief system is a pretty personal and intimate thing, and many like to keep it just that way. My only problem with that is that according to the Bible, in Matthew 28, we are called to "go and make disciples among the nations". See that word there---"GO"??? That's a proactive word. We are to make effort. So that totally wipes out the "quiet because my faith is a personal and intimate theory", right?
Another issue could be that people care what others might think. That could be for a huge different number of reasons. It could be because they live two different ways, because they don't like people to ridicule them, or that they are scared to be accountable for where God might take them if they are more proactive in their faith. All valid things. Yet still, God is our ONLY judge, nobody is perfect and we shouldn't create unattainable expectations for others, and we should also have faith and live Jeremiah 29:11-13.
I could go on and on with thought after thought about this. I probably will at a later time after I have thought and prayed about it more. But either way, what this all shows me is that we have to be gentle and sensitive to the world, yet still more than confident in who WE are and not be afraid to live it and talk about it. That is the only way that change will happen---is when we first make changes in ourself. And I don't mean an apologetic type of sensitivity to the world, but rather sensitive to the fact that the world doesn't see things as we do. We have to be able to be selfless and see through eyes other than our own.
Give all of this some thought. I'd be very curious to know what some of you think about this. I certainly don't even know if my thoughts are accurate---they are just my thoughts!!!
I pray you all have an awesome weekend, and be thankful for every second you have and every blessing God gives!
I know that some of you try to comment sometimes and it won't take it. For those of you that are followers and have a google account already---I have no freaking idea what to tell you as far as why it won't take your comments sometimes! Maybe it wants you to re-think some of the things you wanna say! Ha!!!
For the rest of you, that don't have a google account created already, that should be your first step. It doesn't take but a minute to do, and then you can both follow and comment on the blog as often as you like! I hope that ends up being ALOT! I know signing up and stuff like that can seem like a drag, and I totally get that. But when you consider that it takes just one minute---and there are 1,440 per day---it really isn't that big of a deal! You'll waste MUCH more time than that throughout your day!
Feel free to email me anytime with your own thoughts, comments, or suggestions at thomasearlneal@yahoo.com. And as always, thank you SO much for taking time to stop in and read!
For the rest of you, that don't have a google account created already, that should be your first step. It doesn't take but a minute to do, and then you can both follow and comment on the blog as often as you like! I hope that ends up being ALOT! I know signing up and stuff like that can seem like a drag, and I totally get that. But when you consider that it takes just one minute---and there are 1,440 per day---it really isn't that big of a deal! You'll waste MUCH more time than that throughout your day!
Feel free to email me anytime with your own thoughts, comments, or suggestions at thomasearlneal@yahoo.com. And as always, thank you SO much for taking time to stop in and read!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
We have it better than we think...
I had the opportunity to sit with some guys at lunch today, one of which is our new Executive Pastor at church. Sounds fancy, doesn't it! Part of his journey in his life is a military assignment as a chaplain during the current ongoing war. He shared many things from that time, and we had many different questions for him. One of the questions I asked him was about what God taught him through that experience overseas. He spoke specifically about gratitude. Not only did he speak about it, but his eyes welled up with tears, and raw emotion overtook him as he answered my question.
He said that the men and women over there never know if the current day will be their last. That they struggle with things like having to kill enemies, or even killing innocent civilians. They question how God sees them through that. They live in an environment where you can trust almost nobody. They never know if five feet in front of their vehicle is a bomb waiting for them. Can you imagine having to live through that? Can you even fathom that being your everyday? To be on the ground moving with your crew and having people firing guns and other things at you trying to kill you?
My stomach turned at first. I am a very empathetic person (empathetic, NOT pathetic!), and to try to put myself in his or their place broke my heart. To see him so moved by what he lived through, as well as moved by God's grace, really impacted me. As he kept on though, my focus became more clearly fixated on praying more than ever in many different ways for our troops that are fighting to protect us and our freedom. God showed me more than ever today that I have MANY things to be thankful for, both big and small. I think that WAY too often we take the little things for granted.
I ask you to stop and think about these troops. Think about their lives they live over there, the battles they daily face, emotions, questions, etc. It is NOTHING like we live over here in our country. It is also NOTHING that any of us that have not been there can even start to pretend to understand.
So to any troops that might read this, I say a heartfelt thank you for your service and sacrifice. If I can ever do anything at all for you, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Thanks for sharing, Terry.
He said that the men and women over there never know if the current day will be their last. That they struggle with things like having to kill enemies, or even killing innocent civilians. They question how God sees them through that. They live in an environment where you can trust almost nobody. They never know if five feet in front of their vehicle is a bomb waiting for them. Can you imagine having to live through that? Can you even fathom that being your everyday? To be on the ground moving with your crew and having people firing guns and other things at you trying to kill you?
My stomach turned at first. I am a very empathetic person (empathetic, NOT pathetic!), and to try to put myself in his or their place broke my heart. To see him so moved by what he lived through, as well as moved by God's grace, really impacted me. As he kept on though, my focus became more clearly fixated on praying more than ever in many different ways for our troops that are fighting to protect us and our freedom. God showed me more than ever today that I have MANY things to be thankful for, both big and small. I think that WAY too often we take the little things for granted.
I ask you to stop and think about these troops. Think about their lives they live over there, the battles they daily face, emotions, questions, etc. It is NOTHING like we live over here in our country. It is also NOTHING that any of us that have not been there can even start to pretend to understand.
So to any troops that might read this, I say a heartfelt thank you for your service and sacrifice. If I can ever do anything at all for you, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Thanks for sharing, Terry.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The triangle...
One of the things I feel like I think on, study, and talk about with others is the love relationship. This one being the one between a husband and wife.
The best and simplest way I know to illustrate what that is suppossed to look like is by taking all of the roles and assigning them a part of a triangle.
The horizontal line at the bottom of the triangle represents the most basic foundation shared between the couple. It is the minimum they have holding their relationship together.
Each diagonal side of the triangle makes up each individual in the relationship, with the very top where they come together being where they are one---with God.
So that makes each of those diagonal sides EXTREMELY important in the whole relationship process. It shows us that each person should have a place they are striving to be. It shows us that even while we are in a relationship, we have ALOT of responsibility to control positively what we can control, and it shows us exactly what we get when we invest into that---a oneness with our mate and God. Is there ANYTHING better than that when it comes to these marriage relationships?
Have you ever thought of all of this in this way? Does it make sense to you?
This illustration really helps me put it all into perspective. It shows me the big picture, yet allows me space to figure out myself what I need to do to do my part. It promotes communication between the two, so they can be sure they are moving towards the same things, and check in on exactly how they are doing it.
If you read this and are having relationship issues, or know someone that is, try putting this into place or sharing it with someone else. I hope God can use it to speak to someone else as he has used it for me!
Be blessed out there, and enjoy your Wednesday!
The best and simplest way I know to illustrate what that is suppossed to look like is by taking all of the roles and assigning them a part of a triangle.
The horizontal line at the bottom of the triangle represents the most basic foundation shared between the couple. It is the minimum they have holding their relationship together.
Each diagonal side of the triangle makes up each individual in the relationship, with the very top where they come together being where they are one---with God.
So that makes each of those diagonal sides EXTREMELY important in the whole relationship process. It shows us that each person should have a place they are striving to be. It shows us that even while we are in a relationship, we have ALOT of responsibility to control positively what we can control, and it shows us exactly what we get when we invest into that---a oneness with our mate and God. Is there ANYTHING better than that when it comes to these marriage relationships?
Have you ever thought of all of this in this way? Does it make sense to you?
This illustration really helps me put it all into perspective. It shows me the big picture, yet allows me space to figure out myself what I need to do to do my part. It promotes communication between the two, so they can be sure they are moving towards the same things, and check in on exactly how they are doing it.
If you read this and are having relationship issues, or know someone that is, try putting this into place or sharing it with someone else. I hope God can use it to speak to someone else as he has used it for me!
Be blessed out there, and enjoy your Wednesday!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
A cheerful heart...
Proverbs 17:22
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
This great Proverb doesn't need a whole lot of explanation. We live in a hurting world, with stresses and things that could tear us down waiting around every corner. It goes back to attitude. We have the choice ourselves as to whether we are going to be a light, or whether we will tear others down. The Bible states quite simply right here that the right move for us is to be a light and to be "medicine" to those in need. Medicine heals. Therefore we have the opportunity to bring healing to a world in need, one person at a time!
Believe you can be that!!!
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
This great Proverb doesn't need a whole lot of explanation. We live in a hurting world, with stresses and things that could tear us down waiting around every corner. It goes back to attitude. We have the choice ourselves as to whether we are going to be a light, or whether we will tear others down. The Bible states quite simply right here that the right move for us is to be a light and to be "medicine" to those in need. Medicine heals. Therefore we have the opportunity to bring healing to a world in need, one person at a time!
Believe you can be that!!!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The simplicity of it all...
I love the simplicity of Acts 3:19.
"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord."
Pretty straight forward, isn't it! The whole thing starts with us acknowledging our sin. Once we humble ourselves enough to do that, we need to just ask God to forgive us of those sins, which he has already done through the blood of Jesus on the cross! Then, the times of refreshing that this verse speaks of, that come from the Lord, is based on the fact that once we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit comes and walks with us. Things like joy, peace, love, hope, etc, are ALL a part of the blessings that come in that.
I ask that if any read this and don't know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, that you please consider this truth, and the truth of his love and power as it is manifested in so many lives, working for our good, all bringing God glory. There is NOTHING like the love of Christ. NOTHING!
It is a life-changing decision that myself and so many others have made. I'm so thankful to know that I never walk alone in this world, seeing as how everytime I have tried to do it all myself, I failed.
So go and experience all that life has to offer through a relationship with Christ---you'll NEVER regret it!
Have an awesome Saturday!
"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord."
Pretty straight forward, isn't it! The whole thing starts with us acknowledging our sin. Once we humble ourselves enough to do that, we need to just ask God to forgive us of those sins, which he has already done through the blood of Jesus on the cross! Then, the times of refreshing that this verse speaks of, that come from the Lord, is based on the fact that once we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit comes and walks with us. Things like joy, peace, love, hope, etc, are ALL a part of the blessings that come in that.
I ask that if any read this and don't know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, that you please consider this truth, and the truth of his love and power as it is manifested in so many lives, working for our good, all bringing God glory. There is NOTHING like the love of Christ. NOTHING!
It is a life-changing decision that myself and so many others have made. I'm so thankful to know that I never walk alone in this world, seeing as how everytime I have tried to do it all myself, I failed.
So go and experience all that life has to offer through a relationship with Christ---you'll NEVER regret it!
Have an awesome Saturday!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I am WORE OUT! We have had district baseball tournament all week long, and it finally ended tonight. We got 2nd place.
Tonight my thoughts are simple. I am so very proud of those boys for never quitting, even when they could have easily done so. The biggest thing for me though is the joy I get watching and knowing I am having an opportunity to positively impact a young life. What an awesome opportunity and responsibility. Young people are so very impressionable, and we have to really be careful what they see from us, whether it be actions, emotions, or attitudes.
So tonight, I just thank God for the opportunity I had to learn and grow by being a part the last two years of such a wonderful group of parents, families, and these young men. I pray that somehow I was able to be used in their life to have some sort of positive impact!
Now, FINALLY, time for some much needed rest!!!
Tonight my thoughts are simple. I am so very proud of those boys for never quitting, even when they could have easily done so. The biggest thing for me though is the joy I get watching and knowing I am having an opportunity to positively impact a young life. What an awesome opportunity and responsibility. Young people are so very impressionable, and we have to really be careful what they see from us, whether it be actions, emotions, or attitudes.
So tonight, I just thank God for the opportunity I had to learn and grow by being a part the last two years of such a wonderful group of parents, families, and these young men. I pray that somehow I was able to be used in their life to have some sort of positive impact!
Now, FINALLY, time for some much needed rest!!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Take a look around...
What is your focus during the day? I ask only because I have been very convicted about those hurting that hold it all in, never telling anyone or feeling like anyone cares. I just believe that there are more people that fall into that group than we even realize.
Do you ever stop and just ask people how they are doing? I mean sincerely ask them? And then taking it a step further, if something does seem wrong or they admit to it, do you ask the further questions and make yourself availiable as a person to lend an ear or offer help in some form or fashion? I expect most people don't want to burden others with what they feel like are huge issues, but I tend to look at it all from a different angle. I think that if we all would try to not act so perfect and just be who we are, and share with others our imperfections and struggles in an encouraging way, then others wouldn't feel so down and burdened by their own problems or issues. Makes sense, doesn't it?
I encourage you to stop and sincerely check with others in your day. We are called to love each other and bear one another's burdens. Not only that, but we are called to be christians before we are ANYTHING else. Yes, we fail daily, as we are all sinners. I get that. But that should not keep us from striving to pursue authenticity in our lives, and also being sure not to hold others to standards that can NEVER be met. We all need to be a little more realistic and fair, and especially more forgiving and understanding of the bigger picture.
We just never know when a little love and care from our part that might seem insignificant to us might be the thing that makes a difference and changes everything in another's life. God is bigger than everything, especially us!
Do you ever stop and just ask people how they are doing? I mean sincerely ask them? And then taking it a step further, if something does seem wrong or they admit to it, do you ask the further questions and make yourself availiable as a person to lend an ear or offer help in some form or fashion? I expect most people don't want to burden others with what they feel like are huge issues, but I tend to look at it all from a different angle. I think that if we all would try to not act so perfect and just be who we are, and share with others our imperfections and struggles in an encouraging way, then others wouldn't feel so down and burdened by their own problems or issues. Makes sense, doesn't it?
I encourage you to stop and sincerely check with others in your day. We are called to love each other and bear one another's burdens. Not only that, but we are called to be christians before we are ANYTHING else. Yes, we fail daily, as we are all sinners. I get that. But that should not keep us from striving to pursue authenticity in our lives, and also being sure not to hold others to standards that can NEVER be met. We all need to be a little more realistic and fair, and especially more forgiving and understanding of the bigger picture.
We just never know when a little love and care from our part that might seem insignificant to us might be the thing that makes a difference and changes everything in another's life. God is bigger than everything, especially us!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Do you ever think about how you hope you are remembered when you are gone from this earth? I don't know that I think about that alot, but it is something that from time to time crosses my mind.
When I stop and think about that, it brings to mind the good as well as bad I have encountered thus far as I have walked through my life. I feel like I am at a much better place these days, especially compared to where I feel like I have been. I DO think we have to stop and remember just a couple of things as we ponder this topic.
The first thing is that we can always change our future. Every person that doesn't like where they feel they are headed is just ONE CHOICE away from righting their course. It just takes one turn to get off the wrong road and onto the right one. That's it.
Next, we must remember that our parents and our kids will both be a part of how we are remembered. It might be that we were just like our folks, or that we broke away from their ways, but it will still be that they are a part of our legacy. And for our kids, how we raised them and how people saw us as parents will be a large part of how we are remembered.
Lastly, there are one of three ways that we will be remembered---good, bad, or indifferent. Think about that. That is a very true statement. Is it worth walking this earth and living each day to not even be remembered? Or to leave a negative lagacy behind you? NO!!! It isn't!!!
We should all want to leave our mark positively on this world. God didn't breathe life into us for us to live a wasted one. So think about where you stand on this as you read this today. Are you happy with how you feel you would be remembered if your time was up right this moment? If not, how do you want it to be different?
I hope your weekend was fantastic, and I pray we all seek the opportunities to impact lives and better our own legacies as we walk through this upcoming week!
Be a blessing and change another's life!
When I stop and think about that, it brings to mind the good as well as bad I have encountered thus far as I have walked through my life. I feel like I am at a much better place these days, especially compared to where I feel like I have been. I DO think we have to stop and remember just a couple of things as we ponder this topic.
The first thing is that we can always change our future. Every person that doesn't like where they feel they are headed is just ONE CHOICE away from righting their course. It just takes one turn to get off the wrong road and onto the right one. That's it.
Next, we must remember that our parents and our kids will both be a part of how we are remembered. It might be that we were just like our folks, or that we broke away from their ways, but it will still be that they are a part of our legacy. And for our kids, how we raised them and how people saw us as parents will be a large part of how we are remembered.
Lastly, there are one of three ways that we will be remembered---good, bad, or indifferent. Think about that. That is a very true statement. Is it worth walking this earth and living each day to not even be remembered? Or to leave a negative lagacy behind you? NO!!! It isn't!!!
We should all want to leave our mark positively on this world. God didn't breathe life into us for us to live a wasted one. So think about where you stand on this as you read this today. Are you happy with how you feel you would be remembered if your time was up right this moment? If not, how do you want it to be different?
I hope your weekend was fantastic, and I pray we all seek the opportunities to impact lives and better our own legacies as we walk through this upcoming week!
Be a blessing and change another's life!
Friday, July 8, 2011
You just never know...
Almost everyone has heard by this point of the tragic death of the firefighter at the Ranger game from last night. The more I hear about it, the more it breaks my heart. I know during the Mavericks and Lakers series, I blogged about the difference an inch can make in life. That stemmed from watching the Mavs celebrate victory as Kobe had a three-point attempt bounce off the back of the rim as the buzzer sounded.
Well, this is the other side---the more serious side---of that same idea. I have pictured in my mind what it would do to my son to witness me go through something like that. It brings me to tears to think about the pain that he would have to deal with. Not understanding things and why they happen a certain way. Children walk with such trust and faith in their lives that they just can't comprehend these types of things.
I have prayed for that widow, that 6 year-old boy, and everyone involved in that situation, including fans, players, witnesses, etc.
But the thing I keep coming back to is that God is bigger than all of this, and everything happens for a reason. We don't understand alot of the time, including this one, but then again, we aren't suppossed to. God knew this would happen, and somehow, God will get the glory in all of this. That is the attitude and faith we are called to walk in daily. I pray that my son and I can talk about this situation, and that God will somehow use this story to show himself to myself and my son in a whole new way.
Either way, be thankful for the blessings you have today. Don't wait until they are gone and live with the regret of not sharing. Live each day as if it might be your last, and live with no regrets! Don't let stuff that doesn't matter get in the way of the most important things---pray to God that he reveal to you fully what those are in HIS eyes.
Lord, we know that in everything, you reign. You are the Lord over all, and the Lord of my life. I trust you, and just want to honor the blessings you have given me each and every day. I am blessed beyond measure, and you get all of the glory. Thanks for your love, mercy, and forgiveness. Forgive and cleanse me where I fail you, and let others see you through me. I love you Father. Thank you most of all for Jesus.
Well, this is the other side---the more serious side---of that same idea. I have pictured in my mind what it would do to my son to witness me go through something like that. It brings me to tears to think about the pain that he would have to deal with. Not understanding things and why they happen a certain way. Children walk with such trust and faith in their lives that they just can't comprehend these types of things.
I have prayed for that widow, that 6 year-old boy, and everyone involved in that situation, including fans, players, witnesses, etc.
But the thing I keep coming back to is that God is bigger than all of this, and everything happens for a reason. We don't understand alot of the time, including this one, but then again, we aren't suppossed to. God knew this would happen, and somehow, God will get the glory in all of this. That is the attitude and faith we are called to walk in daily. I pray that my son and I can talk about this situation, and that God will somehow use this story to show himself to myself and my son in a whole new way.
Either way, be thankful for the blessings you have today. Don't wait until they are gone and live with the regret of not sharing. Live each day as if it might be your last, and live with no regrets! Don't let stuff that doesn't matter get in the way of the most important things---pray to God that he reveal to you fully what those are in HIS eyes.
Lord, we know that in everything, you reign. You are the Lord over all, and the Lord of my life. I trust you, and just want to honor the blessings you have given me each and every day. I am blessed beyond measure, and you get all of the glory. Thanks for your love, mercy, and forgiveness. Forgive and cleanse me where I fail you, and let others see you through me. I love you Father. Thank you most of all for Jesus.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Ask yourself...
I feel lucky to be blessed with the ability to stop and have patience and see the big picture more often than not. I know many people don't have that, and it can make life frustrating, as well as allow insignificant details to get in the way of the things that matter.
One of the questions I often ask myself regardless of the situation is, "What does this mean in the grand scheme of things?" When it comes to our jobs, kids, relationships, etc, it is very easy to let small stupid details get in the way of peace. I don't believe that is productive whatsoever. So as you seek peace in your life, make one of the first steps you take to be to get in the habit of asking yourself that very question in every situation you go through. When you stop and think about that, you will find that most details are just exactly that---details. The things that matter will not be clouded and polluted with the small, insignificant details that shouldn't affect them. You will be amazed at how much easier your days seem with that mindset!
I hope God is blessing your day, and that you are looking for opportunities to make a difference in this crazy world we live in! Don't waste your days, have an impact!!!
One of the questions I often ask myself regardless of the situation is, "What does this mean in the grand scheme of things?" When it comes to our jobs, kids, relationships, etc, it is very easy to let small stupid details get in the way of peace. I don't believe that is productive whatsoever. So as you seek peace in your life, make one of the first steps you take to be to get in the habit of asking yourself that very question in every situation you go through. When you stop and think about that, you will find that most details are just exactly that---details. The things that matter will not be clouded and polluted with the small, insignificant details that shouldn't affect them. You will be amazed at how much easier your days seem with that mindset!
I hope God is blessing your day, and that you are looking for opportunities to make a difference in this crazy world we live in! Don't waste your days, have an impact!!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
I know I mentioned Laces of Grace a while back as a growing ministry here in the Texarkana area. Tonight, I ask two things. First, PLEASE email me or go to the website for Laces of Grace and GIVE to help these needy kids. Your contribution ensures that they get a new pair of socks and shoes that they otherwise would never have. YOU have a chance to make a HUGE difference in a young person's life. Second, for those of you outside Texarkana, consider getting in touch with Matt Graves and possibly helping Laces of Grace grow to your area. There are kids all over that could use this kind of love and blessing!
Again, here in Texarkana, the shoes and socks will have to be bought soon, so there is a DEFINITE sense of URGENCY in finishing collecting the money and donations needed to make this happen!
Be a blessing out there my peeps!
Again, here in Texarkana, the shoes and socks will have to be bought soon, so there is a DEFINITE sense of URGENCY in finishing collecting the money and donations needed to make this happen!
Be a blessing out there my peeps!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Love is a verb...
I would be willing that most people see love played out in their lives as more of a feeling or emotion. I see it different. I see love as a state of being. A constant choice and action. Love is a marathon, and not a sprint.
I see as I get older that my personal definition of love has grown and changed drastically over the course of my life. As I strive to be a better man and grow closer to the Lord, I see that there in his word is where the absolute best example of love can be found. It is up to us to read that for ourselves and decide what that means to us.
I trust that there is a perfect match for me out there, and that when I trust God and his timing, that true love will present itself. I feel more prepared than ever to take care of and honor that love. God gets the credit for that, as he has had to provide me plenty of accountability and correction in my life for bad choices. But no matter what, I know that his plan for me is perfect, and my trust is in that.
Heavenly Father, show me daily what your kind of love is. Show me how to best honor you in how I love others. I pray wholeheartedly for every marriage and love relationship tonight. For those that hurt and are struggling, provide answers and direction. For those on the right path, give them even more joy, as only you can. Show us all how to make love not about ourselves, but glorifying you by putting both you and the person we love before ourselves. Lord, forgive me and cleanse me of any relationship mistakes and sins in my life. Let me live my life in a way that honors you first and foremost. Let others see my heart, and let me grow more into a light for you, God. Let me only focus on what is right, what is of you, and only on the things I can control. Thank you for Jesus, and thank you for all of the little things you provide daily in my life to bring me joy and happiness. I love you, Lord.
I see as I get older that my personal definition of love has grown and changed drastically over the course of my life. As I strive to be a better man and grow closer to the Lord, I see that there in his word is where the absolute best example of love can be found. It is up to us to read that for ourselves and decide what that means to us.
I trust that there is a perfect match for me out there, and that when I trust God and his timing, that true love will present itself. I feel more prepared than ever to take care of and honor that love. God gets the credit for that, as he has had to provide me plenty of accountability and correction in my life for bad choices. But no matter what, I know that his plan for me is perfect, and my trust is in that.
Heavenly Father, show me daily what your kind of love is. Show me how to best honor you in how I love others. I pray wholeheartedly for every marriage and love relationship tonight. For those that hurt and are struggling, provide answers and direction. For those on the right path, give them even more joy, as only you can. Show us all how to make love not about ourselves, but glorifying you by putting both you and the person we love before ourselves. Lord, forgive me and cleanse me of any relationship mistakes and sins in my life. Let me live my life in a way that honors you first and foremost. Let others see my heart, and let me grow more into a light for you, God. Let me only focus on what is right, what is of you, and only on the things I can control. Thank you for Jesus, and thank you for all of the little things you provide daily in my life to bring me joy and happiness. I love you, Lord.
Monday, July 4, 2011
There is always an out...
Proverbs 3:21-22
My son, preserve sound judgement and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck.
People are always in pursuit of peace. You can't put a price on peace of mind. Well, right here, Proverbs tells us that one of the ways to have life, God's way, is to hold the attitude of wise choices. To keep those wise choices right there at the forefront of all that we do.
I have noticed in my life that when I am in the middle of something that I shouldn't be in, God ALWAYS gives me an out. It is just up to me to take the opportunity to use sound judgement and discernment and make the wise choice. Of course, if I had those things graced around my neck, then I would stay away from most of those situations and temptations in the first place.
I hope that you and yours have an amazing holiday today, and be PROUD to be an American. No matter how tough times get, the opportunity to live where we are free to worship however we choose is a blessing that most others do not have.
Thanks for my freedom, Lord. But thank you mostly for Jesus.
My son, preserve sound judgement and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck.
People are always in pursuit of peace. You can't put a price on peace of mind. Well, right here, Proverbs tells us that one of the ways to have life, God's way, is to hold the attitude of wise choices. To keep those wise choices right there at the forefront of all that we do.
I have noticed in my life that when I am in the middle of something that I shouldn't be in, God ALWAYS gives me an out. It is just up to me to take the opportunity to use sound judgement and discernment and make the wise choice. Of course, if I had those things graced around my neck, then I would stay away from most of those situations and temptations in the first place.
I hope that you and yours have an amazing holiday today, and be PROUD to be an American. No matter how tough times get, the opportunity to live where we are free to worship however we choose is a blessing that most others do not have.
Thanks for my freedom, Lord. But thank you mostly for Jesus.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Fill me up buttercup...
I think alot of people seek fulfillment from numerous sources. I know there was a time in my life that I fell into this boat. But now, I know that the first place I MUST find my fulfillment is from God.
I have spoken to people this week that are going through different trials in their lives. The one thing they all have in common is that they are feeling hurt or negativity from outside sources, and they are allowing it to keep a stronghold over them. Truth is, there will NEVER be peace unless it comes from above. God made us. He perfectly created us. If we allow ourselves to count on man to meet our needs, then we will constantly be let down, because man will fail us every time.
The things we most want in our lives are peace, love, joy, happiness, etc...and those come from above. They are fruits of the Spirit.
So if you are feeling down, in bondage, frustrated, etc, then I ask you where the source of it is? Are your expectations resting on another human or situation? I'd be willing to bet that your focus isn't on seeking God's best for your life, because although we DO face trials, He is not the author of confusion or negativity.
Open the Word, and lay your burdens at the foot of the cross. You will feel free, and be allowed to experience the fulfillment and peace you need---from the right source!!!
Have an AWESOME holiday weekend, and be safe out there!
I have spoken to people this week that are going through different trials in their lives. The one thing they all have in common is that they are feeling hurt or negativity from outside sources, and they are allowing it to keep a stronghold over them. Truth is, there will NEVER be peace unless it comes from above. God made us. He perfectly created us. If we allow ourselves to count on man to meet our needs, then we will constantly be let down, because man will fail us every time.
The things we most want in our lives are peace, love, joy, happiness, etc...and those come from above. They are fruits of the Spirit.
So if you are feeling down, in bondage, frustrated, etc, then I ask you where the source of it is? Are your expectations resting on another human or situation? I'd be willing to bet that your focus isn't on seeking God's best for your life, because although we DO face trials, He is not the author of confusion or negativity.
Open the Word, and lay your burdens at the foot of the cross. You will feel free, and be allowed to experience the fulfillment and peace you need---from the right source!!!
Have an AWESOME holiday weekend, and be safe out there!
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