Sunday, May 22, 2011


Probably our greatest tangible thing we can actually give to each other.  I know I have mentioned this before, but I figured that some things will be repeated themes as time goes on---this being one of them.

In class this morning, we watched the "Outlive Your Life" video, and one of the things a group did to minister was giving of time coupled with quarters.  They went to a laundromat and paid for people's laundry over the course of time.  They stayed there and got to know people, and were able to watch as God used their actions and giving to bless others.  Giving the quarters is easy.  So is writing a check, or dumping cash in a bucket.  Not so easy is to set our schedules aside and give freely of our most prized asset---TIME! 

That got me thinking about how I use my time.  I do try to be very willing to meet others where they are in their lives and make it not about me.  Some days are great, but of course there are the days and moments out there that it becomes tougher to do.  And what about the time we spend with other believers?  Are we ALWAYS sharpening each other, or are we USING our iron?  I find myself guilty of the latter more than I would like.  Sometimes it is like I keep waiting for God to show me that big billboard that says, "Tommy---this is God---do XXXXXXXXXXXX".  I'll bet I am not the only one that thinks that way.

I have decided in the past few weeks to listen to God more and reach out and talk about things and share things with people that in the past I would have never done that with.  This blog and the ministry it is becoming for me is one of them.  It might be as simple as asking questions on how to pray for people that didn't know my faith.  Or reaching out to someone that God has put in my path or on my heart that I was hesitant to reach out to before. 

I encourage you to think about that in your life.  If God has put it on your heart, and you are simply following it, what do you have to fear or be embarassed about?  That isn't the easiest lesson to learn, but the boldness that comes from obedience is so very worth it.  I am getting to experience that and the peace that accompanies it to a small degree, and I want MORE of it!

Get to know someone this week in a whole new way.  Make a bold move for the Lord.  Ask Him to show you what that might be, and seek someone out and talk about it first---just DON'T let it lie under the rug and wither away!

God is good, and I believe with my whole heart that He has AMAZING things going on that He wants us to be a part of!

Thanks for stopping in, and be sure and do it more.  I ask you to join up and share any thoughts anytime, and be sure and tell someone about it!

Be a blessing!


MattandCorey said...

Dude, you are so right. Time is such a critical element in our lives. I was fortunate enough to work for someone early in my coaching career that taught me the importance of being efficient with my time. "Time Management" is a catch phrase in our society but you can't manage time since it's constant. You can manage your life around your time. And what you do with that time makes all the difference in God's eyes.

I have not always been disciplined though. I have found myself sitting in front of the TV surfing for something to entertain me; only to look up and realize two hours have gone by that I will never get back. But there have been days where I have been so busy I look up and it's bedtime. The funny thing is, I always feel better about the busy days b/c I feel more of a sense of accomplishment. So why don't I spend more of my days being productive???

True service does take time! I feel so blessed to be a part of the Heritage family. Bro Tim has done a great job of casting a vision for reaching out to the un-churched. It is the one thing Jesus charges us to do...go fish! That vision is what catapulted Corey and I starting Laces of Grace. (But that's another story!) But we don't have to do something big or great to serve, it can be something simple. I know you remember Easter and how awesome it was to see so many of God's people working together to serve the non-believers who showed up.

What I don't understand is why every Sunday isn't that way. I see email after email concerning different areas of our church needing volunteers. We have over 1000 people attending church regularly and we can't find a handful of people to serve for 1 hour. Bro Tim has been challenging our church to get on board and serve one service and worship one service. I hope more people start to buy in.

I am glad you guys are going through that study in your class. I'll be excited to see who takes to heart Tim's message from this past week about gaining knowledge and applying it. I know there are still a handful of people still attending the Sunday School class, but hopefully at some point, the members of that class will move into a more service minded mentality on Sunday mornings so that we CAN impact the lives of the unchurched who show up giving church ONE MORE SHOT. Because that's what it's all about. We have to get out of the mindset that Sunday's are about ME. If we will all get on board, it will be awesome to see what God does.

TEN said...

Thanks for the time and input, Matt.

I understand what you are saying about wasting time here and there. I think we all go through that at times, and I know I am always better off when I take heed to conviction to get my butt up and get to moving or doing something productive!

I totally agree with what you said about it not having to be a big thing to serve. I know it takes all parts of the body. EVERY single part, big or small, is not only needed, but VITALLY NECESSARY to ultimately growing the Kingdom of God.

God has shown me that even this little blog that I think about alot, but spend ten minutes with 5 or 6 days per week, can make a huge impact in another's life. I am blessed by that thought, and also further driven to change lives, whatever that looks like according to God's will for my life.

I know that there will be some new ministries coming together in our church to help people connect, especially new people. It's all very exciting, and like you, I am so lucky and blessed to be a part!

Keep fighting the good fight, and look for a post in the near future asking people to share about ministry opportunities they head up or are involved in. I want "Laces of Grace" to be known to some through here that might not know too much yet.

Thanks again for stopping by---come back soon!