Friday, May 13, 2011

Faith like a child...

Our men's FAT group has been reading a fantastic book.  Today we went over "holiness".  Tough stuff, seeing as how we all had to agree that since holiness is defined as "without sin", it is not possible to attain!  That doesn't mean that we should ever stop trying though.  So don't ever give up that pursuit of holiness!

As we talked about it, a guy I love like a brother sent a picture through of his new baby daughter, born just before we met as a group for breakfast.  As I looked at that picture, I thought of how innocent and pure children are, and how in each book of the Gospel, Jesus speaks of the innocence and beauty of little children.  The picture of that newborn beautiful baby was about as close to holiness as it gets for us humans! 

That was a theme throughout my day--children.  I took today off of work so I could enjoy watching my two oldest children participate in their field day at school.  There were a couple hundred kids out there enjoying about a dozen activities.  No worries, no stress, no negative---just pure joy on their faces.  I loved it!

Then tonight at my oldest's baseball game.  I love watching these kids play their hearts out and give their all.  When we coach, they listen.  When we praise them, you see the joy on their faces.  Shouldn't it be that way in our lives more?  Shouldn't we pay more attention to Jesus as He speaks of children and how much He loves them?  They don't let bills, work, frustration, family, etc, get in the way of whatever they are doing.  All they know is that someone is in charge of them and they need to pay attention and learn and be their best ALWAYS.  They listen to instruction, and then act on it accordingly, or face consequences.  They fear those consequences, therefore they straighten up or simply take any instruction quickly to heart.  Simple stuff, isn't it!?!?!?!?

Faith like a child....seems there might just be something to that.  We could stand to learn alot from our children if we will open our eyes and our hearts.

Be a blessing out there!

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