Monday, May 30, 2011

Pride vs Humility...

Two powerful things those are.  Pride has everything to do with selfishness, being closed-minded, and being unaccepting.  Humility being brokenness, admitting weakness, being receptive to the spirit and learning, and selflessness.

When we look at a few places where these are talked about in the Bible, we see the absolute differences in the two---which one is of God, and which one isn't. 

For these two things, I have opened my Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, and looked each up.  The following is what I have found:


Devil - Isaiah 14:13-15
Ambition - Daniel 5:20-23
Evil Heart - Mark 7:21-22
World - 1 John 2:16
Self-righteousness - Luke 18:11-12
Worldly Power - Ezekiel 16:49,56

Evils of:
Hardens the mind - Dan 5:20
Produces Spiritual Decay - Hos 7:9-10
Keeps from real progress - Prov 26:12
Hinders coming to God - Psalm 10:4
Issues in self-deception - Jer 49:16
Makes men reject God's word - Jer 43:2
Leads to ruin - Prov 16:18

Characteristics of:
Wicked - Psalm 73:6
World Rulers - Hab 2:4-5
Last Days - 2 Tim 3:2

Now, let's take the other:


Factor's involved in sense of:
One's sinfulness - Luke 18:13-14
One's unworthiness - Luke 15:17-21
One's limitations - 1 Kings 3:6-14
God's holiness - Is 6:1-8
God's righteousness - Phil 3:4-7

Factors producing:
Affliction - Deut 8:3
Impending doom - 2 Chr 12:5-12
Submissiveness - Luke 10:39
Christ's example - Matt 11:29

Rewards of:
Road to honor - 1 Kings 3:11-14
Leads to riches - Prov 22:4
Brings blessings - 2 Chr 7:14-15
Guarantees exaltation - James 4:10
Insures God's presence - Is 57:15
Makes truly great - Matt 18:4
Unlocks more grace - Prov 3:34, James 4:6

Christians exhorted to:
Put on - Col 3:12
Be clothed with - 1 Pet 5:5
Walk with - Eph 4:1-2
Avoid false - Col 2:18-23

Examples of:
Abraham - Gen 18:27,32
Jacob - Gen 32:10
Moses - Exodus 3:11
Joshua - Joshua 7:6
David - 1 Sam 18:18-23
Job - Job 42:2-6
Jeremiah - Jer 1:6
Daniel - Dan 2:30
Elizabeth - Luke 1:43
John the Baptist - John 3:29-30
Jesus - Matt 11:29
Paul - Acts 20:19

It is clearly seen just in the descriptions under each word which leads to God's goodness and riches, and which leads to destruction.  Let's carry humility with us 24/7, so that we can always be able to clearly hear what it is that the Spirit is saying to lead and guide us.  That way we ensure that it is God's plan and path that we are on, and not that of our own which leads directly away from God.  Toss ALL pride to the side and look only at things through God's eyes---NOT your own!

I hope you have learned through this post as I have.  I encourage you to look up each of the scriptures referenced, and learn what God has said in His word about both pride and humility. 

Be a blessing, and God bless our troops, both past and present!

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