Sunday, April 24, 2011

I'm surrounded...

What a great weekend.   I had the opportunity to spend time at two different churches both with the same heart for kingdom growth.  CityChurch in Texarkana is a new church that has started recently.  I went with a couple of guys to go check it out last night, and sure enjoyed myself.  By enjoyment, I mean that I had a great worship and growth experience there through the Spirit and the Word.  The leadership there is leading with the right heart, and I fully support the direction they are headed.  It's great to see another church in town that cares about people, and also spends time praying for other churches, realizing that we are all in this together.  I look forward to taking some of my people from Heritage and heading over to get an extra dose of the Word on a Saturday night very soon.

Today was great.  Resurrection Day!   The day my Jesus kicked that tomb to the curb and got to livin again!  WOOOOOHOOOOO!

I had the opportunity to serve at all three services at Heritage this morning, and once again, I felt like I went in with the right heart, and once again God blessed me beyond measure.  I got to spend some time serving with my brothers in Christ, and even got to get to know a few of them a little bit more, and them me.  I felt more like a member today than I ever have.  I look forward to what the future holds there.

Our service ruffled feathers, and I have no doubts about that.  The worship was a little different, mainly due to one song including a rap section in it.  People apparently don't like rap, and also want their music made-to-order when they walk in the church building!  A few even left over it.  That frustrates me.  Mainly because I know that has to hurt God's heart.  I firmly believe it takes all kinds.  Who is it to say that just because the Lord reached you in one way, that means that is the only way He can do it for everyone?  Also, if traditional, structured, rigid, uptight "church" was so effective and the perfect way to do it, then why has it repeatedly failed to impact non-christians over the years???  We HAVE to get out of our comfort zones and be willing to see things as others do, specifically non-believers.  And for all of you that don't think rap has a place in a worship service, I ask you to point it out to me in the Bible where it says so!!!  I just don't see where it's our place to tell others how to worship when we can't back it up biblically. 

You know, it's funny....that rap was about 30 seconds of the whole worship service, yet it is what people will remember most.  The thing I personally walked away from this morning with was that someone's life was impacted positively because they had no idea that a church would do that.  They thought Jesus was some boring, law-driven, rigid dude that they wanted nothing to do with until they saw that!  They learned today that we can have such an awesome life WITH Jesus.  It is just on US to PURSUE Him and find exactly what that means in our own lives.

I am so blessed to feel surrounded by several different people that keep me grounded and positively impact me on a daily basis.  I thank God for that.  Often. 

Forgive me where I fail you, Lord.

Without Jesus I am nothing.  With Jesus I have EVERYTHING!

I hope you know him, and the peace and joy that comes with that relationship.

Be a blessing this week.  Change a life out there.

1 comment:

Dennis Richardson said...

The Lord was glorified today and He was pleased with the worship at Heritage for sure.