Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Tonight I am just chillin.  So here are a few things crossing my mind:

My Rangers are awesome.  AWESOME!

Is the government really going to shut down?  Should we not get a successful business leader who has proven records with turning businesses around out of bad debt as our next leader?  Just a thought.

Texarkana construction and traffic sucks.  Very ridiculous.

Does anyone really think Barry Bonds DIDN'T use steroids?
I love reading scripture.  Today has been Philippians 2:5 and Hebrews 12:11.

I love eating lunch with Dennis.

Our world is going the wrong direction.  FAST!

The service at dinner here at a local restaraunt tonight was HORRIBLE.  That lady isn't a fan of mine right now.  I left a note and a tiny tip.

Why do people gossip?  Are their lives just so perfectly run that they have all this time and energy to go involving themselves in others?  Gheez.

There's so much more, but I'll stop the torture with that!

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