I am drained!
I was reminded of a few things today. The first is that there is a heirarchy of things that matter. The past and people's individual pasts have NO bearing on who they might be or are today. It is not our place to judge, and you never know what changes people have gone through due to learning along the way. Don't cut someone short their due credit. That isn't your call to make. We need to spend time looking at today and the impact of todays actions, not necessarily the hurt or frustration from the past. Like my man T-Mont (that's Tim Montgomery) says, bury that past like doodoo and leave it there! Don't go back and dig it up, for it profits nothing! DOODOO STINKS!
Second, it is ok to shed tears. I was at a point today that I was literally in tears crying for a friend. I stopped and asked God what in the world I was doing there crying, and God quickly reminded me that His kind of love and kingdom issues are very much ok to get emotional and even cry about. I bear that kind of burden for those that I love. I can't help it, it's just how I'm made.
So I beg you to stop in your day and seek out what God wants in any situation. Is someone's world falling apart close to you and they just don't know what to do? Are you keeping them at arms length? What kind of Godly influence could you have in their moment of need? Trust God, and make a difference!
That's all I've got today!
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