Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bold and blessed...

There are a few things that really stick out as a blessing to me in the last few days.  One involved a call for work on a customer that I honestly sometimes just dread having to see.  I was prepared to just hop in and go through the motions, but God convicted me about making the most of eveyr opportunity for work, so therefore I made sure to be very strategic when I went in.  To my surprise, we had a great conversation and I ended up getting a sale for me and my team!  That was all God, and I am thankful for the relationship I have with the Holy Spirit to place that conviction in my heart to do what was right!

Another involved a time yesterday that I was waiting in a customer's office for my turn to go back.  Fox News was on the tv, and me and some people waiting in the room all got to talking about the tragic tornadic events from the week.  In the midst of that, I boldly shared that I was in awe of those storms, for they show the pure power and authority of God.  He can take solid structures and make them dust.  That is just amazing.  We got to talking about our country, and how we are not surprised by the fact that God allows things to happen here, since we are going the wrong direction spiritually as a nation.  From there, some great sharing about our faith occured, and my heart was filled with joy!  Different people, different walks of life, and there for different reasons---yet all children of the same God in heaven! 

I find that trying to take stock in the little things and seeking the goodness of God helps my own attitude and my own accountability day-to-day.  As I mentioned earlier, it would be easy to not choose to listen to Him.  There are certainly times that I choose that.  We all do.  But there are a few examples just in the last few days where being bold in my faith and choosing to listen to conviction have led directly to blessings in different forms.  I want more of that in my life.

Father, thank you for your goodness.  Thank you for showing it to me, and for blessing me with it.  I choose you in the good and bad, Lord.  Please cleanse me with your forgiveness when I fail you, and renew my heart and mind.  You and your love are indescribable.  I give you credit and glory for everything.

Be a blessing out there this weekend!

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