Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bold and blessed...

There are a few things that really stick out as a blessing to me in the last few days.  One involved a call for work on a customer that I honestly sometimes just dread having to see.  I was prepared to just hop in and go through the motions, but God convicted me about making the most of eveyr opportunity for work, so therefore I made sure to be very strategic when I went in.  To my surprise, we had a great conversation and I ended up getting a sale for me and my team!  That was all God, and I am thankful for the relationship I have with the Holy Spirit to place that conviction in my heart to do what was right!

Another involved a time yesterday that I was waiting in a customer's office for my turn to go back.  Fox News was on the tv, and me and some people waiting in the room all got to talking about the tragic tornadic events from the week.  In the midst of that, I boldly shared that I was in awe of those storms, for they show the pure power and authority of God.  He can take solid structures and make them dust.  That is just amazing.  We got to talking about our country, and how we are not surprised by the fact that God allows things to happen here, since we are going the wrong direction spiritually as a nation.  From there, some great sharing about our faith occured, and my heart was filled with joy!  Different people, different walks of life, and there for different reasons---yet all children of the same God in heaven! 

I find that trying to take stock in the little things and seeking the goodness of God helps my own attitude and my own accountability day-to-day.  As I mentioned earlier, it would be easy to not choose to listen to Him.  There are certainly times that I choose that.  We all do.  But there are a few examples just in the last few days where being bold in my faith and choosing to listen to conviction have led directly to blessings in different forms.  I want more of that in my life.

Father, thank you for your goodness.  Thank you for showing it to me, and for blessing me with it.  I choose you in the good and bad, Lord.  Please cleanse me with your forgiveness when I fail you, and renew my heart and mind.  You and your love are indescribable.  I give you credit and glory for everything.

Be a blessing out there this weekend!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

However you practice is how you will play...

This is true whether it be our christian walk, sports, music, or our jobs.  Whatever we put into our practice time is what we will be comfortable putting into crunch time.  Notice I said comfortable.  We won't necessarily know how to go all out if we haven't practiced that way!

I say this for the tough times in our lives.  It is very easy to get through each individual day without many big hiccups, right?  But what about those days that tragedy strikes?  How will you ensure you are prepared for those days?  Well, all I know is that God is faithful, and if we seek Him consistently 24/7 with all we have, then we will know exactly how to respond.  We will be walking so closely with Him, seeking Him in every moment and situation, that we won't know how to act without seeking His counsel first!  Remember, HE is our peace!

Just food for thought on your Thursday!

Be a blessing and make a difference out there today!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Going into battle...

I love the movie "Glory".  It is star-studded, and a great story.  I was doing some cleaning around my apartment tonight, and saw it on as I scrolled through some channels once the tornadic activity had passed.  I couldn't help but stop and sit and watch it off and on.  As I did, God was placing the sacrifice of those soldiers on my heart.  Not only how honorable they were and how hard they fought, but mostly the attitude that they carried into it. 

These guys were black soldiers that nobody gave any chance or respect to.  They were looked upon as less, spoken to as less, and treated as less.  Yet one by one, they found a way to band together.  They formed the common belief that as a unit, they could make a difference as long as each individual did their part and gave their all. 

Eventually, they got their break and the chance to go into action.  They knew that their mission was going to lead to death, but that it was also for the greater good that they were fighting.  They were aware of the sacrifice involved, and embraced it wholeheartedly. 

Man, that speaks volumes to me about our lives here on earth in 2011.  Can you imagine what might happen if we all gave our absolute best?  Can you imagine the possibilities of having a unified band of Jesus-following brothers and sisters out there in this jacked-up world?  The impact could be beyond our wildest imaginations!  If we actually made it about the things that matter, and stood shoulder-to-shoulder and went to battle everyday together, I believe we CAN impact this world for the Lord one person at a time!

Just think about all of that.  Then think about the blood on that cross.  What is it worth to you?

Lord, I give you my life and my heart.  I pray that each day you will give me opportunities and I will be walking with you so that I can recognize them.  I want to honor you in the things that I do, and do them solely for your GLORY.

Forgive me where I fail you, and thank you for showing us how to truly make a difference and lead by example.

I love you Lord.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I'm surrounded...

What a great weekend.   I had the opportunity to spend time at two different churches both with the same heart for kingdom growth.  CityChurch in Texarkana is a new church that has started recently.  I went with a couple of guys to go check it out last night, and sure enjoyed myself.  By enjoyment, I mean that I had a great worship and growth experience there through the Spirit and the Word.  The leadership there is leading with the right heart, and I fully support the direction they are headed.  It's great to see another church in town that cares about people, and also spends time praying for other churches, realizing that we are all in this together.  I look forward to taking some of my people from Heritage and heading over to get an extra dose of the Word on a Saturday night very soon.

Today was great.  Resurrection Day!   The day my Jesus kicked that tomb to the curb and got to livin again!  WOOOOOHOOOOO!

I had the opportunity to serve at all three services at Heritage this morning, and once again, I felt like I went in with the right heart, and once again God blessed me beyond measure.  I got to spend some time serving with my brothers in Christ, and even got to get to know a few of them a little bit more, and them me.  I felt more like a member today than I ever have.  I look forward to what the future holds there.

Our service ruffled feathers, and I have no doubts about that.  The worship was a little different, mainly due to one song including a rap section in it.  People apparently don't like rap, and also want their music made-to-order when they walk in the church building!  A few even left over it.  That frustrates me.  Mainly because I know that has to hurt God's heart.  I firmly believe it takes all kinds.  Who is it to say that just because the Lord reached you in one way, that means that is the only way He can do it for everyone?  Also, if traditional, structured, rigid, uptight "church" was so effective and the perfect way to do it, then why has it repeatedly failed to impact non-christians over the years???  We HAVE to get out of our comfort zones and be willing to see things as others do, specifically non-believers.  And for all of you that don't think rap has a place in a worship service, I ask you to point it out to me in the Bible where it says so!!!  I just don't see where it's our place to tell others how to worship when we can't back it up biblically. 

You know, it's funny....that rap was about 30 seconds of the whole worship service, yet it is what people will remember most.  The thing I personally walked away from this morning with was that someone's life was impacted positively because they had no idea that a church would do that.  They thought Jesus was some boring, law-driven, rigid dude that they wanted nothing to do with until they saw that!  They learned today that we can have such an awesome life WITH Jesus.  It is just on US to PURSUE Him and find exactly what that means in our own lives.

I am so blessed to feel surrounded by several different people that keep me grounded and positively impact me on a daily basis.  I thank God for that.  Often. 

Forgive me where I fail you, Lord.

Without Jesus I am nothing.  With Jesus I have EVERYTHING!

I hope you know him, and the peace and joy that comes with that relationship.

Be a blessing this week.  Change a life out there.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Look both ways...

I am a reflector.  I don't know if that is good or bad, but I am.  I was saved just before I was 21, and after experiencing that, God has revealed to me along the way just some of the numerous times He was working on my behalf.  There were many people who prayed for me, loved on me, encouraged me, invited me, talked to me, etc.  I am very thankful for those people, and try as often as I can to seek them out now and let them know how God used them in my life.  Maybe that can encourage them as they press forward.  I also believe that brings God glory when we take the effort to reach out and speak of His goodness.

In the same way, I try today to take stock in every moment and seek God in it.  I try to measure my friendships by the same thing I spoke of above.  How will those in my life remember me 5, 10, or 20 years down the road?  Did I bring good to them?  Did I show them Jesus?  Did I offer unconditional friendship?  Did I not look for sin in their life with which to judge them by, but rather find the good and encourage them with that?

I am so excited about tomorrow.  I am so blessed.

Thank you Lord for loving me unconditionally. I pray I show people Jesus.  Forgive me where I fail you.  I give you my heart.

I love you Lord.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Salt and light...

Matthew 5:13-16
You are the salt of the earth.  But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?  It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.  You are the light of the world.  A city on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead the put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. letters.  You know what that means!

Those words are part of active living.  Active living involves attitude.  Attitude is a CHOICE that we have.  We get to choose whether things affect us negatively or if we are going to react positively and seek good in EVERY situation.  Or should I more appropriately say seek GOD.  I tell you from experience, life is so much better and full of peace and joy by seeking God and good.  Does that mean that there is no negative out there?  Not at all, but it does mean that I have the choice as to how that negative affects me, if it does at all.  Think about that.  We really do have a choice in our attitude.  We don't get to sit and blame others.  That crap don't fly.

Knowing that, think of your friends, family, coworkers, etc.  Are you being a blessing to them?  Are you making a difference?  If you are a believer, are you showing them Jesus, or are you showing them the world?  I stand here asking myself the same things.  We are all in this world together, and each have a responsibility to do our part to make it the best it can be.  I beg you to TRULY BELIEVE that each individual can make a difference.  That God can take what might seem small and insignificant and make it bold and mighty.  HE has that power!  Trust it!  Seek it!  LIVE IT!

Get out there and be BRIGHT and SALTY!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Three things I love...

Good and positive people, fruitful conversation, and good hearts.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sing it Aretha...


Wanna find out what it means to me?

Verb: Admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
Noun: A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
So if we respect something, why do we so often mistreat it?  Whatever it may be, if it garners our admiration for any reason, we should honor that, not tear it down.
I ask you to look at your day and your life.  Are there things close to you that you are looking at through your own eyes and not God's eyes?  Are you looking at it in the wrong way and not giving it it's due respect?  Maybe a person, a job, an opportunity?  I encourage us all to seek from the Lord to put into our hearts the good and fruitful things that He wants there, and then to show them respect as He would as we come across them.  That we would show consistency in that, that we may be a light to others that see how we live and desire to have the same peace and joy that only God can give.
I am so excited for Sunday.  My Jesus is ALIVE!  I am praying this week for opportunities to invite and encourage others towards my risen Savior.
If you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus and you read this, I ask you to please send me an email through here so that I can just share with you who Jesus is to me, and what impact He has had on my life.  His blood is the most beautiful thing ever.  So precious.  His presence and power are so very real and evident.  I will never be the same again.
God is good.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Preparation, preparation, preparation...

What are we living for?  What are YOU living for?  Each day, what is your purpose?  What are you working towards?  I don't mean in your job.  Or with your finances.  I mean the bigger picture.  Life. 

The way I see it, we are suppossed to be living out the Great Commission first and foremost.  From there, it is about growing with God more and more everyday.  Everyday we should be prepared to face any opportunity, circumstance, or detail that comes our way. 

What if tragedy here on earth struck your life right now?  Are you prepared to deal with it and handle it?  What would you turn to?  What things in your life today would be pushed away and deemed non-important in the event of that?  Well, then I ask, why are they in your life today?  If they have nothing to do with truth, facts, and growing in your faith in God---becoming more and more Christ-like---then they should have no place, right?

I can't help but look at all of the negative in the world and think about how much people tend to focus on bad things.  People love tearing each other down.  They love picking fights, bickering, selfishness, pride, arrogance, money, etc, etc, etc.  I could go on and on.  We are all guilty of it atleast sometimes.  I just hope I am always quick to recognize it and even quicker to stomp on it and remove it from my life.

Those things send a negative witness out there.  What does that tell others about our Savior when we act that way?  Are you a blessing to others, or a curse?

Just some food for thought this week. 

I watched the Passion of the Christ last night.  Man....that hurts to see.  To see those soldiers and people treating MY Jesus that way.  Breaks my heart.

Lord, forgive me where I fail you.  Fill my heart with your Word, humility, love, forgiveness, joy, and thankfulness.  Your peace and strength carry me through my everyday, and I give you all the glory for anything I am that is good.

I love you Lord.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I believe the children are our future...

So, are we teaching them well to let them lead the way?

I love weekends with my kids.  I often stop and just look at them and watch them and take the moment in.  I'm a "moments" guy.  I can easily get wrapped up in the importance of a moment and try to see the big picture in something.  I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but it's me, and I'm cool with that. 

Tonight I was watching the movie "Lemonade Mouth" on Disney with them.  Pretty cute movie.  Pretty great messages in it.  It got me thinking about all of the things I wish for my children.  Here are just a few of those things:

-  To fight for what you believe in
-  To develop an amazingly close relationship with the Lord
-  To dream big, and let nothing hold you back
-  To put others before yourself
-  To be smart with money
-  To have a much better life than their dad
-  To learn a musical instrument
-  To understand where they came from
-  To be a lover of the Word
-  To encourage others, regardless of who they are
-  To never quit or lose hope in something
-  To follow their heart

There is so much much.

I think of these things daily, and give them all to God.  I give them to you, Father, and trust you with their care always.  Thank you for the blessings that they are in my life.  Please help me be my best as I lead them on this earth.  Help me let them see you in and through me.

I love you Lord.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Something BIG...

Something is going on around here.  Something very BIG.  God is working and putting some fantastic things together that will work for His good in this community.  I have no doubts about that.

Be on the lookout...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How much does that weigh...

All decisions are weightings.  We weigh the good, the bad, the alternatives, etc.  So what are we weighing things against?  What are we using as the measuring stick?

I simply ask that tonight for each of us to look at in our own lives.  Do we look at how others weigh things and decisions they make and judge them because we are looking through our own eyes, and not their circumstances?  Is that right?  Is it even our place?

Just some fun life things to ponder.

Be blessed, and I hope you are all looking forward to a fantastic weekend!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

You don't need a title... be a LEADER!

That is a fact.  Actually, I find that the people that step-up to lead and take charge and have positive influence usually get my respect.  These are the people that don't have to lead---they just do it.  The reason doesn't matter.  They just do it.

Do you agree?

Monday, April 11, 2011

So much to learn...

I'm so glad I was able to hit men's lunch today.  It's been three or four weeks, and I have been missing it!  But I can also tell you this---I still have SO much to learn about the Bible, especially the history of it.  I love learning, but often felt quite ignorant today as I sat there learning in Acts 2, 3, and 15, Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, and Colossians.  The way God uses so many different outlets to teach so many different people so many different things is AWESOME.

I look forward to learning more and more as the days go by.

On another front, I'm curious what everyone thinks of the early talk of the Republican challengers for 2012.  Trump?  Gingrich?  Romney?  Possibly Christie?  Should be very interesting!  Thoughts out there???

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Why Lord...

Why aren't things easier sometimes?  Why can't people just rationally communicate and take the "self" out of things?  Would that not accomplish so much more in our world???

Lord, you are good, and my heart is yours.  Thank you for your mercy and your grace.  No matter what I face each day---good, bad, big, small, etc---you are there to shield me, love me, protect me, and teach me.  I pray I will be a good steward with the talents, gifts, and lessons you have given me in my life.  Thank you for taking the time to love me and bless me.

I love you Lord.  You are my peace.  You are the answer.  You are the truth.

You are better than good.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Verses and songs...

My favorite verses this week:

Heb 12:1-13

2 Cor 12:9-10

Philippians 2:5

Matthew 17:20-21


Glorious Day - Casting Crowns

Sweetly Broken - Jeremy Riddle

From the Inside Out - Hillsong

Without You - Keith Urban

Whatcha think?  What are yours?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Tonight I am just chillin.  So here are a few things crossing my mind:

My Rangers are awesome.  AWESOME!

Is the government really going to shut down?  Should we not get a successful business leader who has proven records with turning businesses around out of bad debt as our next leader?  Just a thought.

Texarkana construction and traffic sucks.  Very ridiculous.

Does anyone really think Barry Bonds DIDN'T use steroids?
I love reading scripture.  Today has been Philippians 2:5 and Hebrews 12:11.

I love eating lunch with Dennis.

Our world is going the wrong direction.  FAST!

The service at dinner here at a local restaraunt tonight was HORRIBLE.  That lady isn't a fan of mine right now.  I left a note and a tiny tip.

Why do people gossip?  Are their lives just so perfectly run that they have all this time and energy to go involving themselves in others?  Gheez.

There's so much more, but I'll stop the torture with that!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What a day...

I am drained! 

I was reminded of a few things today.  The first is that there is a heirarchy of things that matter.  The past and people's individual pasts have NO bearing on who they might be or are today.  It is not our place to judge, and you never know what changes people have gone through due to learning along the way.  Don't cut someone short their due credit.  That isn't your call to make.  We need to spend time looking at today and the impact of todays actions, not necessarily the hurt or frustration from the past.  Like my man T-Mont (that's Tim Montgomery) says, bury that past like doodoo and leave it there!  Don't go back and dig it up, for it profits nothing!  DOODOO STINKS!

Second, it is ok to shed tears.  I was at a point today that I was literally in tears crying for a friend.  I stopped and asked God what in the world I was doing there crying, and God quickly reminded me that His kind of love and kingdom issues are very much ok to get emotional and even cry about.  I bear that kind of burden for those that I love.  I can't help it, it's just how I'm made.

So I beg you to stop in your day and seek out what God wants in any situation.  Is someone's world falling apart close to you and they just don't know what to do?  Are you keeping them at arms length?  What kind of Godly influence could you have in their moment of need?  Trust God, and make a difference!

That's all I've got today!


Monday, April 4, 2011

Stay the course...

You know, not everyday is going to be exactly how you want it.  I definitely feel Satan attacking me today.  First of all Devil---GO AWAY!  Jesus has already won the victory over you and your evil! 

I really get frustrated hearing of people talking about people and trying to hold people down that they don't even know.  It is just unnecessary.  All we can do in the face of that is keep moving forward in Christ, and in the things we know in our hearts are right. 

I am thankful in days like today that I am God's child.  Frustration and anger don't stick around long because God is quick to remind me that negativity profits nothing, and that Satan would love to try to trick my mind into focusing on things that aren't productive and of God.  So God, I give it all to you.  It is yours.  Please forgive me where I fail you.  You know my heart.  You are my peace.  My anchor.  Thank you for your Word that I can run to.  You know the thoughts I have and the intentions I act with.  I desire to always be good because you are good.  Thank you for your mercy and for bringing me such joy in my day---even the tougher days.  Let others see my heart---specifically see you in my heart---and see the good that lives in it.  Don't let others judge me for anything in my past, but rather see you evident in my present.

You are bigger than anything and everything.  You are my rock.  I am yours.

I love you Lord.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Putting a bow on it...

What a weekend!  Got to see all my loved ones that I have been missing, watch Noah play some good baseball, see my Rangers SWEEP the Red Sox, and listen to my man Tim Montgomery LAY IT DOWN from the pulpit!  Now I am sitting here finishing some work and watching the country music awards before hitting the sack. 

I gotta tell you, I love watching my Rangers.  Growing up in the DFW metroplex, I feel like alot of my childhood was spent in the right field bleachers at the old ballpark.  My heroes growing up were those guys out there in that Texas heat on that diamond.  This team now is full of personality, from the top of the organization all the way down.  I think that sets them apart.  It is truly about the team and not the individual.

That gets me to my own personal Spiderman---Tim Montgomery.  I grow to respect him more and more all of the time.  The reason I adore this man and hang on his every word is the same reason I love my Rangers---because there is no "I" in team!  Tim is a great leader, teacher, and mentor.  His biggest asset in my mind though is his absolute adoration of Christ, and his desire to humble himself and share that love to all who will listen. 

So today he was preaching on Jesus's mother Mary, standing there at the foot of the cross that her son was hanging on, not saying a word.  In the midst of this amazing sermon, one in a series all leading to Easter, he laid the facts out there for us.  I have gotta tell you---I am on board and fully agree with what he was saying.  He was speaking to the sickening numbers of people in our world who have yet to hear the name of Jesus!  About how our churches fail all the time when it comes to the true ministry of Jesus--spreading who he is and what he has done to the people that haven't heard.  To me, that goes well beyond the church walls.  That is an individual issue that we should all bear daily in our lives.  I did also agree with what Tim said about our sense of urgency and how if we truly had broken hearts about this stuff, then we wouldn't spend our money how we do, spend our time how we do, and wouldn't sleep at night knowing our neighbors and loved ones might die and go straight to hell!

I feel like I personally try to do what I can when I can.  But I can tell you today that I left there feeling like I sure don't do near enough.  It breaks my heart to think of people that I love that might not go to heaven, especially when you stop and think of how simple it is to accept the gift of Christ's blood that he graciously and willingly laid out there for us.  Tim was right in the fact that the only thing that we can take to heaven with us is people---not money, things, clothes, titles, authority, jobs, hobbies, etc---just people.

I encourage you to think of the people in your life that you know don't attend church, and encourage them with who Jesus is in YOUR life.  It isn't all about church, and I get that.  But there is a direct correlation with being a believer and attending church regularly.  We are called to it, and it is a vital part of our growth in our faith.  Take time to make extra steps to invite people to church for Easter.  I invite any of you personally to Heritage that morning.  But don't stop there---INVEST in lives.  We as humans like to see investment as a monetary thing.  What can we get back from OUR investment.  Well, stop thinking that way.  What has GOD invested in YOU?  Why should we not willingly be servant hearted and giving of ourselves towards others for him???  It's alot bigger than any of us individually.  ALOT bigger.  We HAVE to take the "self" out of it and leave it in God's hands.

Be blessed me peeps, and have a rockin week out there! 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

State of the union...

Not our President's, but mine.

I think it is important for me to stop every once in a while and just share my heart and why I do this.  If you go back and read my first blog, it speaks alot to my heart and how I feel about things.  None of that has changed.  I still feel strongly that there is a need for people from all walks of life, all backgrounds, all denominations, etc, to have a forum or outlet to share and grow.  Specifically, I try to share my heart, a little of my life, some of my thoughts, and so on---and do it in a way that might provoke thought and comments from you readers and followers.  I do it in hopes that we might be bold in who we are and feel the freedom to share our thoughts and feelings openly.  No judging here.  No putting down here.  Only freedom to speak your mind, but in a way that offers respect to all for who they are.  There is only one judger.  I do ask that people take others words seriously, and read them in a way that might challenge what you believe.  That is the growth part.  We can all learn something from everyone out there.  It is up to us individually to have the heart and attitude that desires growth and change for the good.  God will NEVER be done molding us. 

So I hope you understand all of that.  I also hope that you will tell others about this blog.  Not because of me, but because God has put it in my heart to do this, and I trust that he has for a reason.  I have been very blessed by feedback, comments, and encouragement I have received from others since starting this.  God is so very good to me, and I just am trying to be faithful to what he has put in my heart to do.

So feel free to comment.  To pick me apart.  To share your own heart.  To tell others to do the same. 

I hope we can all celebrate here what we have in common.  All of our similarities.  I also hope we can celebrate differences and learn from one another.  That we can challenge each other to grow and learn from our different thoughts and experiences in life.

I hope your day has been blessed, and feel free to ask any questions or give any thoughts on all of this.  This is a marathon, not a sprint!  This is also YOUR site as much as it is mine.  Just consider me a facilitator!!

Thanks again for stopping by---don't be a stranger!