Monday, August 6, 2012

My plea to men...

I'm writing today not only for men, but for all of us.  I write hoping that all of us men will look at ourselves in the mirrors daily and decide what we are living for each day.  I write for women that they will encourage their men and love their men so that they will help their men be in a position to freely pursue what God wants in and for their lives.  I also write for children, that they will pray for us as men as we lead our homes, that we might be the kind of men they were proud to grow up under and learn from. 

I had a great opportunity tonight to sit down with one of my greatest friends.  On the surface, I guess we all do that kind of thing all the time, right?  But this was different for me.  It is something I used to make it a point to do more, but have gotten away from, and the blame for that rests solely on my shoulders.  Tonight we were able to gather together and fellowship in the name of the Lord.  We were able to sit as men and share our hearts, concerns, convictions, struggles, issues, etc, and not have to worry about negativity.  We sat with the right hearts and were only there because we intentionally made it a point to have some good male fellowship because God had convicted our hearts that we were both in need of that and both feel that making it a point to have that is vital to being the men called us to be. 

Honestly, I don't even have any other thoughts formed as I write this aside from the fact that God wanted me to share what a blessing he gave me tonight and share the fact that I see such a great difference in my life when I make it intentional to invest in other men with real authenticity.  I can't help but believe in my heart that we are called to that, and God desires us to set our selfishness and pride aside and PURSUE these things in our lives.  We all get so caught up in the notion and falsehood that we have everything on our shoulders and we are the ones that have to be perfect so that everything else will be ok and keep rolling along.  WHAT A FREAKING LOAD OF CRAP!!!

So all I have tonight is this---I am praying for the men of Texarkana specifically.  This is our home.  We are the heads of our households, community leaders, church leaders, etc.  If we want to see God have an impact on our town, then we need to die to self.  We need to put ourselves in a position of operating in faith and trusting that if our hearts are right, God will use us to bring others to him.  We need to admit that we need him in our lives first.  We need to make it a point to show Christ in our homes.  We need to show Christ in our community.  We need to show that God is love---NOT judgement, negativity, selfishness, or hatred.  We need to admit to others humbly that we sin as well, and we aren't perfect, and don't have it all together.  If we need help, we need to create friendships and relationships amongst each other where we can ASK for help.  Where we can ASK for prayer.  And when we ask, we need to know that we can trust the hearts of the men we are asking because they share the same heart and ultimate values that we do ourselves. 

Like I said earlier, all I am doing is sharing what God put on my heart because if I don't, I will know I am being disobedient.  I don't like feeling that any more than I already do sometimes! 

Is it your desire to see our community impacted positively for the Lord?  Do you think you should have a part in that?  Do you feel like you are doing your part currently in making that happen?  It doesn't have to be huge, and all it takes is making one change or taking that first step.  It's an attitude and a choice we all have.

Just ponder on that...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Oh the ways we screw it all up...

Before I put anything else down, let me be sure and say a few things I hope all of you keep in mind while reading this.  First, I am not perfect.  Second, neither are you.  Third, this is just one man's opinions, which we are all entitled to.  And finally, I don't know that I have always held the opinions I will write about, nor do I claim that I will always have them, as God is always able to teach us and grant us new insight and wisdom when we earnestly seek it.

I often think about life as a sequence of choices.  We have the choice of who we hang out with, choosing good vs bad, choosing to live or not live for God, etc.  For some, making these life choices is an easy process.  For others, not so much.  For some, choosing the right thing comes easy.  Again, for others that can be a tough task. 

No matter how we make our choices, there are certain truths that we all have in common and I think we often lose sight of.  One of these truths is that God loves ALL of us.  He didn't send Jesus to die for Christians only.  Jesus didn't spend his ministry at pot luck meals and committee meetings with his fellow believers.  He lived among all people and loved all people.  He spoke a consistent message and was true to himself, his heart, and his purpose. 

This week the whole Chic Fil A thing just about wore me out.  I think standing firm in what you believe is a great thing.  I have had many times in my life I wish I would have done a better job of that.  Where it starts to concern me is when we stop looking at our hearts and neglect to ask God what our part is in something.  It is one thing to support a business, but it is a complete other thing to act in a way that makes others not want to know more about you and what you stand for if that is the purpose you are living and standing for.  I will be the first to say that biblically homosexuality is a sin and I don't personally support same-sex marriage.  What I mean by support is that it is not something I would teach my children to do based off of what I believe is right according to my time spent seeking God's help and wisdom as I move forward in my life.  At the same time, I sin daily, and just because most of us like watching others and seeing their flaws as oppossed to focusing on where we need to shore our own lives up doesn't make us right.  Just as Jesus lived fulfilling his purpose, we are called to live ours out as well.  I just think sometimes we can do a better job of standing for our personal and collective beliefs and still be lovers of people.  Remember, Jesus loves the sinner, just not the sin.  We can still be respectors of people even if we don't agree with them.  There is just no room in this life to live in total and constant selfishness. 

Another truth we forget is the fact that none of us are perfect.  We ALL fall short in our daily living somehow and someway.  And truth be told, that is ok!  Instead of writing all of my thoughts down, I think it might be easier for all of our self-evaluation to answer the following questions in our head:

     Would you want God to show you the same measure of grace, mercy, and forgiveness that you consistently choose to show others?

     How comfortable would you be allowing and giving the people that you judge and won't forgive full access to your daily thoughts and actions? 

     Do you analyze your errors in life so that you can choose to grow and overcome them as oppossed to repeat them?

At the end of the day, we all can be quite hypocritical, myself included.  But the only reason that is ever drawn into light is because we focus on judgement and right vs wrong as oppossed to living under grace, forgiveness, restoration, and love.  If we are living focused on our own lives and putting our thoughts and efforts into being our best in this life, then where is the time for us to sit and focus on other peoples' lives?  The only way that can be a focus is if you have stopped giving your heart and attitude to the things that God tells us really matter.  That would then be a YOU problem, not a me problem.  I can only control my own heart and attitude.  Same thing holds true for each and every one of us. 

Father, thank you for your word and for your truth.  Thank you for forgiveness and grace.  Thank you for showing us undeserved mercy.  Your love and wisdom are a gift, and I am thankful for them.  Forgive me for where I have failed you, Lord.  Forgive me for where I have failed to show you and your son to others as well.  I pray that you would illuminate and purify my heart so that all might ultimately see Jesus inside of it, and that my daily actions would be a constant reflection of that.  Mold me into the best man, husband, father, and friend that I can be.  Fill my heart and mind with your word.  I pray for your wisdom in my life.  I pray for your wisdom for my wife and all of our children.  Let me see others as you see them and treat others just as you would, even when my selfish and sinful self doesn't want to.  At the same time, let them see my heart.  You are so beautiful and wonderful, and I am so thankful to know you, God.  Thank you for loving me.  Thank you for hearing me.  Most of all, thank you for Jesus Christ.  Amen.


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Right is Right, and Right is Wrong...

As I get older I become increasingly more aware of the many different views, ways of life, annd foundations that are present in our world.  I imagine it would not take long for any of us to identify people within our own circles that share a different outlook on life or belief system.  And for the record, I think that there is nothing wrong with that fact, and each person has the right to choose that for themselves.

Where this comes into play most is dealing in the area of conflict.  With conflict, there are always two sides.  There are always two different ways of thinking or there would not be "conflict" in the first place.  The fact that conflict happens is not something that can be changed.  However, the thought processes of the people involved and the attitudes that they take into that conflict are things that CAN change!

How do you handle conflict?  What are the steps you take throughout that process to work towards having peace?  I want to just share a few quick thoughts/questions that I have seen work in my own life when navigating through conflict:

What are the motives of both parties?  KNOWING is half the battle.  If you understand where the other side is coming from, it is easier to try to think like them, communicate with them, and eventually find common ground with them.

Are you working towards selfishness or are you working towards the RIGHT and FAIR thing for all parties involved?  Remember, there is a HUGE difference in fighting for what is right versus fighting for revenge.

Is there common ground to both find to work forward from?  As stated in the first paragraph, there are many different thought processes out there.  If both sides are operating from different foundations (which is most often the case), then is there some sort of common ground that can be used as a building block towards the end of the conflict?

WHO is influencing your position?  I find that alot of the time VERY negative and selfish people end up trying to bend the ear of the parties directly involved, because since they are on the outside looking in they have no immediate investment as a decision-maker and can therefore bathe the process in selfishness and falsehoods.  If you are a final decision-maker in a conflict, then it is imperative that you seek wisdom, and not the advice of other people that do not hold you or themselves accountable to truth and facts. 

Is your stance based on facts or assumptions?  It is very easy to get flustered or mad after hearing others say things that have no substance or truth to them, and then stand firm in a stance that is based on ZERO truth.  If something like that is said, it is only right to go to the source and get facts uncovered, THEN make decisions.  If you aren't willing to go through that process to seek truth, then you have no business opening your mouth or forming an opinion at all. 

Finally, are the things your saying to support your case consistent with how you live the rest of your life?  For example, if you are trying to hold others accountable for actions they may make or things they have said, etc, then are you willing to be accountable for the actions right or wrong that you make in your own life?  Are you aggressively and selfishly pursuing something yet at the same time gripe and get mad when others pursue something against you, acting like you cant possibly understand how that can happen and why people are like that? 

Conflict is never fun.  Conflict is mentally, physically, and emotionally draining.  Conflict creates opportunities for people to grow further apart due to just the process alone.  Yet at the same time it also provides an opportunity to allow to God to show up and work.  It allows others to pray along side you and grow relationships and friendships in that process.  It allows us to be molded and challenge our views and thought processes that we walk with each day.  And then in the end, when the conflict is resolved, it allows another opportunity for God to receive the glory.

I encourage each and every one of us to look beyond our own understanding and beliefs when it comes to dealing with conflict.  I hope we all make every effort to infuse truth, what is right, and also show love when these situations arise. 

I hope we will try to show them Jesus...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Keep out...

Short and simple today with just one question---who is in control of your faith?

Think about your life.  Are you living according to your standards, society's standards, or God's standards?

If any answer but the last is the one given, then I urge you to pray for strength and wisdom that will allow you to stop living according to FALSE opinions and standards, and start living according to the truth derived from the Bible.  ANY and EVERY answer you could ever want or need to ANY question can be found there. 

As you think about this question and its answer, think about its impact on your daily living, in your marriage, in other relationships, with friends, as a parent, as a child, in regards to your attitude, etc.  There are MANY ways that the standards that we live by affect us and others close to us in our daily living.  It also has to alot to do with how we spend our time and where we put our focus.  Are we living with the world and its things in mind, or are we living with the Kingdom of Heaven in mind? 

Every small part of our lives is an important part all adding together to make one big life.  What we do with that life is something we will all be accountable for down the road!

I pray we all make the most of it!

Invest in someone else's life this week that you aren't as close with as you'd like to be.  Take that initiative.  The more we pour out goodness and positivity into other people's lives, the more our hearts will be right and we will see those things coming back to us!!!

Try it!!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

I Love Strong Words...

I am really enjoying the "Revolution" series at Heritage by Tim Montgomery that we are currently going through.  The things I love most in other people are passion and taking initiative, so this Sunday's message was right up my alley!  I also am a huge believer in the fact that it just takes one person to change the world, as well as encouraging people to live according to God's calling on their life, not other people's.

Well, Bartimaeus in Chapter 10 or Mark gives us a perfect example of this.  Tim spoke on "taking initiative" and also "not living in fear" yesterday.  He gave five great points, but as I read the text again, it is the words involved in this story that speak most to me. 

Here are a few things that stuck out to me in reading verses 46-52 of Mark 10:

1)  The text opens with Bartimaeus sitting along the road and begging, as was common for people with disabilities in this day and time.  Yet upon hearing that Jesus was coming by in verse 47, instead of sitting and feeling sorry for himself, he began to SHOUT aloud!  He didn't walk up and get close and grab his ear.  He didn't care who was around.  He didn't ask someone to get a word to Jesus for him.  No, he SHOUTED!

2)  In verse 48, as people were being ugle towards him and rebuking him, did he stop and sit back down?  Did he let other people or their negativity defeat his spirit?  Heck no!  The Bible says that he "SHOUTED ALL THE MORE!"

3)  After Jesus has heard him and called him over, it says in verse 50 that Bartimaeus THREW his cloak aside and JUMPED to his feet!

4)  Finally, in verse 52, after his faith has healed his blindness, it says that he IMMEDIATELY followed Jesus.

Look at the words used in this text.  The words I have put in all-caps should speak to us.  They are the actions taken that are a picture of how we should be following Christ!  Read over those words again and think of how most of us go through living out our faith on a day-to-day basis.  The words "jumped", "threw", and "immediately" are probably easily and truthfully replaced with words like "slowly got up", "folded and set down", and "when he got around to it."  Think about that---we are more prone to follow Jesus on OUR terms, and in OUR time, right?  We tend to let others take the initiative and are often inspired by what God does through them, but we let fear and ignorance get in the way of following through in things ourselves.  We let satan tell us we aren't good enough or important enough, or that God called others to amazing things.  We let the things in our past defeat us instead of living in the forgiveness of our sins that our relationship with Jesus Christ provides.  We flat-out LIMIT God and put him in a box, instead of embracing the truth of his endless authority and power.  Do you see any place where Bartimaeus lived like this???

These are some amazing things from a powerful story.  I think there are some great lessons for each of us that can come from the strong language used here.

Think about your faith.  Do you just go through the motions?  Are you any different than a person that doesn't follow Jesus?  Why or why not?  What keeps you from living your faith out with passion just as Bartimaeus does here in this story?

I know my prayer for myself and others this year is that we will walk and live with boldness, faith, authenticity, and passion like we NEVER have before!  I ask that you join me in praying that we will continue to become more and more followers of Jesus and live radically in our faith as oppossed to just being christians that go to church.  I believe that in doing that, we CAN change the world that we live in, while at the same time further expanding the kingdom of heaven!

Make a difference out there this week!  Trust the Lord as you never have!  Live boldly in expectation!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Your Chance To Respond...

I wanna hear from YOU!  I am just going to mention a few different things today, and I hope you will take the time to respond, as each of them is important in some form or fashion to someone!

1)  The GOP nomination.  I know there will never be the "perfect" candidate.  So what are your criteria for the candidate you choose?   How important do you think this coming election will be?  My front runner as of now is Newt.  He is a straight shooter, isn't afraid of a challenge, has asked forgiveness for past mistakes, ACKNOWLEGDES past mistakes, and has a true heart for this great country. 

2)  The Texas Rangers.  So we passed on Fielder and are still flirting with Oswalt.  How do you feel about the upcoming season?  Should we sign Roy Oswalt?  Do we need to upgrade first base?  Long-term thoughts? 

3)  Church.  What is it to you?  Why do you go?  Why do you NOT go?  What is the responsibility of the church in your opinion?  Are there too many of them?

4)  What is the dumbest majorly popular reality show ever?  I'm leaning towards The Bachelor at this point, but maybe you can sway me! 

5)  What is your dream job?  If money did not matter, and you got to spend your days and your time doing whatever it is that you wanted, what would you spend that time doing?  Why?

Have a great day!   

Monday, January 23, 2012


I've gotta tell you, God is doing some POWERFUL things in the lives of people at Heritage.  I count myself fortunate just to be a part of this fellowship and thank God often for the places he puts me in and the people he puts me around.

The biggest part of what is happening is that people are believing with their whole hearts that the ONLY thing that matters is growing in a relationship with Jesus Christ and then making the most of that specifically by loving and serving others, ultimately allowing them to see that faith lived out in the world.

My personal opinion is that the whole last paragraph scares the crap out of most people.  I know that because for the longest time I lived with a beat-down and beat-up heart and head that got in the way of seeing the truth.  The other side is that most of us fear what might happen in our lives if we buy into this.  We are scared to death that God might send us to some long lost third-world country where we will surely die at the hand of some sword-slinging, non-English speaking, painted up wacko.

Man, we sure do miss out on alot due to fear.  And we can ONLY blame ourselves.

See, we ALL individually have the opportunity to make our OWN choices and choose our OWN attitude.  We live with the freedom to pursue truth and what is right, and then live out what it is that we have sought after and chosen to believe.  We are blessed with the chance to challenge ourselves, and utilize an abundance of resources that we have at our own fingertips to help best solidify our faith and decisions. 

The problem is that we are scared and lazy. 

I ask you this today---Who are you so scared of that it keeps you from being your best you?  Who and what are you living for? 

I think that for a long time I was scared of what other people would think if I wrote, talked, blogged, or sang about Jesus and my faith.  I was too busy worrying about pleasing people and being accepted by them and therefore was robbing myself of the peace and further pursuit of my faith and purpose here on earth.  I thank God that the day came that I realized that no matter who it is out there, they are just another person like I am, and my desire is that at a minimum, they know Jesus and have the opportunity to know the joy and peace that I do from making the best decision I ever have made.  From there, it is on the other person to grow.  That is the beauty of our relationship with the Lord---it is ours and only ours.  Nobody gets to tell anybody else how to grow and develop it, but rather we all have an individual responsibility to put effort into it.

Back to the title and point of this today.  Stop and think about what your response would be if God stood in front of you and told you He wanted to use you in great and mighty ways.  Would you think how awesome that would be, or rather would you stop and think about what you might have to give up or miss out on, or who might look at you funny or talk about you badly for being some kind of "freak"-----WHO FREAKING CARES!!!

I URGE you to put all of your effort into pursuing your faith.  I have NEVER heard of one single person that EVER regretted a decision like that.  When our hearts are right, when we seek the Lord with all we have and trust Him, there is such a peace and joy that no person or thing on this earth can compete with.  But you can't have it unless you believe it and then pursue it.  If you don't, you are only ROBBING YOURSELF!

If I can ever be a resource or help to you in any way, or if you have questions or concerns about Jesus or your faith, please do not hesitate to reach out and email me.  I would love to do my best to answer according to what I know from my own life, and also point you in a direction that can better suit your needs.

I hope each of you has an amazing week, and I am praying for ALL followers of Jesus today that we will be equipped with a level of boldness and authenticity that we have never before seen in our lives.  That we will live our faith out in such a way that others see Jesus in our hearts and through our lives, and that they will be overcome with conviction and questions and have no choice but to learn about and accept Christ as their Lord and Savior! 


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Shifting Our View...

One of the things I feel like I have learned over the last number of years is this---just because we have had what we consider individual failures in our lives, that does not mean our life is over and can't be used to impact the world. 

There was definitely a time in my life that my focus was more on what I didn't do, or the things I did wrong, rather than what I CAN do or am capable of.  It goes back to a post I wrote long ago about looking the windshield as oppossed to the rearview mirror. 

I think our society contributes very much to this.  For example, when you watch the news, it is mostly negative.  The talk and gossip that we allow ourself to be a part of, usually negative.  When we decide to judge others, that's all negative as well.  Negative, negative, negative.  So when we stop to take inventory of our own lives, we are already conditioned to be in that negative mindset because of what our eyes see and the things we allow ourselves to speak and be a part of.  Because of that, we tend to focus on our faults and failures instead of learning from them and pressing on.

That is nothing more than defeat to me, and a very unproductive way to live our lives! 

I believe in my heart that people want to see and enjoy responding to authenticity.  Personally, I'd rather someone be honest, humble, open, and real instead of putting on a show or trying to come across as perfect.  NOBODY IS PERFECT, AND THAT IS OK!  From conversations I have with others, it is very clear to me that people desire to grow and be a part of something bigger than themselves.  People want to be able to be vulnerable and honest.  The problem is that so many people have been burned or have had their "negatives" thrown back in their face so often that they have lost all faith in others.

I have two things to say to all of that:

1)  Find your peace and worth from your creator before you give any kind of a crap as to what others think about you.  While I think it is important to be a light and example to others that we come in contact with, that is a completely different concept than being available to be the brunt of people's judgement and negativity.  That is a "them" problem, not a "you" problem.  Stand up and fight for what is true and right!


2)  John Maxwell says, "Every past success and failure can be a source of information and wisdom---if you allow it to be."

Life to me is about growing.  Personally, it is about growing in my relationship with Christ first.  The rest falls into place after.  If I am right in the first thing, the rest of the things in life are easy.  It is all about the attitude I carry.  I CHOOSE to carry an attitude that says I am a beautiful creation, here to serve a purpose, here to encourage others, here to make a difference, here to share my faith, here to just be a guy, here to love others, here to not live to the world's standards, etc.  Any "failures" that I have in my life, of which there are PLENTY, are nothing more at this point than an opportunity to learn and grow.  They are the things I can be free to share and discuss with others in REAL conversations that can lead to iron sharpening iron.  There is nothing any of has done in our lives that would keep God from loving us right where we are.  It is up to US to take charge and find our self-worth. 

Where are you with all of that?  Which way do you see life?  Are you struggling with past sin or mistakes?  Is your view more of a negative one?  I want you to be sure and know that Jesus died for all of our sins---past, present, and future!  Our life is not about living to a list of rules, but rather pursuing an understanding of grace and putting effort into our relationship with Jesus, therefore enabling us to live a purposeful and productive life on this earth.

Regardless of your faith or lack thereof, there is still alot of practical truth and opportunity for application found within this post.  My hope and prayer today is that you will first challenge yourself to become your best you, and then share and spread that passion by encouraging others!

Have a fantastic weekend!!!    

Monday, January 16, 2012

Riding Is The Same As Walking...

I typically have alot of solid time to think and pray while riding my bike, and yesterday was no different.  God showed me a couple of different things during that ride, and they are as follows:

1)  On a lighter note, I looked down at my shoes after I tied them, and got to looking at my jogging/riding pants fitted on my legs.  It was a different look than I'm used to, and for just a second I felt like I could have been Tommy Magness, long lost son of Kale, and brother of David and Justin, who all have the hair, figures, musical ability, gorgeous ladies, and studliness to pull off skinny jeans!  I can't lie, I felt like my street-cred was sky high for those few moments.   

2)  On a more serious note, God showed me that riding my bike is very much just like walking with Him in my faith each day. 

When I ride, I have preparation before I get actively into my ride.  There are things I need to make sure are in line before I ever hit the pavement so that I can set up the best ride possible.  I also have to make sure within my ride that I pace myself, as it is a long ride.  I might be climbing a hill, and when I do, the best way to conquer that hill is to not look at the end, but rather what is there right in front of me.  If I am focused on something else, I won't be able to best function right where I am at.  Also, sometimes I need to pedal hard, then sometimes I might be cruising along downhill and can take off the gas and enjoy the stillness.  When I am done, I have found that sharing my small victories in my own fitness have encouraged others to do more with their own.  One just taking the time to share with another can end up changing MANY! 

Now take that over to your walk in your faith.  I don't need to speak to the details of how the two are alike, but rather ask this question---where are you right now?  What is God wanting to do with you and your life?  How does He want to work through you?

I hope that wherever you are today, your ultimate desire is to grow.  You CAN make a difference RIGHT NOW!

It doesn't matter one single bit where you have been, what you have done, or where you are currently---it's just about adopting the attitude and moving forward.   God does not waste ANYTHING!

Just BELIEVE it...then PURSUE it...and be ready for an AWESOME journey!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ask Yourself...

It's fair to say that I can see God busy and actively working on my heart and life.  I am going through a job change, changing my health and fitness routines, investing more into the right kinds of like-minded people, and I feel a strong boldness that is only explained by understanding that I am completely nothing yet also a strong and bold creation made by the Lord Almighty.

I also understand that not everyone goes through changes in their life at the same time as I do.  This is true in marriages, relationships, friendships, families, etc.  And that is perfectly ok.  So I ask you to forgive me and save any comments like, "Ughghg, I wish Tommy would shut up and just mind his own business", or "You worry about your life, and I will worry about mine."  Sorry folks, but that just isn't possible.  In fact, we are called to be iron sharpening iron, and we are also to be carrying each others burdens.  We can't accomplish those things without investing into relationships.  First, with God.  Then the rest trickles down from there. 

God has created me with a big heart that loves others.  He also has allowed me to endure through all sorts of circumstances to end up at the belief that NO MATTER WHAT YOU GO THROUGH OR HAVE GONE THROUGH, GOD CAN AND WANTS TO USE YOU TO IMPACT THE WORLD.  That might be just in your local community, in your church, or on a larger national scale.  That part is between you and God and is well above my paygrade.

Anyway, the first point of all of this is just to let you know my heart and the things God is laying on it.  Alone, none of us are perfect.  Alone, we can accomplish nothing.  But with God, ALL THINGS are possible.  Do you believe that?  The Bible says so, so I KNOW I do.  Truth be told, I have seen God working things that only he can work in my own life over the last while. 

The other point is application.  What do we DO with our faith and the gifts and resources that we have?  I feel today that the best thing to do is just ask you the same questions that I am asking myself, and let you take your own road from there.  Each of us is individually responsible and accountable for our time on earth and what we do with it.  So I ask you to please take some time and really think about how you feel about the following.  Don't just breeze through, but really put some thought into some of these throughout your day and week.  It's no coincidence that God has our church with a heart of revolution, and that before I knew that, he was setting one in me.  God works intentionally.  What are his intentions for you? 

So ask yourself:

-Why do I or don't I go to church?
-What is church to me? 
-What is church suppossed to be?
-Am I active in whatever that is?
-Can I do more in my marriage, relationships, family, and everywhere else to positively impact lives?
-What would I change about my current state of living if I could?
-Do I believe God can do anything?
-Do I believe that God can use me?
-What gets in the way of the things God has in store for me?
-Is the Bible truth?
-Do I actively read it?
-Do I actively share it?
-Am I worried to much about what other people think?
-Why do I care about what other people think in the first place?
-What resources can I use to spread the Gospel?
-What people can I invest more time and effort in?
-What is my purpose for living?
-Do I waste time?
-Would I be ok with the account of my life up until this point if Jesus stood before me and asked to hear it?
-Why can't I change the things that need to be changed to have a REVOLUTION in my life TODAY?

There we go.  I am asking myself these same questions, seeking and counting on God to help make the answers clear for me over the next while.  I hope you will ponder these, too, and then go out and become a new and even better you!

Have a great day, and live a brighter future!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Being a Christian vs. Being a Follower of Jesus Christ...

I like to constantly be challenging myself to grow.  This is true spiritually, with my health, as a potential leader, as a father, a husband, friend, and many other areas.  I believe that we should be constantly growing in some form or fashion, even if that is just being still and becoming a better listener to what God is telling us.  So at our men's bible study group this morning, God slammed me as we were discussing Ephesians 2 with this question---is there a difference in being a christian vs. being a follower of Jesus Christ?

To me, the obvious answer is yes.  No doubts about it.  But the question itself isn't the thing that challenges me most.  Rather, the challenge comes as we figure out how we shift our lives from being a content christian to becoming a true follower of Jesus.  Lets break it down to simple terms, then we can each individually decide where we currently sit.

A christian is simply one that has accepted the blood of Jesus Christ as a sacrifice and accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.  They know that they can't live this life alone, and are aware of the fact that they are unworthy of God's love, yet because of his grace and mercy and unconditional love for us, he gives it to us anyway.  Fair?  Simple, yet understood. 

A follower of Jesus Christ is someone that proactively searches out knowledge and understanding not only about his life, but also how to apply it and transform their own to become more like his.  They are seeking the Word more, seeking opportunity to impact lives for Jesus.  They don't care what others think or live by their standards, but rather live according to the standard set forth in the Bible.  They see a day not just as a day, but as an investment into eternity.  There is a bigger picture these people live by.  Again, a short and simple description, but you get where I'm going with it.

So where do you fit?  Which paragraph sums up where you are in your life right now? 

I know for me, it is easy to get sidetracked by life and allow the devil to take my focus from what God wants for me and my daily living.  I guess that is the importance of a constant investment into that relationship that I have with God.  The more I take from it, the more I am missing out on.  I guess it is a little like a 401K.  If your employer is offering a match, and you don't take it, then you're missing out on a free gift.  You're only robbing yourself.  Nobody else is doing that to you.  The difference is that what God has for us and for our life is SO much more than even one million times what the largest 401K could ever have in it.  The blessings and love are infinite that God desires for us both now and for eternity.

Do you want them?  Are you doing your part?  Just a little something to think about on your Friday morning.

If you read this and feel like you're not living to your potential, remember that your just one right turn from being on the wrong road.  Believe in what God can do, and believe in yourself.  We are all beautiful in the eyes of God, and his opinion should ultimately be the only one that matters!  You will NEVER regret choosing to become more of a follower of Jesus.  NEVER!

Have a great weekend, thanks for taking the time to stop in, and be sure to bless a life today!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Anywhere & anytime...

God is doing amazing things.  Today at Heritage we had the youth leading the service coming off of their big "Vertical" weekend.  First, let me comment on their leader.  He was the guy that you didn't even see until the end of the service!  David Farren is an example of the kind of leader we should all look to.  One of my favorite authors is John Maxwell.  Maxwell often speaks of  the most effective leaders being those that put others in a position to flourish and succeed.  Often times, they put people in places and situations that they haven't been in, and these people accomplish new and great things.  David is that kind of leader.  His youth lead the worship.  They speak.  They perform dramas.  I tell our children that he is the kind of man they need to watch and take note of how he lives and how he loves.  Ok, enough about David...

On to today.  The whole service was amazing.  The church was PACKED with people.  And each of us sitting in the congregation were treated by God to an amazing 75 minutes of worship, messages, and dramas---and God used only people under 18 as the vehicle for this blessing. 

I could go on and on about how moved I was today.  I was literally in tears during the final drama that was performed.  But instead, I will write about the things I took away from today.

God can use any one in any place at any time.  Period.  If I recall correctly, a 14-year old young man stopped adults dead in their tracks with his words today.  He spoke nothing but truth.  He spoke nothing but the Word of God.  That ALWAYS resonates and challenges us.  The young lady leading worship has an angelic voice.  Her ability to lead a group together towards the throne I am in awe of.  I could go on about the actors and actresses, the other speakers, the band, the other people that helped, etc.  Either way, the take away is that age, race, sex, length of being a believer, etc, DO NOT MATTER because God can use any one in any place at any time. 

I also found great hope in the future today.  Not only from the young people involved, but also thinking of the group of young kids like ours that will be coming into Streamline over the next number of years.  The more kids that get involved, the more kids that are a part of something strong, and the more the environment is created for our kids to live RADICALLY and make a difference for Christ. 

That last sentence is the one that challenges me most from today.  I sat there watching the skit with tears in my eyes thinking about my life.  I was thinking about the things that might get in the way of me being my absolute best for Jesus, and if I even stop to recognize them.  I was also thinking of the example that I am to my wife, to my kids, to my family, and to others.  How do I measure up?  The tears were there because of the deep love I have for Jesus Christ, and the recognition that I desire nothing more but to be my best for him.  There is NO greater love. 

I look forward to waking up tomorrow and seeing how I can grow closer to God.  I also look forward to seeing the opportunities that God presents to me to make a difference for Christ in others' lives. 

Thanks David Farren and Streamline for your love of Jesus and for your obedience.  Know that God used you today...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Stop being unfair...

I get to drive alot with my job, so I have plenty of opportunity to listen to different things on my radio.  One of the usuals is ESPN Radio. 

The other day, I was listening and they were going on and on about the NFL playoffs, teams, their chances, and their starting quarterbacks.  In the midst of this conversation, I found myself rolling my eyes alot (which I do at alot of the things I hear on here) as they were talking about what quarterbacks were good and which were not so good.  My eye-rolling was finally validated when one of the guests mentioned that the comparisons that were being made weren't fair at all!  I forget the exact comparison, but I do recall being in total agreement with that statement.  It is just unfair to be comparing a pocket qb with a running qb.  It is also unfair to compare stats from 1975 to stats from today.  You get the picture. 

So what does this mean for us today?  How do we apply this same concept to our lives?  I spent some time thinking about this after listening to that radio segment, and I am here to tell you that we can apply it EASILY!!!

I personally think we hold people to standards quite often that aren't remotely fair.  What's worse is that we do this, then get mad at THEM for not being able to live up to those completely unfair standards that WE put on them, without them asking for those unfair standards in the first place!  Here is a simple example.  Take Billy Graham.  Is it fair to hold a newer christian to the same standards of living and expectation that Billy Graham has CHOSEN in his life to live by?  My answer is no. 

I guess for me, in general, it is all about one's relationship with Jesus.  And truth be told, that is a relationship that only the beholder knows the truth about.  I can't tell my wife how her relationship with Jesus needs to be.  That is not my job.  What I CAN do is be an example for her and our kids, and when given the opportunity to share about my life, I can share about how I live and why I live, etc.  That is my responsibility.  But telling her or anyone else how to live their life is NOT my job---nor is it yours. 

I tend to believe that if we all focused on controlling only what we can control that the world would be a much better place.  People wouldn't be all up in each other's business, and we would be more focused on self-growth, our families, our faith (whatever that may be), and doing OUR part to make this world a better place. 

Is there anyone that you have found yourself upset with over the years or treat different because they haven't lived up to YOUR standards for THEIR life?  It is quite possible that negativity like that in anyone's life could be holding them back from moving forward to bigger and better things.  I encourage you to find a way to let that go and rebuild something better in its place.  Truth is, most times we unfairly hold things against people that actually aren't any of our business to be worried about in the first place.  Then we let that unfair bitterness and resentment cloud the truth of who that person is and blind us to the reality of where they are actually heading in life.  So instead of encouraging them as we should be, we end up being something negative that could be holding them back and robbing them, and possibly ourselves, of a blessing.   

I firmly believe that there is good in everybody, but it is hard to see and develop if there is always negativity in its way.  Build on the good.  Focus on positivity.  Put energy and effort into the good things---both in your life and also in others.   

Be a BLESSING today, not only in another's life, but to yourself as well!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The making of YOU...

Do you ever think about how life seems to go through ups and downs?  I don't even necessarily mean our circumstances, but moreso our habits and attitudes. 

Although I have had an awesome holiday season, I still had moments that I felt not as much like "me".  Nothing bad at all, just out of routine and such.

So here in the last week, I have prioritized my life to be sure the things I love, yet don't get in the way of family and responsibilities, are more a part of my week.  AND IT HAS FELT SO GREAT!  The funny thing is, it is just a few simple things that make all of the difference in my motivation, my thinking, and my health.

First is exercise.  I had gotten to where I wasn't exercising much the last 8 weeks.  I use the word "much" very loosely right there.  Last week, I rode my bike twice for about 20 miles each time, then also walked/jogged another two times for 3.7 - 4.5 miles each time.  The energy I got from that was unmatched.  The motivation I felt after accomplishing that each time was through the roof!  So the next thing I did was read more again.  The Bible and John Maxwell are the first two things back on the list.  The more I ride and read, the more my mind is focused on the things that are good and productive.  That leads to more blogs, which has nothing to do with me, but actually are all here to provide encouragament to others in some form or fashion.  The confidence gained from filling my mind, heart, soul, and body with these wonderful things helps me live such a fruitful and peaceful life.  More good in, more good out.  Less good in, CRAPPY TIMES ARE AHEAD! 

See, right there are just three simple things that make ALL of the difference in my day-to-day living.  What about you?  What are the things that are present in your life when you feel at your best?  Are those things in your life now?  What about the flip-side?  What things suck the life out of you and create drama and negativity in your world?  What can you do to permenantly delete them from your day-to-day activities, freeing you up for better things to go in their place?

Now that you've thought about it---ACT ON IT!!!   

My hopes for us all are that we seek individually the things that help us live a strong and productive life.  We only have so much time here, so each day that goes by wasted is a MISSED OPPORTUNITY!

Let's all shoot for less of those wasted days and more of the ones where we can help change lives!

Be a blessing out there...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Unrecognized Faith...

There I was sitting MANY feet above the snowy and rock-filled ground.  By myself.  In a ski-lift. 

I'm not gonna lie---it freaked me out a little. 

This wasn't my first time though.  Truth is, I had ridden in one a few times that day already, and had some the day before as well.  The difference was, I wasn't by myself those times.

But there I sat this time, and it was different.  I was alone with my thoughts.  I allowed fear to get in my head for a second and step directly in the way of faith.

What a crappy and bad feeling!

So after I realized that my priorities were out of order, I started thinking about why and what it all meant.  It is funny that the first thing I did was look at all of the other people riding this thing.  I also thought about how many others had ridden it, right along with myself, the whole time I had been there at Keystone.  It got me to thinking about the faith we show in the first-place when it comes to riding these things.  I never once questioned whether I would or wouldn't ride it.  I just watched how and then did it.

Have you ever thought about how many things in our lives we just do because we know that is the right thing to do?  How much actual faith we walk through in our day without realizing it?  It is all over.  It is present in TONS of little things all around us!  For example, every time we get in our car, we have faith it will start.  We have faith that we will get to where we are going safely.  We also have faith in others that they know what THEY are doing in THEIR cars!  We don't doubt that.  We know these things.  Airplanes are the same way.  We have faith that our pilots are actual pilots when we purchase those tickets long before we go through TSA at the airports and get groped.  We have faith that the airplanes aren't going to collide at 30,000 feet.  Think about it---this concept is true ALL throughout our days and weeks.

So why is it that we have such a hard time having faith in Jesus?  Not having it in general, but ACTUALLY living our lives believing he is who he says he is, and that he will do what he says he will do?  If we know he is real, and we know the word is truth, then why don't we act on that faith more in our lives?  We operate on faith perfectly with cars, airplanes, and other things daily of that nature.  Why not have more faith in our very own PROFESSED faith?  Ponder on that...

It is simple.  It is just like first riding the lift.  I watched the example, then followed the example in my own life, and things turned out great.  We have our own example in Jesus.  I could keep babbling, but you get the point.  Atleast I hope you do.
Either way, I praise God that as soon as I realized the error of MY thinking, I got back to thinking HIS way of thinking.  MY God is who he says he is, and he DOES what he says he will do.  I have lived it, and am exciting to keep doing the same!

Live BOLDLY my friends.  Live in the truth.  Don't worry about perfection---but rather just allowing some room for growth.

Happy New Year to you all, and MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN 2012!!!