It's fair to say that I can see God busy and actively working on my heart and life. I am going through a job change, changing my health and fitness routines, investing more into the right kinds of like-minded people, and I feel a strong boldness that is only explained by understanding that I am completely nothing yet also a strong and bold creation made by the Lord Almighty.
I also understand that not everyone goes through changes in their life at the same time as I do. This is true in marriages, relationships, friendships, families, etc. And that is perfectly ok. So I ask you to forgive me and save any comments like, "Ughghg, I wish Tommy would shut up and just mind his own business", or "You worry about your life, and I will worry about mine." Sorry folks, but that just isn't possible. In fact, we are called to be iron sharpening iron, and we are also to be carrying each others burdens. We can't accomplish those things without investing into relationships. First, with God. Then the rest trickles down from there.
God has created me with a big heart that loves others. He also has allowed me to endure through all sorts of circumstances to end up at the belief that NO MATTER WHAT YOU GO THROUGH OR HAVE GONE THROUGH, GOD CAN AND WANTS TO USE YOU TO IMPACT THE WORLD. That might be just in your local community, in your church, or on a larger national scale. That part is between you and God and is well above my paygrade.
Anyway, the first point of all of this is just to let you know my heart and the things God is laying on it. Alone, none of us are perfect. Alone, we can accomplish nothing. But with God, ALL THINGS are possible. Do you believe that? The Bible says so, so I KNOW I do. Truth be told, I have seen God working things that only he can work in my own life over the last while.
The other point is application. What do we DO with our faith and the gifts and resources that we have? I feel today that the best thing to do is just ask you the same questions that I am asking myself, and let you take your own road from there. Each of us is individually responsible and accountable for our time on earth and what we do with it. So I ask you to please take some time and really think about how you feel about the following. Don't just breeze through, but really put some thought into some of these throughout your day and week. It's no coincidence that God has our church with a heart of revolution, and that before I knew that, he was setting one in me. God works intentionally. What are his intentions for you?
So ask yourself:
-Why do I or don't I go to church?
-What is church to me?
-What is church suppossed to be?
-Am I active in whatever that is?
-Can I do more in my marriage, relationships, family, and everywhere else to positively impact lives?
-What would I change about my current state of living if I could?
-Do I believe God can do anything?
-Do I believe that God can use me?
-What gets in the way of the things God has in store for me?
-Is the Bible truth?
-Do I actively read it?
-Do I actively share it?
-Am I worried to much about what other people think?
-Why do I care about what other people think in the first place?
-What resources can I use to spread the Gospel?
-What people can I invest more time and effort in?
-What is my purpose for living?
-Do I waste time?
-Would I be ok with the account of my life up until this point if Jesus stood before me and asked to hear it?
-Why can't I change the things that need to be changed to have a REVOLUTION in my life TODAY?
There we go. I am asking myself these same questions, seeking and counting on God to help make the answers clear for me over the next while. I hope you will ponder these, too, and then go out and become a new and even better you!
Have a great day, and live a brighter future!!!
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