Short and simple today with just one question---who is in control of your faith?
Think about your life. Are you living according to your standards, society's standards, or God's standards?
If any answer but the last is the one given, then I urge you to pray for strength and wisdom that will allow you to stop living according to FALSE opinions and standards, and start living according to the truth derived from the Bible. ANY and EVERY answer you could ever want or need to ANY question can be found there.
As you think about this question and its answer, think about its impact on your daily living, in your marriage, in other relationships, with friends, as a parent, as a child, in regards to your attitude, etc. There are MANY ways that the standards that we live by affect us and others close to us in our daily living. It also has to alot to do with how we spend our time and where we put our focus. Are we living with the world and its things in mind, or are we living with the Kingdom of Heaven in mind?
Every small part of our lives is an important part all adding together to make one big life. What we do with that life is something we will all be accountable for down the road!
I pray we all make the most of it!
Invest in someone else's life this week that you aren't as close with as you'd like to be. Take that initiative. The more we pour out goodness and positivity into other people's lives, the more our hearts will be right and we will see those things coming back to us!!!
Try it!!!
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