Thursday, January 26, 2012

Your Chance To Respond...

I wanna hear from YOU!  I am just going to mention a few different things today, and I hope you will take the time to respond, as each of them is important in some form or fashion to someone!

1)  The GOP nomination.  I know there will never be the "perfect" candidate.  So what are your criteria for the candidate you choose?   How important do you think this coming election will be?  My front runner as of now is Newt.  He is a straight shooter, isn't afraid of a challenge, has asked forgiveness for past mistakes, ACKNOWLEGDES past mistakes, and has a true heart for this great country. 

2)  The Texas Rangers.  So we passed on Fielder and are still flirting with Oswalt.  How do you feel about the upcoming season?  Should we sign Roy Oswalt?  Do we need to upgrade first base?  Long-term thoughts? 

3)  Church.  What is it to you?  Why do you go?  Why do you NOT go?  What is the responsibility of the church in your opinion?  Are there too many of them?

4)  What is the dumbest majorly popular reality show ever?  I'm leaning towards The Bachelor at this point, but maybe you can sway me! 

5)  What is your dream job?  If money did not matter, and you got to spend your days and your time doing whatever it is that you wanted, what would you spend that time doing?  Why?

Have a great day!   

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