Saturday, February 26, 2011

Oh, how I love the Psalms...

I do.  I LOVE reading in Psalms.  I was just doing some reading in Psalm 73.  It is just amazing and so true.  Whenever you look at the ways of this world right now, whether it be the union issues in Wisconsin and other states, or the overseas issues with governments being overthrown, etc, this passage speaks truth.  Heck, it speaks truth in our stores and homes here in our city and those all around us.  The way of the world is pure selfishness.  Money, things, fame.  I'm not going to sit here and act like I don't see those things and have thoughts of wanting them.  Who would choose this day and age to have no true assets or possessions or money if given the choice?  Would you?  Don't get me wrong, having things is not bad at all.  I think it has more to do with how having things affects you.  Most people are all about the selfish gain, and that's the negative I reference when it comes to that.  I imagine it's hard to see what God wants from you when your eyes are continuously only on yourself.

But then I sit and read the Bible today, and thank God that He is the answer.  He is the way.  He speaks truth and gives us the guidance and sets convictions in our hearts so that we may live according to His plan for us.  All of a sudden, things don't matter so much.  We then realize when we allow Him to set our hearts desires that He will faithfully put things besides money, possessions, and fame at the forefront of our minds.  God is so cool.  I am so thankful that He loves me and I KNOW IT!

If you get the chance, go read Psalm 73 today.  I'd love to know your thoughts.  My favorite part of it are verses 23-26.  So true and also comforting.

Thanks again for the guys that have signed up to follow.  You don't know how much it means to me to see that.  It's not about me...but the opportunity God has created to further His kingdom in some form or fashion through this.  Keep spreading the word about it, and if you haven't signed up to be a follower, I hope you will take the time to do it.  Heck, IT'S FREE!  LOL!

Til next time...


MattandCorey said...

That's good stuff. Verse 3 jumped out at me. "For I was envious of the arrogant
As I saw the prosperity of the wicked." If I can be honest, I have found myself wondering why so many of the wicked are prospering when I have gone through some financial difficulties. But you hit it, delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. There is nothing inherently wrong with money and fame and riches, the issue is your heart. During some of our financial difficulties, I wasn't seeking God. Since then, seeking His kingdom first, opens my eyes to the truth when Paul said he has LEARNED to be content in all situations. I'm still learning!! Great blog, Tommy. Thanks for inviting me to be a part of it. -Matt Graves

TEN said...

Amen Matt! Thanks for sharing that. I agree. I have been through alot financially as well. But I have to say right now having less than I ever have in terms of money, etc, I am better off and thankful because I am being allowed new opportunities and have a fresh faith that drives me everyday. I trust God with what He has given me, and I will be thankful for it---especially seeing as how I am undeserving of anything, and I am nothing without the blood of Jesus!