Tuesday, October 18, 2011

State of the Cowboys...

I have been debating since Sunday night just where I stand with these Dallas Cowboys.  My verdict is in....and I am actually almost satisfied.

I think there are some very dumb things that they have done thus far in this 2011 season.  The loss to Detroit was bad.  Very bad.  But keep in mind, we are just a few inches from Witten catching that pass and the game being over.  And then Sunday against the Patriots, I can't be upset that our defense stopped Brady all day yet still gave up a TD when it counted.  We are the only team to hold the Pats under 30 points.  Do I like it---nope---but I think we will learn from it.  The season is a marathon, not a sprint!  I just want us to get healthy and peak at the right time!

Having said all of that, here are a few things I have noticed as a fan:

-Dez should be targeted more in the red zone.  Get him isolated.  Period.  He also should be held more accountable for his lack of production in this offense.


-I am impressed with the physicality and aggression of our defense.  It is obvious that guys buy into Rob Ryan's schemes and enjoy playing for him.

-I like Tony still, and hope they don't strip him of what has made him really good. 

-We will win the NFC East....This team will get better and better as the year goes on.

-Our O-line is going to be dominant by late this year or next year, and we should be good for awhile!

And finally-----GO RANGERS :))))))))

I hope you are all blessed out there, and that you take the opportunity to LOOK FOR and be thankful for even the smallest of wonderful things in your day and in your life.  God sure is good!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Life and baseball...

I LOVE baseball.  More than that, I LOVE getting to coach baseball. 

It really hit me Saturday as I coached for the last time this fall just how much baseball and life are closely related.  You see, in my opinion, to be good at both it's all about fundamentals and basics.  Think about that for a second.  In order to throw properly, hit properly, catch properly, etc, there are alot of mechanics you have to get down..  Not only that, but you have to be able to do them over and over the same way.

So now think about life.  It's all about attitude and choices.  But those attitudes and choices are learned first, and then practiced over and over.  When you stray from them, you have trouble.  Same as baseball.  If you don't watch the ball, you won't hit it. 

I think it is a pretty awesome comparison and such a great opportunity to teach kids about life through the most amazing game ever played!  I encourage you to take the opportunity to make that difference in a kid's life if presented the chance!

Man, I love baseball EVEN MORE now!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Current status of the mind...

Man, I am being blown away by Ephesians.  First of all, God CHOSE ME.  He chose me IN HIM!  And if that weren't enough, he chose me BEFORE HE CREATED THE WORLD!! AAAAANNNNNNDDD, on top of that, he chose me TO BE HOLY AND BLAMELESS IN HIS SIGHT!!!  All of that comes straight out of Ephesians 1:4.  The verse right before that, verse 3, tells us that he blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 


The other thing comes from some reading I was doing in relation to Tim's sermon on Sunday.  He started a series on "Transformational Church."  As we were in Acts talking about the church at Antioch, I was reading some notes in my Bible.  In regards to Acts 11:26, my notes say this:

Acts 11:26
The young church at Antioch was a curious mixture of Jews (who spoke Greek or Aramic) and Gentiles.  It is significant that this is the first place where the believers were called Christians (or "Christ-ones"), because all they had in common was Christ--not race, culture, or even language.  Christ can cross all boundaries and unify all people.

Now, I love strong words.  Did you see just how many times the word "all" was used there?  Another great thing to go back and re-read!

Another thought on this---how different and more appealing would our church's be if they were more Christ-centered, not politics-centered.  If they were focused SOLELY on what we all have in common, Jesus Christ, and we truly used that as the focal point for ministry and inviting others to know what and who we know? 

I get in conversations with people that comment that they aren't as strong in their faith as others, or they don't feel "christian" enough, or some other form of discouragement.  I've gotta tell you, I firmly believe that just having Christ is ALL you need to go to the throne confidently!  One's faith is one's own business, and something that only the Holy Spirit should be convicting you about, not others.  Go back to the Ephesians verses mentioned above.  Did Paul say you were chosen "if you go to church three times per week, memorize your Bible, perform CPR on someone, and save ten children from a burning house?"  NOT AT ALL.

That is why I again encourage you to go back and read not only the awesome depth of what Paul wrote in Ephesians, or what my Bible says regarding Acts 11:26---but also to stop and think of just how simple it all is, too.  It all goes through Jesus.  Everything does.  Christ is the center of it all.  So I ask---is he the center for you?

I hope so...